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Helpers@forum.friendi.ca News

OpenID mit Keycloak


!Friendica Support

Ich hab mir einen Keycloak-Server eingerichtet und würde den auch gerne mit friendica verwenden.

Dazu hab ich das Addon "Keycloak Password Auth" aktiviert und lt. der Anleitung eingerichtet die im Addon verlinkt ist.

Aber ich versteh es nicht ganz. Es tut sich gar nix. Egal was ich als OpenID am Anmeldefenster eingebe, ich krieg immer "Anmeldung fehlgeschlagen".
Im friendica log sehe ich, dass die Login-seite aufgerufen wird, auf meinem keycloak-server kommt aber gar nix an.

7.3.2022 14:43OpenID mit Keycloak

Pinned post not working properly


!Friendica Support
I have pinned this post on my friendica account, but it doesn't seem to be working properly. In my account it appears like that post is pinned, but if I open another browser and go to my public profile here, it doesn't show any pinned posts. The same thing happen with mastodon federation, if I visit this friendica account from mastodon it doesn't show any pinned posts. Why does this happen ?

7.3.2022 12:03Pinned post not working properly

!Friendica Support


!Friendica Support

ich wurde unlängst vom banhammer aus dem friendica matrix-raum wegen "spam" rausgeworfen.
dabei kam mein erstes und letztes posting im juni letzten jahres...

habt ihr eine ahnung, was da falsch gelaufen ist?

user: @jakob:schuerz.at

5.3.2022 13:29!Friendica Support

How to post on Wordpress


!Friendica Support I am very interested to post from Friendica to Wordpress. I am trying the Wordpress Export plugin. So basically I need the XMLRPC API URL which is website.com/xmlrpc.php ? Then the auth pass and username? I did that but doesn't seem to work. Anyone else tried this?

For my website that URL prints: XML-RPC server accepts POST requests only.

5.3.2022 12:41How to post on Wordpress

@Friendica Support I wanted to setup a Twitter account mirror but as it turns out in the latest vers...


@Friendica Support I wanted to setup a Twitter account mirror but as it turns out in the latest version I am no longer able to add twitter contacts. Is that a known issue?

4.3.2022 20:22@Friendica Support I wanted to setup a Twitter account mirror but as it turns out in the latest vers...

@Friendica Support Ich möchte den Lesern meines Blogs gerne meine Friendica Feed-URL zusätzlich an...


@Friendica Support Ich möchte den Lesern meines Blogs gerne meine Friendica Feed-URL zusätzlich anbieten. Welche Feed-URL zeigt ausschließlich meine Beiträge - also ohne Kommentare - an?

4.3.2022 16:29@Friendica Support Ich möchte den Lesern meines Blogs gerne meine Friendica Feed-URL zusätzlich an...

@Friendica Support Wie kann ich eine beidseitige Freundschaft so ändern, dass mir der Kontakt noch ...


@Friendica Support Wie kann ich eine beidseitige Freundschaft so ändern, dass mir der Kontakt noch folgen kann, ich aber ihm nicht mehr.

4.3.2022 14:08@Friendica Support Wie kann ich eine beidseitige Freundschaft so ändern, dass mir der Kontakt noch ...

On friendica.utzer.de I have a very long queue, I know I have to do something to give the server mor...


On friendica.utzer.de I have a very long queue, I know I have to do something to give the server more resources or change the setup somehow, but I am not sure if this is still normal that there is so many of this contact cleanup (kind of) jobs in the queue.

Message queues
99705 - 53703

Growing since I switched to stable from RC a few weeks ago (was it?).

83998430 	RemoveUnusedAvatars 		2022-01-19 02:00:40 	40
90694651 	ContactDiscovery 	https://friendica.utzer.de/profile/???? 	2022-02-24 22:01:37 	40
90694744 	UpdateContact 	716132 	2022-02-24 22:07:35 	40
90694913 	UpdateContact 	688567 	2022-02-24 22:19:07 	40
90694914 	UpdateContact 	1281 	2022-02-24 22:20:08 	40

The first 999 jobs seem to be of this kind.

Anyone seeing such behavior?

!Friendica Support

1.3.2022 09:16On friendica.utzer.de I have a very long queue, I know I have to do something to give the server mor...

!Friendica Support


!Friendica Support
Hi there,
is somewhere a description how i can move my existing friendica instance to an other server without loosing my account keys.
Cause as far as i know if i create a new account it will not be integrated in the community, cause of the missing "unique account key"

thank you

28.2.2022 12:43!Friendica Support

!Friendica Support Maybe a stupid question missing something obvious: How can I add content-warnings...


!Friendica Support Maybe a stupid question missing something obvious: How can I add content-warnings to Friendica posts? My timeline then and now features such posts that are collapsed per default, usually coming from Mastodon, but I failed to figure out how to create these (in the web frontend) myself. Any ideas?

28.2.2022 09:16!Friendica Support Maybe a stupid question missing something obvious: How can I add content-warnings...


