I'm Hannah Izzie van de Haaien, aka Void, Voidcat and 497a. (version 3.1)
:neocat_flag_plural: :neocat_flag_pan: :neocat_flag_polyam: :neocat_flag_nb: :neocat_flag_trans: :neocat_flag_genderfluid: :neocat_flag_demigirl: :neocat_flag_demiflux:
Member of [url=https://transgirl.cafe/@void@otherling.social]@void@otherling.social[/url]
Silly cat-adjacent being :neocat_aww:Certified pan poly enby girlmessthing :neocat_confused:Average coffee liker :neocat_cofe:Estrogen addict :v_enby:ADHD and autism enjoyer :nd:Previous Arch fangirl and fulltime NixOS user :nixos:Still Cis Tho :v_trans:Vegan 🌱Math book binger :aneobot_talk:
In my free time I like to meow and purr and post silly things on fedi :neocat_floof_happy:I'm also a [url=https://transgirl.cafe/tags/sysadmin]#sysadmin[/url] and the admin of transgirl.cafe and otherling.social.
Due to my severe estrogen deficiency I started HRT in 2024, 4/20 at 4:20 :estrogen:
Screw gender as a concept! :neobot_swearing_binary:
[size=small][url=https://transgirl.cafe/tags/nobridge]#nobridge[/url] [url=https://transgirl.cafe/tags/noindex]#noindex[/url] [url=https://transgirl.cafe/tags/noarchive]#noarchive[/url] [url=https://transgirl.cafe/tags/nobot]#nobot[/url] <---- except y'all fedi cuties <3[/size]
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