:heart_cyber: Site Reliability Engineer who loves FOSS In addition to all my flags, I'm also interested in open source smart watches, home assistant, infosec generally, and plenty of other FOSS projects I'm sure I'm forgetting right now 🙏 Currently obsessed with getting off of Google, Apple, and Microsoft products and onto open source equivalents. Interested in the fairphone as my next phone after my current one dies. Maintainer of: [ul] [li][url=https://github.com/small-hack/smol-k8s-lab][code]smol-k8s-lab[/code][/url][/li] [li][url=https://github.com/jessebot/onboardme][code]onboardme[/code][/url][/li] [li][url=https://github.com/small-hack/argocd-apps]many Argo CD Apps[/url][/li] [li][url=https://github.com/orgs/small-hack/repositories?q=chart]many helm charts[/url][/li] [/ul]
Tags: assistant currently equivalents fairphone forgetting generally heart_cyber interested maintainer microsoft reliability