Primary account on Mastodon because something I post might go viral.
GNU/Linux user, Sysadmin, Web Developer, Entrepreneur, Philanthropist and FOSS advocate and developer. Former user of Windows for most of my life. Contributor to [url=https://fosstodon.org/@tenacity]@tenacity[/url].
Here before the Great Exodus from Twitter. Tech YouTubers are welcome on Mastodon.
Also follow:
Pleroma: [url=https://pleroma.jamesp.org/users/james]@james[/url]
SDF: [url=https://social.sdf.org/@jamesp]@jamesp[/url]
Formerly: @james@mstdn.starnix.network
[url=https://linuxrocks.online/tags/nobot]#nobot[/url] [url=https://linuxrocks.online/tags/nobots]#nobots[/url]
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