Thank you for opening my website. I use this site almost entirely for blogging in four principal directions: first, as a long-standing but somewhat unusual priest in the Church of England I comment here on the state of the church, and the things that concern me. I am currently researching its decline from 1960-2020 and…
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In reply to <a href="">Jeremy Pemberton</a>. <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Thank you.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
22.11.2024 18:55Comment on Iwerne: The Anglican Trojan Horse by David ExhamIn reply to <a href="">vincentashwin</a>. Dear Vincent, I hear what you are saying, and I understand that position. However, I am listening too to the voices of survivors, for whom one representative resignation does nothing to assuage the feeling of having been reabused by the institution . Nor am I at all convinced that our Archbishop is the person to lead the rebuilding. I don't agree with a culture that can't forgive any mistakes - but that is not what this is about. Stephen Cottrell can't put right the shipwreck of the ISB, for example, because he still believes, as Keith Makin puts it, in "the Church marking its own homework". It was he, among others, who wanted the ISB dismissed. I fear that the powers that be, among whom are significant people like William Nye, as well as a number of bishops, want to ride this out. The changes we need will not come under their management. What you say about the quality of local safeguarding is absolutely true. Those huge local improvements have not been helped by the large abuse scandals which have then been confounded by being ignored or minimised or botched. The labour of love that is local care and safguarding deserves a changed culture at the top. Four clergy have lost their PTOs over Smyth - but why have no senior people resigned? Until they do it is hard to see many people inside our church trusting them again, let alone in the general population.
22.11.2024 18:15Comment on Why the Archbishop of York should not be coming to Southwell by Jeremy Pemberton<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>I'm afraid I don't agree with you on this one, Jeremy, largely because I am uncomfortable with the common culture that anyone who has made a mistake should be blamed and therefore resign. If every surgeon whose knife slipped, every hospital which had failed to investigate malpractice or neglect, every overseas aid charity had been shown to have some funds purloined by recipients, or any public figure who said one untrue thing in a heated debate were called to resign, then we'd be deprived of many capable doctors, several overstretched hospitals, a good many valuable charities and loads of effective politicians. </p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Justin has resigned on behalf of the institution. I'm not convinced that more resignations will help to put things right. As someone in Southwell asked this week, if every single bishop resigned, would that be enough? Someone has to lead the C of E at the moment, to work with others to put right the ship-wreck of the sacking of the independent national Safeguarding team.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Meanwhile, churchwardens, ancient clergy, chorister supervisors, children's workers, etc, etc, are all thoroughly vetted and trained by every diocese now. The processes and courses are thorough and well-led and - most importantly compulsory. The church is now like the scout movement, schools,, care homes, etc in doing all they can to prevent abuse of any kind. </p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
22.11.2024 17:50Comment on Why the Archbishop of York should not be coming to Southwell by vincentashwinIn reply to <a href="">David Exham</a>. Edited - thank you for pointing this out.
22.11.2024 17:04Comment on Iwerne: The Anglican Trojan Horse by Jeremy PembertonOn Sunday there will be a Diocesan Confirmation for twenty-three candidates at Southwell Minster. This is a very significant occasion for each of them in their Christian journey, and I will be praying for them. The service will be taken by clergy including the Archbishop of York, Stephen Cottrell. Normally, I would be in the …
Continue reading Why the Archbishop of York should not be coming to Southwell
22.11.2024 15:50Why the Archbishop of York should not be coming to Southwell<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>The picture labelled ‘Clayesmore School aka Ewerne’ could give the impression that the school was in some involved with the Ewerne Camps. Apart from letting its premises for the summer camps, as far as I am aware Clayesmore School had no involvement with the camps. It was then, and continues to be, a well-regarded independent boarding school. The caption on your picture is misguided.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
18.11.2024 19:03Comment on Iwerne: The Anglican Trojan Horse by David ExhamIn reply to <a href="">Jeremy Pemberton</a>. <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Hi, the Ruston Report states at the top that it went to 8 people (including Ruston himself). Makin identifies these on page 80 of his review and notes that 7 are now deceased. Some like David Fletcher died during the review process. The only one alive now is Roger Combes.<br><br>We obviously don't know exactly who else got the report or a summary thereof. Makin does discuss this.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
17.11.2024 23:49Comment on Iwerne: The Anglican Trojan Horse by AnonThis blog post was originally published in via on 15th November 2024. Via Media News is an Anglican news site whose strapline is Rediscovering the Middle Ground. My post was written in response to the publication of the Makin Report on the serial abuser, John Smyth, who died in 2018. His activities were never …
Continue reading Iwerne: The Anglican Trojan Horse
15.11.2024 14:30Iwerne: The Anglican Trojan HorseThis is a blog post first published on the website of Sarum College, an academic and training community in Salisbury, who are giving me invaluable support as I work on my PhD thesis. When I was four months old, I was baptised in King’s College Chapel, Cambridge. So that really does make me a cradle …
Continue reading Who do we think we are? Ecclesiology in a Time of Decline
18.10.2024 06:49Who do we think we are? Ecclesiology in a Time of DeclineThe unwinding of this stage of this Camino reached its culmination today. The final part of the journey was very simple. Paris to London: London to Southwell Guy Turner kindly collected me from Newark, and BT 14:00 I was walking into 47 Easthorpe. I was so tired, so I had a rest, then unpacked slowly. …
Continue reading Camino Stage 4: Day 8 – Paris to Southwell
9.9.2024 20:37Camino Stage 4: Day 8 – Paris to SouthwellI let myself sleep in after a weird, broken night. Got up, packed up and went out to find breakfast. Then visited the Church of the Holy Spirit, and said prayers there. Unusual dedication, a 12C church with later bits, including fine vaulting above the sanctuary. But my favourite thing was this charming, carved wood …
Continue reading Camino Stage 4: Day 7- Bayonne to Paris
7.9.2024 21:22Camino Stage 4: Day 7- Bayonne to ParisThere are many things about the French Health Service that are admirable. At the level of emergency departments they act fast. Their triaging is much better than ours. They are less stuffy, and doctors, nurses and para-medics are all much nearer to the patients, and they all pitch in. If you have a question that …
Continue reading Camino Stage 4: Day 6 – Langon Hospital to Bayonne
6.9.2024 19:40Camino Stage 4: Day 6 – Langon Hospital to Bayonne