We generally don't give nicknames to our releases, but if we did, this would be called "The Confusing Release". We know that some of you were expecting us to release Version 0.8, while others were eagerly awaiting Version 1.0 - and you've got neither! And there wasn't even a Release Candidate or any other announcement! Please allow us to explain ourselves.
As some of you know, we always work on two versions at the same time. One, that we call a "minor version", is the kind you see us releasing quite frequently. Minor versions include security updates, bugfixes, and some smaller feature additions. We design those versions in a way that allows pod administrators to install them as fast as possible, without manual changes or long downtimes. On the other hand, there are "major versions", that are... well, major. These contain big features, large breaking changes, stuff like that. We keep these seperate as we want to make the lives of our podmins as easy as possible, and major upgrades always require manual interventions or longer downtimes, so we want to keep them as rare as we can.
Our last major release, diaspora* 0.7, was released almost seven years ago - in August 2017. That is quite a long time! And ever since, we have kept working on two versions in parallel: the next "minor", and the next "major". This development model is quite common in big projects, and it's fine, until it's not.
Since the release of 0.7, the difference between the latest minor version and the work-in-progress major versions has become enormous: more than 20,000 lines of code added, and over 6,000 lines removed. For reference, that means that almost 15% of our entire codebase has changed. This huge divergence means that releasing new minor versions has become more and more complicated, as we always have to apply any changes to both work-in-progress versions, and it has reached a level where it's causing us lots of pain and making it harder to release any updates.
Additionally, our community of developers has built quite a few amazing new features for "the next big version". Some of you on pods that run the "development" code already get to use them, but a very large chunk of our userbase does not. That's a shame, because some of the things we have already built are a big deal!
At the same time, we have really ambitious plans for Version 1.0, and as much as we'd love to get it out there, we simply aren't done yet.
This is why we're now release a intermediate major release. We're calling it Version 0.9 because, while it's more than simply the next major version upgrade, it isn't quite Version 1.0 yet. Even so, there's still a really good list of stuff in this version, and we're really excited to get it out to you. And now, enough waffling, let's get to the details.
Since the last major release, Version, a total of 50 contributors have commited 1,833 commits. This includes 858 from 20 contributors that have never been included in any release up until now! A few highlights:
The full ChangeLog is available here For podmins, there are quite a few breaking changes. Please make sure to read the upgrade instructions in our wiki, and plan in some time for long database migrations to run!
While diaspora* is moving slower than projects with full-time, paid engineering teams, we are incredibly proud of our community and our work. A huge thank you goes out to all the people contributing to this project, entirely in their spare time.
It doesn't matter if you're writing code, helping with documentation or translations, or if you're just using diaspora* to post cute cat photos. We love all of you, and we're happy you're with us. <3
#diaspora #announcement #release #0900 #surprise
9.2.2025 11:43diaspora* version released!We just released a new diaspora* version, which addresses possible security issues when processing images uploaded by users that is affecting some system configurations.
This fix was heavily inspired by Mastodon's fix for GHSA-9928-3cp5-93fm, and while diaspora*s attack surface is significantly smaller and some operating systems do ship a restrictive ImageMagick policy, this release makes sure that everyone is safe.
Thank you Cure53 for finding this issue, thank you Mozilla for paying Cure53 to look into it, and thanks for Mastodon for fixing it.
For podmins, update instructions are available as usual in the wiki. As that this update includes security fixes, please update as soon as possible.
If you are a user not running your own pod, there is nothing you need to do!
#diaspora #announcement #release #07182
31.12.2024 21:53diaspora* security release!It's been a while I wanted to improve the registration process of #diaspora to make it clearer. With information like, your username can't be changed, your e-mail won't be shared, here is the pod on which you are registering. No need to register again if you have an account on another pod. And a link to the tutorials, to help.
I did all of this in https://github.com/diaspora/diaspora/pull/8285 and now that the review is done, this work is merged in the develop
branch of diaspora*!
