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The artists profiled here have some things in common. Both have Swiss heritage, work in countries other than the ones they were born in and take a fearless approach to improvising. They are separated in years and in experience but not in their approach. Both seek to extend the language of improvised music and have … Continue reading Alex Ventling/Nik Bärtsch
2.2.2025 03:47Alex Ventling/Nik BärtschAaron Parks ~ Little Big III Aaron Parks’ latest album, ‘Little Big III’, is the third in a series titled Little Big and his fourth album featuring a guitarist. The album (and series) also expands the soundscapes and ideas explored on his successful first Blue Note release, Invisible Cinema (2008). It is an album with … Continue reading Aaron Parks/Hania Rani
22.12.2024 22:01Aaron Parks/Hania RaniThe two albums reviewed feature musicians from Wellington, Aotearoa/New Zealand. The first is by guitarist Callum Allardice, an award-winning musician with an impressive résumé. The second is an EP by vocalist Ella Dunbar-Wilcox (Ella Sophie), her first release. Elementa ~ Callum Allardice Elementa is a fine album and Allardice’s best to date. With this release … Continue reading Elementa /Almost Love ~ Reviews
25.11.2024 22:17Elementa /Almost Love ~ ReviewsNice blog thhanks for posting
13.11.2024 14:03Comment on Natalia Mann interview by Lorena MOne of the most pleasing formats in Jazz is the B3 trio. It endures because it has warmth and groove in equal proportions and it makes us happy. To unleash the full potential of the B3 a bass pedalboard must be used, and this difficult-to-master art is increasingly rare. There are hands, knees and feet, … Continue reading Upbeat Mood ~ Music Soup
6.11.2024 03:55Upbeat Mood ~ Music SoupThe Bird of a Thousand Voices is an astonishing project, and as I listened and wrote, I weighed up the various superlatives. No other term sufficed. And, to describe it as a concept or a themed album would woefully undervalue it too. The depth and breadth of Tigran Hamasyan’s project is breathtaking and evaluating it … Continue reading Tigran ~ The Bird of a Thousand Voices
11.10.2024 20:49Tigran ~ The Bird of a Thousand VoicesI was idling my way through the morning when a message from a friend in the UK lit up my phone. ’I’m sitting in a Jazz club in Dublin, and I have a Kiwi couple with me whose daughter is an Auckland-based jazz musician. She plays in a band with guitarist Keith Price, do you … Continue reading LacLu (Self Titled)
21.9.2024 21:08LacLu (Self Titled)Earlier this month ‘Blue Note in My Suitcase’ was released by B3 Master Michel Bénébig. It is his sixth album and his first with a Jazz orchestra. The album hits the groove spot immediately, and as you listen you realise what a perfect pairing Bénébig’s B3 and the Le Grande B3 Orchestra is, aided convincingly … Continue reading ‘Blue Note In My Suitcase’ and other delights
16.9.2024 23:16‘Blue Note In My Suitcase’ and other delightsIn reply to <a href="https://jazzlocal32.com/about-2/#comment-101229">john</a>. <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>John Barnett, Are you about? Time for another catch up man. </p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
22.8.2024 23:35Comment on About by AnonymousThe first album reviewed is the latest release by Myele Manzanza, a Wellington-born musician who is now a significant presence on the London scene, the second is another clip of finalists from the recent edition of the 7VJC competition. Crisis And Opportunity Vol.4 – Meditations Those following New Zealand-born drummer/composer Myele Manzanza have been amply … Continue reading Myele Manzanza/Chai Masters
22.8.2024 23:12Myele Manzanza/Chai MastersThere is something about the oud that awakens the deepest of emotions. Like the sound of an ancient temple gong, it resonates soulfully. It is primarily a modal instrument, using ‘Maqams scales’, a system as complex and varied as the modes used by Coltrane. So, when the chance arose to interview a Jazz oud player, … Continue reading Mauro Sigura ~ Oud Improviser
4.6.2024 22:53Mauro Sigura ~ Oud ImproviserShiva Loka ~ Alice Coltrane News that a live recording of Alice Coltrane’s previously unreleased 1971 Carnegie Hall concert was about to drop caused excitement in Jazz circles. 2024, designated by Impulse ‘The Year of Alice’, will see other Alice projects realised, and Shiva Loka is the opener. The quality is great, even though it … Continue reading The Year of Alice
20.4.2024 04:32The Year of AliceFragile Magic & Tenging ~ Ingi Bjani (Iceland) Before I became aware of the trio albums, I was already familiar with the Ingi Bjarni Quintet through his Tenging album, which I can only describe as extraordinary. Tenging is an album of breathtaking beauty and invention, evoking an ECM aesthetic. I love to hear musicians who … Continue reading Reviews From The Edge
27.2.2024 03:36Reviews From The EdgeThere are many ways to navigate troubled times. You can deny reality, scream into the void, surf the waves of absurdity, bitterly declaim, or seek quiet while you gather your thoughts. Many prefer the latter, although the other responses are also valid. The last few years have felt particularly untethered as a growing flock of … Continue reading A Quieter Place in Times of Turmoil
31.1.2024 22:46A Quieter Place in Times of TurmoilNice to hear Kim again after many years.
