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Fascinating to walk though a piece of art and craft built for living in – even got to ring the door bell. (Kudos to one of the other...

Fascinating to walk though a piece of art and craft built for living in – even got to ring the door bell. (Kudos to one of the other visitors for ding-dong ditching the tour group.) (testing images and WordLand.) Adding … Continue reading

(Visited 11 times, 1 visits today)

3.3.2025 06:07Fascinating to walk though a piece of art and craft built for living in – even got to ring the door bell. (Kudos to one of the other...

Hello World

This is a test of the WordLand communication system.

(Visited 9 times, 1 visits today)

26.2.2025 05:24Hello World

Currently, I can see Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Venus in the night sky. Sometimes, for the briefest moments, my proprioception extends...

Currently, I can see Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Venus in the night sky. Sometimes, for the briefest moments, my proprioception extends outward to the ecliptic, bringing a faint passing of vertigo.

(Visited 11 times, 1 visits today)

5.1.2025 06:55Currently, I can see Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Venus in the night sky. Sometimes, for the briefest moments, my proprioception extends...

Comment on My Clay Throwing Notes by John

In reply to <a href="">kelly beaulieu</a>. Glad to hear they are helpful!

11.12.2024 01:48Comment on My Clay Throwing Notes by John

Comment on My Clay Throwing Notes by kelly beaulieu

John, These notes are perfect. Light, but essential. Thanks for your wit and sketching ability.

10.12.2024 16:04Comment on My Clay Throwing Notes by kelly beaulieu

Comment on My Clay Throwing Notes by John

In reply to <a href="">Robin</a>. Thanks for the note. Glad you found them and happy to help!

14.11.2024 05:29Comment on My Clay Throwing Notes by John

Comment on My Clay Throwing Notes by Robin

John, you are awesome, your hand-outs are awesome, thank you for saving me hours.

13.11.2024 19:04Comment on My Clay Throwing Notes by Robin

Comment on A Vessel of Meaning by John

In reply to <a href="">Mare</a>. Hi Mare, A very good point on those somewhat utilitarian objects of the table being able to have a framing aspect. Part of what I enjoy about this piece is that like utilitatrian ware, I hope it encourages people to use it to frame their own objects. Interesting you mentioned being a guardian or a burden-bearer. The guardian aspect is familiar to me, and a reason I have the wall reliquary partially envelop the object on display, but more to convey the object's presciousness. However, I hadn't thought of the burden aspect. That would be a fruitful area to explore!

29.9.2024 04:33Comment on A Vessel of Meaning by John

Comment on A Vessel of Meaning by Mare

I like this idea of creating a piece that has it's own meaning which also functions as a framing context for an object. Some traditional items like goblets and plates are meant to be an enhancing frame for drink and food, and vases for flowers. I've done a few pieces which have a birdcage context, and several with an animal who is either a guardian or a burden-bearer, but this inspires me to think beyond containers.

28.9.2024 21:07Comment on A Vessel of Meaning by Mare

A Vessel of Meaning

What makes something special? A few years ago on my blog I dove into what makes an object special. There are lots of things, but two I identified were framing and meaning. For me, “framing” is how we use physical … Continue reading

(Visited 78 times, 1 visits today)

28.9.2024 06:16A Vessel of Meaning

Heading Out

Stopping to smell the roses during one of my evening runs, or in this case, the dust kicked up from a tractor working the fields. Still, it is good to appreciate the moment.

(Visited 37 times, 1 visits today)

11.9.2024 04:44Heading Out

Comment on Folders Vs Metadata – Document organization by John

In reply to <a href="">Guy Ellis</a>. Hi Guy, Thanks for the kind words. I know the struggle for sure. I sometimes like to talk about the common dilemma of a file you want to put into two folders. The images are some of the most popular content on my site, so it must have struck a cord. Please go right ahead and use. They are released under the Creative Commons Share Alike - By 2.0. My intention is for others share, remix, and get the word out - just let folks know where you got it from. (And it sounds like you are.) Best of luck!

23.8.2024 02:04Comment on Folders Vs Metadata – Document organization by John

Comment on Folders Vs Metadata – Document organization by Guy Ellis

Hi John I have many times explained the benefits of folders but this is the first time I have found and image that illustrates this so well. Mostly I use the analogy of the Rubics cube where you can cut and dice flat data which you cant when it is held in folders - but people really are resistant to change aren't they I would like to request permission to use please the first image in an internal company communication that will fully acknowledge you and link to your site and to the related SP article Thanks Guy

22.8.2024 15:58Comment on Folders Vs Metadata – Document organization by Guy Ellis

Comment on Say Cheese! by Solarcan Results |

[…] 6 months ago I put up a pinhole camera outside that was constantly gathering light. After the solstice, I took it down, processed the image, and here it is […]

28.6.2024 02:30Comment on Say Cheese! by Solarcan Results |

Solarcan Results

About 6 months ago I put up a pinhole camera outside that was constantly gathering light. After the solstice, I took it down, processed the image, and here it is – What you are seeing are streaks of the sun … Continue reading

(Visited 49 times, 1 visits today)

28.6.2024 02:30Solarcan Results

Comment on Railroad Moniker Introductory Field Guide by John

In reply to <a href="">Anony Mouse</a>. Thank you for the comment. You are too kind. Yes, safety first, so be careful.

23.5.2024 04:16Comment on Railroad Moniker Introductory Field Guide by John

Eclipse 2024

Nothing special, but this was about the max occlusion from our house. We were lucky to see something through the clouds. Through a telescope with a solar filter, we could see several sunspots. The smaller one on the upper right … Continue reading

(Visited 66 times, 1 visits today)

10.4.2024 03:00Eclipse 2024

Birdie Cam II

Another season, another bird house. After last year’s first try with a camera in a bird house, here’s the next iteration. I kept the same camera, but lengthened the house. This gives more entry-to-floor depth and is inline with what’s … Continue reading

(Visited 95 times, 1 visits today)

9.3.2024 06:22Birdie Cam II

Say Cheese!

I’m trying out a solarcan, which is a pinhole camera. Attached firmly to a structure and left exposed, it should trace the trail the sun leaves across the horizon each day. I’m starting near solstice, so I should have an … Continue reading

(Visited 97 times, 1 visits today)

7.1.2024 18:56Say Cheese!

How I did a 3d Scatter Graph

Making a 3D scatter graph with Python from installing Jupyter to drawing the figure Continue reading

(Visited 90 times, 1 visits today)

20.12.2023 04:41How I did a 3d Scatter Graph


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