So, I will immediately deploy it on #diaspora-fr. Here is some screen shots of before / after.
We want to thank every one of you for making diaspora such an awesome community.
An especially big cheer goes out to all our podmins for making this a successful decentralized network, and to all our community developers for helping to improve the software we all use.
BIG LOVE goes out to you all, and here's to 2023 bringing better things for us all – including, hopefully, some important new features!
3.12.2024 20:13HAPPY NEW YEAR!You might have been wondering what happened to diaspora*. Well, although we’ve been a bit quiet, we haven’t gone away! In fact, some big things have been happening in the background that we’re really excited about, and now it’s come to the time for us to tell you about them.
The first is our API, created with a lot of the initial work done by Kent Shikama, completed by Frank Rousseau and @[Hank G](http://pod.diaspora.software/people/c443a55c785ab8f64e25a82789923519), and supported by core team member @[Jonne Haß](http://pod.diaspora.software/people/84e822405ac00137732b525400514718). This was completed earlier this year, and it enables other applications to interact with the diaspora* software, giving a lot more flexibility in how it can be used, for instance in the creation of native diaspora* apps.
One of the key features of a decentralized social network has to be the ability to move your account data from one node (we call them ‘pods’) to another. This has proved to be one of the most difficult things to accomplish properly, and consequently it has taken a long time! The back-end code to do all the hard work was completed by @[Senya](http://pod.diaspora.software/people/a73cb4801200013290ad00163eb64c50) in a mammoth effort, and what remains is to create a ‘front-end’ interface so that it’s easy for anyone to access the feature via the account settings page. This is currently being worked on by new member @[Thorsten C](http://pod.diaspora.software/people/7d374f20664101394d5e42010a9c0002) with support from core team members @[Fla](http://pod.diaspora.software/people/ccac722d863119dc) and @[Benjamin Neff](http://pod.diaspora.software/people/ea0d1350dee29b59). It is currently being reviewed and tested, and once this has been done we’ll be able to merge it.
Once this has been merged, we’ll be able to release a major version containing both these features, plus a lot more. This will be a big step forward for diaspora*, and we can’t wait to bring version 0.8 to you. We would really love to release this before the end of 2021, but we must make sure all bugs in the new features are ironed out before we release them, so please be patient if we can't meet that deadline!
There is always a lot more work to do, and as members of our core team have had to prioritise other areas of their work, so development of diaspora* has slowed down. But it doesn’t have to be this way. We’re an open-source project, and we’re always keen to hear from prospective coders who want to help make diaspora* better. If you want to help us, get in touch! We’ll do whatever we can to support you.
#diaspora #development #release #features #accountmigration #api
24.10.2024 23:01A big hey! from diaspora*Hey podmins!
Please note that diaspora* is currently not compatible with Ubuntu 22.04, aka Jammy. Canonical decided to ship OpenSSL version 3 to everyone, and unfortunately, Ruby 2.7 is incompatible with OpenSSL 3. While there are some potential workarounds for that, we're currently unable to offer any help or support. So for now, please set up new pods using Ubuntu 20.04, and please do not upgrade your existing pods.
The next major release of diaspora* will support Ruby 3, and as soon as that is released (please do not ask for a timeline - we don't have one :)), you can upgrade your pods.
If you're already running a production pod on 22.04, and you somehow managed to get it running... please tell us how. We'd really like to know in case we get more support requests!
Thanks y'all.
#diaspora #podmin #podmins #ubuntu #jammy
24.10.2024 17:49Hey podmins! Please note that diaspora* is currently not compatible...We just released a new diaspora* version, which addresses two critical security issues in the Ruby on Rails framework, as well as one medium security issue in our code discovered by a security researcher.
A huge thanks to all the contributors from diaspora*'s amazing community! If you want to help make diaspora* even better, please check out our getting started guide. Please see the changelog for a complete list of changes made in this release.
For podmins, update instructions are available as usual in the wiki. As that this update includes security fixes, please update as soon as possible.
If you are a user not running your own pod, there is nothing you need to do!