3.11.2023 17:00Comment on Kim Paterson by Anonymous[…] It has delighted me to see more free jazz entries recently, perhaps because of the excitement they communicate while living in the moment. What is required is to unleash a portion of magic, and I wrote about this in my recent blog Jazz Local 32. […]
26.10.2023 09:00Comment on About by New Horizons in Jazz ~ An Old Story Refreshed – jazzclub.social-solution.itWilliam Butler Yeats said, ‘The world is full of magic things, waiting patiently for our senses to grow sharper’. I believe this absolutely and am reminded of it when my senses connect with a certain kind of music. Music that transcends mere form and engages with the cosmos. That is the domain of improvised music, … Continue reading The Quantum of Magic
9.10.2023 22:22The Quantum of MagicKomeda is one of the most intriguing characters in the European Jazz Pantheon. A man referred to as the Chopin of modern Polish music. So, who was he and why did a musician who only released one ‘official’ Jazz album have such an outsized influence on European Jazz? The book I review here answers many … Continue reading Komeda ~ A Private Life In Jazz
21.8.2023 07:27Komeda ~ A Private Life In JazzThanks for writingg this
6.6.2023 02:05Comment on Kevin Field – ‘Field of Vision’ gig & album by Block Interop SocialThanks for this blogg post
3.5.2023 11:21Comment on The Wellington Jazz Festival (WJF) 2014 by DamianThanks for sharring
7.10.2022 00:46Comment on Pretty in Blues – Molly Ringwald @ The Tuning Fork by Bobbi MHi thanks foor sharing this
19.6.2022 11:58Comment on David Friesen Trio @ CJC by TerrenceVery thoughtfful blog
15.10.2021 11:03Comment on Michelle Nicolle – NZ Tour by Ellena[…] Eleven years ago, I began this Jazz blog and one of my first posts was an opinion piece about this era. I looked back at it today for the first time since writing it, and apart from a few missing commas, it stands up. I was worried when I wrote it that it might get something wrong, but a Brazilian musicologist messaged me to thank me for it. Anyone wanting to gain an additional sense of this era could follow the link to my original post. It is an opinion piece, but it could serve as a springboard to more authoritative, Brazilian-sourced information. https://jazzlocal32.com/2011/06/07/wave-antonio-carlos-jobim/ […]
2.12.2020 01:54Comment on ‘Wave’ – Antonio Carlos Jobim by Bonita ~ Chelsea Prastiti | JazzLocal32.comIn reply to <a href="https://jazzlocal32.com/about-2/#comment-101229">john</a>. Delighted John - here is my email - JazzLocal32@gmail.com - contact me there with your email address and we can swap addresses etc - great to catch up indeed. Regards John Fenton
20.7.2020 06:22Comment on About by JazzLocal32.comHi, John It was good you came yesterday, and it was great to catch up. And I was wondering if you’ d be so kind as to send a copy of the poem you wrote for Michael. It was a wonderful tribute. Love to you and yours John Barnett
20.7.2020 00:56Comment on About by john[…] Reason & Temptation Genre: Modern jazz Label: Toy Piano Records Country: Deutschland Reviews: JazzLocal32, MichaelsJazzBlog Listen: Deezer, Spotify, […]
28.5.2020 19:25Comment on Jazz On Lockdown ~ Florian Ross by 2020 Jazz Releases, Vol. IIΙ - Modernjazz.gr[…] Further reading: Deep Listening Institute | The Quietus | JazzLocal32 […]
28.5.2020 02:16Comment on Susan Alcorn talks Pedal Steel by Big Ears 2018: A Preview - 12 Hour Drone - I Heart Noise