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@mikael@gueck.com made a new post: "Set the ExtensionManifestV2Availability Chrome policy to keep Manifest V2 for a few more months."
7.1.2025 00:19Set the ExtensionManifestV2Availability Chrome policy to keep Manifest V2 for a few more months.@mikael@gueck.com made a new post: "After Orban's Russia trip, the Russian GPS jamming ramped up significantly, and has kept up ever since."
7.8.2024 12:44After Orban's Russia trip, the Russian GPS jamming ramped up significantly, and has kept up ever since.@mikael@gueck.com made a new post: "The end of Chrome on my general browsing is coming, with the leveraging of monopoly to kill effective ad blocking."
4.8.2024 03:15The end of Chrome on my general browsing is coming, with the leveraging of monopoly to kill effective ad blocking.@mikael@gueck.com posted 1 attachment
7.7.2024 10:38@mikael@gueck.com posted 1 attachment@mikael@gueck.com made a new post: "```kotlin private val toDocument = HttpResponse.BodyHandler { _ -> val upstream = HttpResponse.BodySubscribers.ofString(UTF_8) HttpResponse.BodySubscribers.mapping(upstream, Jsoup::parseBodyFragmen...
3.7.2024 14:22```kotlin private val toDocument = HttpResponse.BodyHandler { _ -> val upstream = HttpResponse.BodySubscribers.of...@mikael@gueck.com made a new post: "rpthms/nft-geo-filter makes IP-blocking countries easy."
22.6.2024 13:51rpthms/nft-geo-filter makes IP-blocking countries easy.@mikael@gueck.com made a new post: "hurl hoppscotch"
8.5.2024 14:20hurl hoppscotch@mikael@gueck.com made a new post: "In lands of startups, hearts ablaze, with B2B software dreams, A siren song of K8s rings, a tool for giants, it seems. But hold your horses, cowboy dev, for markets small and tight, Kubernetes is overkill, a battleaxe...
28.4.2024 10:20In lands of startups, hearts ablaze, with B2B software dreams, A siren song of K8s rings, a tool for giants, it seems. But ho...@mikael@gueck.com made a new post: "gatus focalboard yolo_tracking polars planka lazygit mmyolo monolith posthog"
27.3.2024 22:01gatus focalboard yolo_tracking polars planka lazygit mmyolo monolith posthog@mikael@gueck.com posted 1 attachment
6.3.2024 14:58@mikael@gueck.com posted 1 attachment@mikael@gueck.com made a new post: "We still have a bunch of Finnish houses to convert from direct electric heating to split heat pumps in 2024."
4.1.2024 17:11We still have a bunch of Finnish houses to convert from direct electric heating to split heat pumps in 2024.@mikael@gueck.com posted 1 attachment
21.12.2023 23:56@mikael@gueck.com posted 1 attachment@mikael@gueck.com made a new post: "tmux fish starship fzf bat lsd"
26.8.2023 13:14tmux fish starship fzf bat lsd@mikael@gueck.com made a new post: "It's incredible the extent to which popular news subreddits have been taken over by LLMs that push the agenda of the two currently headlining totalitarian blocs. I don't think there's any way back for non-verified pop...
5.7.2023 05:57It's incredible the extent to which popular news subreddits have been taken over by LLMs that push the agenda of the two curr...@mikael@gueck.com made a new post: "The big tech "AI ethics" didn't deliver us the science fiction kind of AI, but instead AI that'll be happy to kill you, but unable to express thoughts that might be considered vulgar in specific US cities."
22.4.2023 17:49The big tech "AI ethics" didn't deliver us the science fiction kind of AI, but instead AI that'll be happy to kill you, but u...@mikael@gueck.com made a new post: "Networks of LLMs now dominate politics discussions on major subreddits."
15.4.2023 15:44Networks of LLMs now dominate politics discussions on major subreddits.@mikael@gueck.com made a new post: "How did I make the world a better place today?
* Configure LogBack to omit the 🐳 whale log rows produced by Testcontainers.
* In your `logback-test.xml` element `
@mikael@gueck.com made a new post: "Uranium is a renewable resource created by solar processes. Fission energy is thus renewable."
1.1.2023 07:36Uranium is a renewable resource created by solar processes. Fission energy is thus renewable.@mikael@gueck.com made a new post: "A Christmas letter to dictators, 1938, F. E. Sillanpää. In Finnish. https://www.hs.fi/mielipide/art-2000009282098.html"
25.12.2022 07:31A Christmas letter to dictators, 1938, F. E. Sillanpää. In Finnish. https://www.hs.fi/mielipide/art-2000009282098.html@mikael@gueck.com made a new post: "Great, all of my PCR tests had expired during their purported validity period."
28.11.2022 01:26Great, all of my PCR tests had expired during their purported validity period.