#diaspora #announcement #release #07170
15.10.2024 08:15diaspora* version released with security fixes!We froze diaspora* minor release Please check the Changelog for more information on changes included in this release.
If you are running your own pod, please help us test the RC before the minor gets released next Sunday. To get the code, run git pull; git checkout next-minor
on your development pod. Please be aware that this is a release candidate and, although we did careful testing, bugs may occur. You can follow the usual update instructions to get your testing system updated, with a few minor differences:
rvm install 2.7
instead of rvm install 2.6
.gem install bundler:2.1.4
instead of gem install bundler:1.17.3
The update guide will be updated when is officially released.
#diaspora #announcement #release #candidate #07180
15.10.2024 08:15diaspora* freezeAs announced, a new minor release is now released. Over the past three months, we have managed to collect 113 commits made by 3 contributors for this minor release.
A huge thanks to all the contributors from diaspora*'s amazing community! If you want to help make diaspora* even better, please check out our getting started guide. Please see the changelog for a complete list of changes made in this release.
rvm install 2.7
to install it!sassc-rails
which makes assets:precompile
a lot faster.For podmins, update instructions are available as usual in the wiki. For those of you who have been testing the release candidate, run git checkout master
before the update to get back to the stable release branch.
If you are a user not running your own pod, there is nothing you need to do!
#diaspora #announcement #release #07180
15.10.2024 08:15diaspora* version released!This weekend marked the 10th anniversary since the diaspora* project was handed over by its founders to the community. Ten years – time really does fly!
During that time we’ve made many fundamental improvements to the software that this network runs on, from standardizing the process of making improvements to the code to completely rewriting the federation protocol on which communication between pods is based. We’ve also stabilized performance in many ways, and we've added many improvements to the user interface and new features.
Over the past couple of years things have been a bit quieter as our team of volunteer developers has been hard at work on some really huge and complex tasks. The most fundamental of these have been creating a feature to allow members to move their account from one pod to another, and creating an API to allow apps to interact with diaspora* more easily and in more interesting ways.
With these major improvements included, our next release will be a quantum leap forward for the project, and so we’re going to release it as diaspora* 1.0!
We hoped we might be able to release version 1.0 on the date of our 10th anniversary, but limits on our resources have meant that these big new features are not yet ready. If you think that you could help with some coding or reviewing tasks to get us over the line, please let us know! We'd love some help from our wider community, and we can’t wait to be able to offer these new features to you all.
Thanks to you all for being part of diaspora*'s amazing community!
#diaspora #anniversary #release #development #help
15.10.2024 08:14diaspora*'s 10 years in community handsWe just released diaspora* version which fixes an issue when multiple bundler versions were available that results in diaspora* being unable to start.
Podmins who already run without issues don't need to update (but feel free to do anyway). For podmins still on older version, it fixes some possible issues when updating. Update instructions are available as usual in the wiki.
If you are a user not running your own pod, there is nothing you need to do!
#diaspora #announcement #release #07181
15.10.2024 08:14diaspora* hotfix release're so pleased that you've decided to give diaspora* a try. It's fantastic that you've joined us!
We hope that you quickly find your way here, and enjoy getting connected with people and content.
Here's a few tips for getting started:
diaspora* has some very simple community guidelines, which we hope everyone will feel able to follow so that all members can have the best possible experience here.
We're trying to improve diaspora* all the time, fixing bugs, honing performance and adding new features. But how fast we can do this is limited by the time developers have. To improve diaspora* faster, we need more developers! If you've just signed up and can code, or know someone who can and who might be interested in joining our team, get in touch!
<3 diaspora*
#newhere #neuhier #nouveauici #nouvelleici #nuevoaqui #nuevaaqui #nuovoqui #nuovaqui #nuovoutente #nuovautente #nieuwhier #новичок #νέοςεδώ #diaspora
15.10.2024 08:06Hello and a big welcomeHi everyone.
