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If there is anyone who still wonders why this war is being fought, let him look to Norway. If there is anyone who has any delusions that this war could have been averted, let him look to Norway; and if there is anyone who doubts the democratic will to win, again I say, let him […]
6.1.2025 11:12Looking to Norway: EVs in 2024Major part of our energy goes to heating and cooling. Heat is less useful and convenient than electricity, but by using, storing, moving, exchanging, condensing and sharing it we can use it more efficiently, reducing costs and peak energy use. To do so you need a heat strategy for your activity and situation. This post doesn't help you make one, but flickers through a few targets, techniques and tools that could come handy when you do.
6.1.2025 08:42What is your heat strategy?Necessity may be the mother of invention, but the wheel is her most famous child. On its own the wheel is pretty useless, but the system of wheel and axle turned out a pre-historical technological revolution. But when, where, why, by whom and how often has the wheel been been invented? After all, we can […]
6.12.2024 08:45How Slovak miners may have invented the wheelFrom a thread on Bluesky: If we’re being honest the “use your own domain to verify your account” thing is some mastodon shit— Dave Levitan (@davelevitan.bsky.social) Nov 22, 2024 at 4:50 To which I have replied: Yes, but partially good shit. Note that @bsky.app requirement is harder than the #Mastodon one. For Bluesky verification you […]
22.11.2024 08:31Who are you?In reply to <a href="https://jaxroam.vivaldi.net/2004/11/24/more-revolution-or-evolution/comment-page-1/#comment-8">Anonymous</a>. The old forums are gone (and with it the original site of this blog). But it is archived here: https://web.archive.org/web/20140301113256/http://my.opera.com/community/forums/topic.dml?id=73814
28.9.2024 05:52Comment on More revolution or evolution by jaxroamFrom peak emission to peak population to peak car, we are about to enter a series of turning points. What does this mean? Global peaks 2012: Peak birth2017: Peak ICE car sales2020: Peak child2024: Peak emissions, oil and coal2038: Peak ICE vehicle fleet2040: Peak meat? 2082: Peak population Things change. But how do we know […]
18.8.2024 13:36Past the Peak: Climate ControlEurope is a somewhat contorted triangle at the Western extreme of Eurasia. Like most other regions, Europe is habitually presented with north pointing up. Which is fine, that is a standard and standards help us take in geographical data without having to reorient ourselves. This the familiar, to us Europeans at least, standard representation™ of […]
15.7.2023 18:45The Edge of EuropeThis earlier dialog Toot-sized summary:Mastodon: coolIntegration with Vivaldi users: cooler But you can go further (given time, desire and business case): two-way bridge between Mastodon and all your other content Even further: POSSE-style publishing platform on vivaldi.net Even further: Social networking repository supported by the browser itself Daniel Aleksandersen @daniel What do you mean by […]
2.1.2023 09:39Mastodon/Vivaldi as a POSSE publishing platformThe trigger It began with a question in a tweet: That is “How can people be blind to a systemic behaviour they participate in?” The question has a specific context (US white evangelicals), but I liked the question on its own, context-free. If something is systemic, it may not be evident to any particular participant. […]
5.12.2022 14:29A Game of DiscriminationIntroduction Coming back to Vivaldi.net has led to me reconnecting to this Vivaldi blog, originally on My.Opera,com beginning 18 years ago. Two months after Facebook, a website that has turned out rather more successful so far. Like every web publication of age, it has the signs of aging like link rot and moving resources. This […]
25.11.2022 17:16Retelling the future, chapter 1: The end of the PCVivaldi uses the current open source software 'Mastodon', which runs on many thousands of servers worldwide. It is constantly being further developed by the Mastodon community. This software could be modified by Vivaldi, as it is open source, but this would be quite costly. The integration of the 'Vivaldi blog' into Vivaldi.social would therefore be possible and quite nice. But it's already possible with a link to your own blog, without much effort. More detailed discussions on a blog or blog topic would quickly disappear on Mastodon. Perhaps separate groups/rooms on 'Jabber/XMPP', a very good open source messenger, would be better.
22.11.2022 03:39Comment on Building beasts and bridges, a Vivaldi way by ingolftopfI have long been a fan of slow news. This is a fairly consistent rule: The lower the update frequency, the higher the information quality. You get to know what is about to happen, why, and who is involved. The higher the frequency, the more flicker. This just happen. And now this just happened. And […]
21.11.2022 08:44Slow and Federated MediaAnonymous writes:Thanks for sharing this informative blog about Video Transcription and Subtitling. It s very helpful blog.
22.11.2013 10:11Comment on HTML Video: Transcription by AnonymousYep, Presto has really good memory management, I could do 175 tabs in 25 windows easy with only 2GB of RAM, yet i still had most of the ram free :)I have been to many sites see that I was on Opera & get a go away message, other sites send broken code on purpose (some use old Yahoo that thing Opera 10+ is 1)I helped a bit with browserjs testing (partly finding the browser sniffers), browserjs helps a lotNow all the IE only browser sniffers block IE 11 ("IE" is not in the UA string)It is very hard to develop a web browser that gets ignored for vendor prefixing of webkit & moz, many sites vendor prefixed code, so Opera could not do those parts as it was block (not sure why you would add 3 to 4 times the code to do the same thing, one set of code would do)Opera Mail is still using Presto (I think) it has very few bugs (its crash reports are open in the web browser (presto) and the crash reporter talks about the browser not the mail program (wording is wrong)
19.10.2013 05:10Comment on The fast lady’s song by AnonymousSlavikGood writes:Видел бы ты во что превратилось твоё детище... мне больно смотреть на Opera 15, Opera 16... Opera 12.16 останется лучшей. с рождением Opera 15 и более новыми версиями, Opera как индивидуальность, как отдельный не похожий ни на кого браузер, умерла для меня. Ты там наверху всё видишь, наставь своих последователей на путь истинный...You should have seen what has become of your child ... it hurts me to look at Opera 15, Opera 16 ... Opera 12.16 will remain the best. with the birth of Opera 15 or newer, Opera as an individual, not as a separate like anyone browser died for me. You're up there all you see, instruct their followers to the right path ...
29.9.2013 21:09Comment on Death in the Family by Anonymous