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Business conglomerate. Vertical integration. Industrial. Literally “Wealth”+“Clique”.
12.8.2023 12:04Zaibatsu 財閥Continuing the “firehose” tradition of maximum information density, Xiph.Org’s second video on digital media explores multiple facets of digital audio signals and how they really behave in the real world. Demonstrations of sampling, quantization, bit-depth, and dither explore digital audio behavior on real audio equipment using both modern digital analysis and vintage analog bench equipment… just in […]
12.8.2023 11:38D/A and A/D | Digital Show and Tell with Monty MontgomeryQueueing Systems: Theory and Applications (QUESTA) is a well-established journal focusing on queueing theory. The models considered concern resource sharing in a wide sense, particularly within a network context, with probability theory being the main analytic tool.
12.8.2023 11:23Queueing SystemsFucksake watched the film in the wrong shape.
12.8.2023 10:5670mm IMAX vs 70mmFeature-length investigation of theory, history and particular innovations of there Disney company regarding queuing systems and large scale human flow logistics mechanisms. Further reading: Queuing Theory, Markov Chains
12.8.2023 10:36Queue TheoryOdeon Luxe Leicester SquareLondon51.510485, -0.129325
12.8.2023 08:33Odeon Organist before OppenheimerThe bit of sea nearest the land.
12.8.2023 08:29LittoralA posh walk for those that can’t unclench. Il est interdit d’interdire !
12.8.2023 08:27PsychogeographyIntrinsic grey. Brain drab. The colour you see in the dark.
12.8.2023 08:27EigenrauThe epoch we’re soon to enter. Scientists say the ‘Anthropocene epoch’ began in the 1950s: What it means, significance
12.8.2023 08:26Anthropocene⬆️