In the night from March 1st to March 2nd, starting at 21:00 UTC until 04:00 UTC, the project infrastructure will be unavailable. Our infrastructure provider is undergoing major datacenter construction, and because of that, our servers will have to be moved from the current datacenter into a freshly built building.
This downtime will affect
This downtime will not affect any pods and the diaspora* social network will continue uninterrupted!
We'll try to keep the downtime as short as possible, but given this maintenance involves physically moving multiple racks into a new building, there's a limit to how fast this can be.
#diaspora #announcement #downtime #maintenance
15.10.2024 08:05A notice about diaspora*'s project infrastructureWe're so pleased that you've decided to give diaspora* a try. It's fantastic that you've joined us!
We hope that you quickly find your way here, and enjoy getting connected with people and content.
Here's a few tips for getting started:
diaspora* has some very simple community guidelines, which we hope everyone will feel able to follow so that all members can have the best possible experience here.
We're trying to improve diaspora* all the time, fixing bugs, honing performance and adding new features. But how fast we can do this is limited by the time developers have. To improve diaspora* faster, we need more developers! If you've just signed up and can code, or know someone who can and who might be interested in joining our team, get in touch!
<3 diaspora*
#newhere #neuhier #nouveauici #nouvelleici #nuevoaqui #nuevaaqui #nuovoqui #nuovaqui #nuovoutente #nuovautente #nieuwhier #новичок #νέοςεδώ #diaspora
15.10.2024 08:02Hello and a big welcomeIt's been a bit silent as we're still focussing our efforts on the next major release. Today, we're releasing an unscheduled update which includes some urgent security fixes, so please update soon. Over the past 10 months, we have managed to collect 108 commits made by 9 contributors for this minor release.
A huge thanks to all the contributors from diaspora*'s amazing community! If you want to help make diaspora* even better, please check out our getting started guide. Please see the changelog for a complete list of changes made in this release.
For podmins, update instructions are available as usual in the wiki.
#diaspora #announcement #release #07160
15.10.2024 08:02diaspora* version released with security fixes!You want the import feature to come so you can migrate your account to another #diaspora pod?
Come join the discussion about how the interface should look like at https://discourse.diasporafoundation.org/t/backup-and-restore-account-migration/544/156
Remember, diaspora* is made only by us, the users, so get involved!
29.11.2023 15:07You want the import feature to come so you can migrate your account...We're so pleased that you've decided to give diaspora* a try. It's fantastic that you've joined us!
We hope that you quickly find your way here, and enjoy getting connected with people and content.
Here's a few tips for getting started:
diaspora* has some very simple community guidelines, which we hope everyone will feel able to follow so that all members can have the best possible experience here.
We're trying to improve diaspora* all the time, fixing bugs, honing performance and adding new features. But how fast we can do this is limited by the time developers have. To improve diaspora* faster, we need more developers! If you've just signed up and can code, or know someone who can and who might be interested in joining our team, get in touch!
<3 diaspora*
#newhere #neuhier #nouveauici #nouvelleici #nuevoaqui #nuevaaqui #nuovoqui #nuovaqui #nuovoutente #nuovautente #nieuwhier #новичок #νέοςεδώ #diaspora
18.11.2023 10:43Hello and a big welcomeWhile working on adding the possibility to like comments in 8203 (which has been merged, so you will have it in the next major release!), I reworked a bit the UI of the mobile version. It is using less space and better separate comments. Here is the before / after comparison. I hope you like it!
#diaspora #diaspora-dev #mobile
14.11.2023 11:47While working on adding the possibility to like comments in 8203 (h...We're so pleased that you've decided to give diaspora* a try. It's fantastic that you've joined us!
We hope that you quickly find your way here, and enjoy getting connected with people and content.
Here's a few tips for getting started:
diaspora* has some very simple community guidelines, which we hope everyone will feel able to follow so that all members can have the best possible experience here.
We're trying to improve diaspora* all the time, fixing bugs, honing performance and adding new features. But how fast we can do this is limited by the time developers have. To improve diaspora* faster, we need more developers! If you've just signed up and can code, or know someone who can and who might be interested in joining our team, get in touch!
