clueless old She/Her flailing through Armageddon. endlessly battling existential angst, fond of [url=]#CHOCOLATE[/url], [url=]#gardening[/url], [url=]#dogs[/url](including the [url=]#uglydogs[/url]), [url=]#yoga[/url], [url=]#vegan[/url] food & [url=]#kindness[/url]. [url=]#scifi[/url], [url=]#fantasy[/url], [url=]#YAbooks[/url] cuz adult books freak me out these days. Photo Descriptions: Avatar is a garden sculpture of a napping woman covered w/ dense, green moss. She lies on her side & has long, spiky grass for hair. The face is a mosaic in white ceramic bits. Header is close-up on the base of a sunflower.
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