Commenting my Reality. Words and Lines by Jacob Kanev
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It's good that you have hope. I have very little of it, that people in Russia will unite and elect a democratic president and the whole structure of the country will change, it won’t work right away, it will take many years. there, the layers of this soot from propaganda cannot be washed out so fast. But there is hope.
20.6.2022 14:20Comment on A Message of Hope by nadyapolevichEs ist eine häufig diskutierte Frage, wie sich im täglichen Alltag Kinder und Beruf vereinbaren lassen. Das heißt, wie sich ein Familienleben, bei dem wir als Elternteil am Leben der Kinder teilnehmen, und ein klassischer moderner Beruf, mit Home-Office-Tagen, Bürozeit, Leistungsdruck, und acht bis zwölf Stunden völlig freiwilliger Arbeit, gleichzeitig bewältigen lassen. Die kurze Antwort…
1.6.2022 20:47Über die Vereinbarkeit von Familie und BerufThe war in Ukraine has been raging for more than a month now, apparently supported by more than 60% of the Russian population. This war support is based on the belief that in Ukraine, Russia is fighting an illegitimate government who holds Russian people hostage, the “Ukraine” is an artificial country, and the Ukraine government…
7.4.2022 19:42A Message of HopeIn reply to <a href="">RachelK</a>. No, it's not Richard, it's a different bear (or dog, I'm not quite sure). The bear's made by a company called "United Animals" so I thought this would make a nice title; in particalur as it's such a contrast to the solitary and almost desperate feel of the image.
5.2.2017 12:16Comment on United Animals by Jacob KanevIs it Richard? He always looks so sad and unloved... :- (
5.2.2017 10:54Comment on United Animals by RachelKWas ich meine? Ich meine, du hast völlig Recht. Nur ist die Mehrheit der Deutschen zu derlei Abstraktionen nicht in der Lage (Gehirnverkleisterung durch immerwährenden Einfluss der freiheitlichen Medien). Und ein paar, die dem folgen könnten, WOLLEN es nicht - aus purem Eigennutz. Tipp: Youtube --> Volker Pispers. Der beantwortet einige Fragen.
22.7.2016 12:41Comment on Ich hätte da mal eine Frage by TensorI've heard the argument about immigrants as nurses. Bewildering. I don't think the Remain campaign did its course any good there. Also thank you for the correction on the house of lords rights. Other than that, I think the outcome will provide a shake up in any case, even if the Remain campaign wins — the margin will be narrow enough to send a strong signal to all Europeans. I totally agree that personal gain isn't the basis of a proper decision. So, assuming a shake up is done anyway, what would a responsible decision that's not based on personal gain look like? What would happen after Brexit? Would other countries follow? If yes, what would Europe look like in 20 years? There's a lot at stake and we have no idea about even short-term effects of this change in course. Another note on the shake up idea: while leaving the EU might feel like a revolt against an over-powerful elite establishment, somebody pointed out the Leave campaign is actually a <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">fake revolt</a>, lead by the elite establishment itself. I think this observation has some merit.
22.6.2016 16:45Comment on Good morning, have you had Brexit yet? by Jacob KanevVery nicely put. We also hear arguments that we need immigrants to care for our ageing population. The exclusion of non EU immigrants is also raised as is the relative costs and business benefits for exports etc. As for the House of Lords, it does not make laws and can be ignored by the House of Commons - it provides a check upon things. I do not think that personal gain is the basis of a proper decision - rather the possibility of a change, a shake up, a challenge is enticing.
22.6.2016 15:59Comment on Good morning, have you had Brexit yet? by andrew armitI’m back in Berlin after a week’s visit to the UK. Talk of the day there is the referendum on the 23rd of June, where British voters get to decide whether or not Britain should leave the EU. While the idea of the referendum was borne in the spur of a political moment, it must…
20.6.2016 12:25Good morning, have you had Brexit yet?[…] is the second of three texts on constructivism (here are the first and third). The text was written not as much to introduce the concept, but rather to get my own thoughts […]
24.3.2016 18:08Comment on Three Pieces on Reality: Where is Everything Else? by Three Pieces on Reality: Where are the Others? | Some Unconsidered Trifles[…] is the second of three texts on constructivism (here are the first and third). The text was written not as much to introduce the concept, but rather to get my own […]
24.3.2016 18:08Comment on Three Pieces on Reality: Where am I? by Three Pieces on Reality: Where are the Others? | Some Unconsidered Trifles[…] is the first of three texts on constructivism (here are the second and third). The text was written not as much to introduce the concept, but rather to get my own thoughts […]
24.3.2016 18:07Comment on Three Pieces on Reality: Where is Everything Else? by Three Pieces on Reality: Where am I? | Some Unconsidered Trifles[…] is the first of three texts on constructivism (here are the second and third). The text was written not as much to introduce the concept, but rather to get my own […]
24.3.2016 18:07Comment on Three Pieces on Reality: Where are the Others? by Three Pieces on Reality: Where am I? | Some Unconsidered TriflesCastle Angelokastro on the island Korfu. Drawn in a café opposite, after having visited the castle ten minutes before closing time. Pencil and diluted ink on 12×15 inch watercolour paper. Jacob Kanev, CC-BY 3.0, Korfu 2009-10-06
31.12.2015 02:19Greek SunThis is one of a series of texts I’m writing to come to terms with the thought of having to die and to get myself used to the concept of death in general. Although I still cannot quite fathom the idea of my own death, the evidence pointing to its inevitability is pretty overwhelming. Even…
18.12.2015 22:04Copying with Death. Two Sides of the Story — Death and Birth are the sameA piece of plastic that looks like it is walking away from a piece of metal that looks like it is made for holding some liquid. Stylus pen and ArtFlow software on a 7 inch tablet. Jaocb Kanev, Berlin 2015-12-04, CC-BY 3.0
4.12.2015 15:21Plastic and MetalLiebe Leser, leider, leider kenne ich mich nicht besonders gut in den Wirtschaftswissenschaften aus. Deshalb habe ich ein paar Fragen an Euch, in der Hoffnung, daß Ihr diese Dinge besser versteht als ich. Ist es nicht so, daß wir, was Erwerbsarbeit angeht, drei Gruppen von Leuten haben? Einmal Leute, die eine Erwerbsarbeit ausüben und die…
27.11.2015 21:44Ich hätte da mal eine FrageA dead wasp I found one day end of August on the floor in a Berlin café. The one sad thing about dead insects on the floor is how they indicate the end of the summer. The two good things are, they don’t move and thus provide an excellent subject for drawing, and most important,…
20.11.2015 10:30Dead WaspTea preparation and consumption are an integral part of our cultural history and many would agree that the traditional preparation instructions (warm the pot, use one teaspoon of tea for each person and one for the pot, pour boiling water over it) should be followed with almost religious devotion. Unfortunately it may at times prove…
25.9.2015 23:37A perfect Cup of TeaQuick sketch of a tree outside a café in Berlin, done on a sunny day last October. I had expected the tree to be full of leaves this spring. Now, it looks as naked as it did on that sunny autumn afternoon. It had died. Pencil on 3×4 inch paper Jacob Kanev, Berlin 2014-10-05, CC-BY…
26.5.2015 22:39Naked