Humorvoll-nachdenklicher Mensch mit ADS , "Herrchen" des besten [url=]#tierschutz[/url] Hundes der Welt namens Dobby, Natur - und Tierfreund. Humorous-thoughtful person with ADD, owner of the best [url=]#rescuedog[/url] on earth named Dobby, nature and animal lover. [url=][/url] [url=]#noafd[/url] [url=]#noputin[/url] [url=]#photography[/url] [url=]#france[/url] [url=]#alsace[/url] [url=]#naturephotography[/url] [url=]#nature[/url] [url=]#cooking[/url] [url=]#animals[/url] [url=]#dogs[/url] [url=]#rescuedog[/url] [url=]#amateurphotography[/url]
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Tags: alsace amateurphotography animals cooking dogs france nature naturephotography noafd noputin photography rescuedog tierschutz