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Tags: pennsylvania
The PA GOP is a massive disappointment, no integrity at all, no fairness. Nothing has changed with this election; the establishment GOP in PA is the same as the dirty Dems.
13.3.2025 19:45Comment on Judicial candidate garners 6,300 signatures despite being shunned by GOP state committee by Anonymous<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>TP</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
13.3.2025 19:41Comment on Judicial candidate garners 6,300 signatures despite being shunned by GOP state committee by Dee Lynn<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Thank YOU for reporting this wonderful news about Josh Prince and Maria Battista! Great candidates with ideals and courage.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
13.3.2025 18:24Comment on Judicial candidate garners 6,300 signatures despite being shunned by GOP state committee by talentedllama6cdce3e578[…] Wolford won the Feb. 8th PA GOP endorsement, but under a cloud of controversy, specifically allegations of lies, threats and briberysurrounding the endorsement votes. Prince initially agreed to withdraw, if he failed to clinch the endorsement that day, but after reflection & pleas from multiple PAGOP State Committee members and friends, he announced he is re-entering the race. […]
13.3.2025 17:13Comment on Aspiring PA judges Prince and Battista remain in races, challenging establishment endorsements by Judicial candidate garners 6,300 signatur...[…] won the Feb. 8th PA GOP endorsement, but under a cloud of controversy, specifically allegations of lies, threats and briberysurrounding the endorsement votes. Prince initially agreed to withdraw, if he failed to clinch the […]
13.3.2025 17:13Comment on Allegations of lies, threats, and bribery shake PA GOP ahead of winter meeting by Judicial candidate garners 6,300 signatures despite being...[…] won the Feb. 8th PA GOP endorsement, but under a cloud of controversy, specifically allegations of lies, threats and […]
13.3.2025 17:13Comment on Greg Rothman has been elected Chairman of the Pennsylvania Republican Party by Judicial candidate garners 6,300 signatures despite being sh...By: Caroline Machiraju Harrisburg, Pennsylvania — Being an “endorsed” candidate of the Republican Party of Pa. (PA GOP) has its perks: between the red-carpet treatment at PA GOP-sponsored events, the committee manpower assigned to collect petition signatures; and the name-promotion on polling literature, it’s usually enough to entice voters, steering them away from a choice they’ll see […]
13.3.2025 17:13Judicial candidate garners 6,300 signatures despite being shunned by GOP state committeeHarrisburg, Pennsylvania — The March 11 deadline to circulate petitions has now passed and the Dauphin County Bureau of Elections has posted results of the nomination petitions filed by candidates of local municipal elections to appear on the May 20 primary ballot. Local elections include mayors, township supervisors, school board directors and several others. March […]
13.3.2025 13:42John Harris Jr. is on the ballot in Dauphin County; No Republicans are running for Mayor of Harrisburg<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>sickening. </p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
13.3.2025 02:44Comment on Middletown real estate agent charged with possessing child pornography by AnonymousBy: Sean Guay Middletown, Pennsylvania — After twelve years under the leadership of Mayor James Curry, the Borough of Middletown will elect a new mayor this year. Mayor Curry announced that his name will not appear on the ballot for mayor in this year’s election, however he is instead campaigning to be elected to Middletown Borough […]
12.3.2025 23:50Middletown will elect a new Mayor with James Curry now running for Borough Council<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p><em>If you think there is traffic now, wait until Hershey West gets developed. </em></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
12.3.2025 17:58Comment on State Rep. Tom Mehaffie, Supervisor Rich Zmuda address traffic safety on Cocoa Avenue in Hershey by Anonymous<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>THE TOWNSHIP SHOULD REDIRECT TRAILER TRUCKS TO TAKE HERSHEY PARK DRIVE INSTEAD OF DIRECTLY THROUGH HERSHEY PROPER WHEN GOING FROM LEBANON/PALMYRA TO HARRISBURG. THAT WILL RELIEVE LOADS OF CONGESTION POSED BY LARGE NUMBERS OF TRUCKS GOING THROUGH HERSHEY THAT DO NOT HAVE A STOP IN HERSHEY.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
12.3.2025 17:16Comment on State Rep. Tom Mehaffie, Supervisor Rich Zmuda address traffic safety on Cocoa Avenue in Hershey by AnonymousHershey, Pennsylvania — At the February 25 Board of Supervisors meeting in Derry Township, Supervisor Rich Zmuda announced an initiative being championed by Pennsylvania State Representative Tom Mehaffie to improve traffic and pedestrian safety along Cocoa Avenue in Hershey. During the meeting, Madam Chairwoman Natalie Nutt addressed Chief of Police Garth Warner regarding ongoing complaints […]
12.3.2025 14:52State Rep. Tom Mehaffie, Supervisor Rich Zmuda address traffic safety on Cocoa Avenue in HersheyWilliamsport, Pennsylvania — The Long John Silvers on E. Third Street, also known as the Williamsport Golden Strip in Lycoming County, will be rebuilt this spring after an electrical fire damaged the restaurant in February. Pre-construction is currently underway. Demolition of the old building is scheduled to begin in April, and a total reconstruction will […]
11.3.2025 14:59Construction to rebuild Long John Silvers after fire on the Golden Strip will begin soon<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>look what’s happening in London right now. </p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
9.3.2025 16:30Comment on Public weary of the Hershey Islamic Center plan for parking lot entrance, traffic on Middletown Road by AnonymousHarrisburg, Pennsylvania — Information provided to the Republican Executive Committeewoman of Miami, Florida that proved to be “smoking gun” evidence linking a professional stalker to a GOP headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia, was initially obtained by independent news source Harrisburg100. Angie Wong, alumna of Columbia Graduate School of Journalism, said the information provided was a “home […]
7.3.2025 20:02Information obtained by Harrisburg100 was “smoking gun” to win case against corrupt PACHummelstown, Pennsylvania — Plans for a large mosque in Derry Township will be previewed by the Board of Supervisors in March before heading back to the planning commission to be considered for approval in June. The site is located directly behind Sheetz on Middletown Road. Rather than to outright reject the plan for Hershey Islamic […]
7.3.2025 01:23Public weary of the Hershey Islamic Center plan for parking lot entrance, traffic on Middletown RoadFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Miami, Florida – March 4, 2025 – After a years-long ordeal, Angie Wong has won a decisive legal victory, securing a permanent Stalking Violence injunction against federal felon Stan Fitzgerald, his aliases, and third-party instigators. The ruling, delivered yesterday in the Eleventh Judicial Circuit Court of Miami-Dade County, Florida, marks a turning […]
5.3.2025 19:42Angie Wong Secures Permanent Stalking Violence Injunction Against Federal Felon Stan Fitzgerald, Signals Push for Stronger Online Harassment LawsMiddletown, Pennsylvania — A seasoned real estate agent with an office in Middletown allegedly possessed child pornography using a communication device, according to charges filed on February 21 in Conewago Township. Walter Eby, 81, has been charged with 2 felony charges that stem from an investigation dating back to 2020 on Ridge Road, which has […]
1.3.2025 22:15Middletown real estate agent charged with possessing child pornographyHershey, Pennsylvania — Salad lovers rejoice. Content creator Nicole Daboin recently featured Savory Cafe in a Tik Tok video that has been circulating on social media. Savory Cafe is located on Park Avenue, across the street from Hersheypark near the Tanger Outlers. Speaking fondly of the local establishment, Nicole said, “Oh and by the way, […]
1.3.2025 03:25Savory Cafe on Park Avenue, Hershey gets rave reviews on Tik Tok