Compte temporaire pour découvrir friendica et le fediverse avec l'idée de peut être développer un plugin SPIP
Tags: fediverse friendica temporaire
I installed a friendica instance (say "") and a SPIP website (a CMS : cf ) and its mastodon plugin (… )
Using that plugin, I can send messages to the friendica instance, but i need the plugin to oAuth into friendica for further features.
So as to do so, I installed the oauthprovider addon…
When declaring the account in SPIP-plugin config page, i'm redireted to and asked whether i accept oAuth. I agree. The newly accepted "SpipToMastodon" app appears in the addon config page : everything seems ok.
Then there is a redirect toward the SPIP plugin config page, and an error happens, because the process tries to fetch the following url :
and friendica's `getUserIdByAuth` method fails with error « Unauthorized / This API requires login » and sends a 401 http code back... The spip-plugin fails.
I see that when trying that url directly in the browser, it asks for an interactive http login and password !!! When i enter my login and password, i then get a nice json with my user datas.
When trying that url on mastodon sites in the browser (with adapted access_tokens), i do not have to interactively enter my login and password = the feedback url is immediately accepted and json data is provided.
It looks like the access_token enables this for mastodon, but not for friendica.
In friendica's code, the PHPDOC says « An addon indicates successful login by setting 'authenticated' to non-zero value and returning a user record » relating to `Hook::callAll('authenticate', $addon_auth);`. Is this some kind of pipelined operation that the oauthprovider addon should implement, using the access_token ?
On the SPIP plugin side, is there something to be done so the plugin accomodates friendica verify_credentials page ?
3.1.2025 22:54friendica oAuth authenticate for SPIP CMS