Existential Comics is not happy.
In every society, those in power will always call the people who are peacefully trying to change the system "violent anarchists" and the people who violently enforce the system "peace keepers". Violence, to them, is having to give up their vacation home so someone else doesn't have to be homeless. Peace is having the police beat up and jail the homeless people who are sheltering there to stay out of the cold. To those whose privilege is built on mountains of injustice, merely asking for justice will be called violence, and violence to protect their privilege will be called justice.
Do not be fooled. The police do not enforce justice, they enforce privilege, property, wealth, and power.
Black Lives Matter.
3.3.2022 22:48Existential Comics is not happy. In every society, those in power w...No, Diesel Is Not Better For The Environment Than Electric - https://innovationorigins.com/no-diesel-is-not-better-for-the-environment-than-electric/ excellent, detailed analysis (v @azeem) #ev
5.5.2019 17:09No, Diesel Is Not Better For The Environment Than Electric - https:...Dieses Land hat ein romantisches und imperiales Verhältnis zum Fahren. Dem gehorchen sowohl Kfz-Besitzer wie auch die Industrie. Bloß bringt das niemanden in die Zukunft.
28.4.2019 10:50Deutsche Autofahrer: Die Deutschen müssen das Auto loswerden (https...