<3 diaspora*
#newhere #neuhier #nouveauici #nouvelleici #nuevoaqui #nuevaaqui #nuovoqui #nuovaqui #nuovoutente #nuovautente #nieuwhier #новичок #νέοςεδώ #diaspora
30.5.2023 14:45Hello and a big welcomeIf there is any #diaspora #podmin who runs their pod on #Heroku, please make yourself heard. If you run on Heroku, but you don't make some noise, we might break your workflow (but never your heart) in the next major version.
7.9.2022 01:46If there is any #diaspora #podmin who runs their pod on #Heroku, pl...We're so pleased that you've decided to give diaspora* a try. It's fantastic that you've joined us!
We hope that you quickly find your way here, and enjoy getting connected with people and content.
Here's a few tips for getting started:
diaspora* has some very simple community guidelines, which we hope everyone will feel able to follow so that all members can have the best possible experience here.
We're trying to improve diaspora* all the time, fixing bugs, honing performance and adding new features. But how fast we can do this is limited by the time developers have. To improve diaspora* faster, we need more developers! If you've just signed up and can code, or know someone who can and who might be interested in joining our team, get in touch!
<3 diaspora*
#newhere #neuhier #nouveauici #nouvelleici #nuevoaqui #nuevaaqui #nuovoqui #nuovaqui #nuovoutente #nuovautente #nieuwhier #новичок #νέοςεδώ #diaspora
8.6.2022 16:14Hello and a big welcomeWe're happy to announce that a new minor release is now available. Over the past ten months, we have managed to collect 63 commits made by 10 contributors for this minor release.
A huge thanks to all the contributors from diaspora*'s amazing community! If you want to help make diaspora* even better, please check out our getting started guide. Please see the changelog for a complete list of changes made in this release.
For podmins, update instructions are available as usual in the wiki. For those of you who have been testing the release candidate, run git fetch; git checkout main
before the update to get back to the stable release branch.
#diaspora #announcement #release #07150
18.9.2021 20:52diaspora* version released!So, I was not lying when saying that @[Thorsten C](http://pod.diaspora.software/people/7d374f20664101394d5e42010a9c0002) was doing a lot of work on #diaspora recently. There are 12 open pull requests right now! I'm going to review some of those this evening.
9.6.2021 10:53So, I was not lying when saying that @Thorsten C was doing a lot of...Of our various communication channels, IRC is the one with real-time communication. An "IRC channel" is a simple text-based chatroom - perfect for a quick chat that doesn't need to be stored for others.
IRC is not a new communication tool for diaspora*, we just moved from the freenode network to Libera.Chat. If you have already used our IRC channels in the past, please update your settings to our new location!
If you want to join the chat without downloading anything extra, just click the link below, enter your nickname, and start the chat!
If you use an IRC client, the new details are:
Server: irc.libera.chat
Port: 6697 (TLS)
Channel: #diaspora
We'd love to see some of you there!
Our primary place for all project discussions is still our Discourse, which is a great location to store all relevant discussions and give people the option to engage regardless of their time zones.
You can find an overview of all our communication channels here.
#diaspora #announcement #communication #support #IRC #LiberaChat
4.6.2021 02:55Our IRC channels have moved to Libera.Chat!Surprise! You may have noticed that we didn't push a regular release for a while. As we are currently focusing on polishing the next major release, we have paused our regular release schedule for now. However, we have some small things we wanted to release, so here we are. This is a small release, but it still contains 77 commits made by 6 contributors, although most of the commits are just internal maintenance.
A huge thanks to all the contributors from diaspora*'s amazing community! If you want to help make diaspora* even better, please check out our getting started guide. Please see the changelog for a complete list of changes made in this release.
rvm install 2.6
!For podmins, update instructions are available as usual in the wiki.
#diaspora #announcement #release #07140
6.3.2021 19:05diaspora* version released!