No NFTs, No AI. Recovering VFX artist, Computer Science PhD Researcher, New Yorker living in the UK, Bagel Fanatic. he/him; [url=]#blm[/url] [url=]#penplotter[/url] [url=]#unixporn[/url] [url=]#generativeart[/url]
Some Flowfield Tests (thanks to the Programming Chaos YT channel, !)
#processing #flowfield #proceduralart
Closeups #plottermastodon #blender #structuresynth
15.1.2025 03:42Closeups #plottermastodon #blender #structuresynth
"Pure black and white. No gray."
Ambient Occlusion / Diffuse mix rendered and then (random) dithered into oblivion using
#genuary #genuary2025 #genuary14
The last plot with its rotational twin. This time I used instead of my blender-based hidden line removal approach. #plotterart #graphpaper #structuresynth
13.1.2025 22:18The last plot with its rotational twin. This time I used instead of my blender-based hidden line removal approach. #plotterart ...
Finally have a decent workflow for complex geo to decent vectors with hidden line removal. I’ll write a tutorial soon! #structuresynth #blender3d #penplotter #plottertwitter #graphpaper
13.1.2025 17:55Finally have a decent workflow for complex geo to decent vectors with hidden line removal. I’ll write a tutorial soon! #structuresynth #blender3d ...
My little home makerspace ❤️
#axidraw #SKÅDIS #pimoroni #maker
more #structuresynth geo and #penplotter fun #generativeart
13.1.2025 12:27more #structuresynth geo and #penplotter fun #generativeart
Plotting some #structuresynth abstract geo #plotterfed #penplotter #plottertwitter
13.1.2025 11:41Plotting some #structuresynth abstract geo #plotterfed #penplotter #plottertwitter
Procedural snowflakes for unique holiday cards! Wrote the code to generate snowflakes in #processing and then plotted them using my axidraw. #generativeart #proceduralart #plotterfed #penplotter #holidays
13.1.2025 11:32Procedural snowflakes for unique holiday cards! Wrote the code to generate snowflakes in #processing and then plotted them using my axidraw. #genera...
Plotting stills from the Blade Runner trailer using my pen plotter. Conversion from raster to vector via the very excellent #bladerunner #plotterfed #penplotter
13.1.2025 11:18Plotting stills from the Blade Runner trailer using my pen plotter. Conversion from raster to vector via the very excellent