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I think there must be some difference between flautist and flatulis...

I think there must be some difference between flautist and flatulist, but my eyes always deceive me.

30.1.2025 20:04I think there must be some difference between flautist and flatulis...

* Translation from our friends as DeepL ** reposted from Diaspora* ...

* Translation from our friends as DeepL
** reposted from Diaspora* since Friendica only post a link through Mastodon, I mean, uh, it's not that seamless, that activitypub thingy.
There was a discussion on Facebook that Tesla was not started by #Musk, but by Martin #Eberhard and Marc #Tarpenning (2003-2008), and that Musk was the investor who got the company for his investment (and $8 million); and that Musk did nothing to make #Tesla what it is.
I disagreed like hell. I got a response of "but come on, he barely added anything technically!". And I wrote this reply.

What has Elon Musk given us? no no NO NO. Musk has added nothing of technical value. That's not the guy's superpower.

  1. He said he has a vision for the electric car. When everyone said it was stupid, impossible, no way, look around and wake up. Electric cars will never be sold or usable! He single-handedly created the residential electric car industry. Beat that.

  2. He put money in when it looked hopeless. A LOT of money. (In fact, he gathered a lot of it, by whatever means. By EVERY method he had.)

  3. He pushed money into the charging network when it seemed totally pointless in the short to medium term.

  4. He made a financial plan that was decades in the making (release the sports model, use it to pay for the high end model, use it to pay for the people's car at an absurd $35k).

  5. If the financial plan had been a bit optimistic he have topped it with excellent marketing pushing on all fronts, where the car became not just a status symbol, but a gadget. TOUCH SCREEN! In the car!!!! Cameras! IN CAR!!!! FREE CHARGING!!!!!1111oneoneONEONE

  6. He kept to the fact that it had to go, even though there were a few downhill slopes (and then there are some).

  7. He put personal energy into it, and a lot of that.

That's his superpower. That's what he put in. Because he's a narcissistic aggressive autistic asshole, and all of those are excellent superpowers for this particular task. He can't give up, he can push anyone down to do it and he does it no matter what anyone thinks, says or does.

3.12.2024 11:14* Translation from our friends as DeepL ** reposted from Diaspora* ...

Facebookon volt egy vita, hogy a Teslát nem #Musk indította, hanem ...

Facebookon volt egy vita, hogy a Teslát nem #Musk indította, hanem Martin #Eberhard és Marc #Tarpenning (2003-2008), és Musk a befektető volt, aki a befektetéseiért (és 8 millió dollárért) megkapta a céget; és hogy Musk nem tett semmit hozzá, hogy a #Tesla az legyen, ami.
Baromira nem értettem egyet. Kaptam egy választ, hogy „de hát ne már, műszakilag alig adott hozzá valamit!”. És erre írtam ezt a választ.

Mit adott nekünk Elon Musk?


Musk nem adott hozzá műszaki értéket. Nem ez a csávó szuperképessége.

  1. Azt mondta, hogy a villanyautóban van fantázia. Mikor mindenki azt mondta, hogy hülye, lehetetlen, kizárt, nézzen már körül és ébredjen fel. Villanyautók sosem lesznek eladhatóak vagy használhatóak! Egyszemélyben létrehozta a lakossági villanyautó-ipart. Beat that.
  2. Pénzt nyomott bele akkor is, amikor reménytelennek tűnt. SOK pénzt. (Sőt, szerzett egy csomót, tökmindegy, milyen módszerekkel. MINDEN módszerrel, amije csak volt.)
  3. Pénzt nyomott a kúthálózatba, amikor ez teljesen értelmetlennek tűnt rövid- és középtávon.
  4. Csinált egy olyan pénzügyi tervet, ami évtizedekre meg volt tervezve (kidobjuk a sportmodellt, ebből fizetjük a high end modellt, ebből fizetjük a népautót abszurd $35k áron).
  5. Ha a pénzügyi terv kissé optimista lett volna megtolta egy minden fronton nyomuló, kiváló marketinggel, ahol az autó nem csak státusszimbóleum lett, hanem egy bazi gadget. ÉRINTŐKÉPERNYŐ! Autóban!!! Kamerák! AUTÓBAN!!! INGYEN TÖLTÉS!!!!!4444NÉGYNÉGY
  6. Tartotta magát ahhoz, hogy ennek mennie kell, pedig volt pár lejtmenet (meg ugye van is).
  7. Személyes energiát tolt bele, rengeteget.

Ez a szuperképessége. Ezt tette bele. Mert egy narcisztikus aggresszív autista, és ezek mindegyike kiváló szuperképesség pont ehhez a feladathoz. Nem tudja feladni, képes letolni bárkit ennek érdekében és csinálja, akárki akármit gondol, mond vagy tesz.

3.12.2024 10:28Facebookon volt egy vita, hogy a Teslát nem #Musk indította, hanem ...



Let me think out loud about this oriental style advertisement:

10 000 000 lumen flashlight

So first, it is emitting 10 million lumens, which is about the same as a 650 000 Watt (650 kW) incandescent light. That is 6250 pieces of 100 Watt bulb. It approximately need 112 kW LED emitters if you use common consumer grade ones.
Industry leader tech can emit 140 lm/W, even of those we'd need 71.4 kW (and 150 k pieces of them, which would require 7 m² area (which is about 40×40 bananas [40 square bananas] for USA people).

Before we start to worry about the flashlight of the size of a medium room there is hope: this light uses only 800 Watts instead of 71 kW! Which is truly great Chinese technology, since it means they are using a LED emitter with 12500 lm/W performance! That is an instant Noble prize in physics, chemistry and politics! (Also taking the "industry leader" label, by far.)

So, what battery do we get? It is huge: 10 000 mAh! I mean, it is, well, at least, lots of zeroes.
So, LEDs use, say, 3 V, and the fwd current is about 750mA, and that gives us almost 3 watts. 800 Watts require 266 A, which is 266000 mA, so our battery will go flat in two minutes an 15 seconds.

If they somehow mistaken that and the original wattage stands, 71.4 kW requires about 23800 A, which will empty the battery in 1.57 seconds. It is still great runtime, since you'll go blind in about the same time. Anyway.

Maybe a small but not unimportant problem is that drawing 266 ampers would probably explode the battery in a few seconds, and 28kA, well, it's probably the same as shorting it and watch the fireworks.

...which is probably not a problem, since generating the required light generates about 50 kW heat, which is about 100 times the power of a mobile room heater, or phrasing it another way, the LEDs will burn and explode in probably less than a second, much sooner than the battery would explode, depite that the "LED" is room sized.

So, for $30 it's a pretty good deal. I mean, if you're a soldier, for example, you can use it as an incendiary grenade. A room sized one, but battery driven! (And it can also charge your phone between destructions.)
If you're not then it's good for some Nobel prizes, or getting the campfire started, or possibly also the near forest.

One thing it's not good for, unfortunately: you cannot use it as a flashlight.

(Image is involuntary courtesy of Aliexpress.)

#chinese #shopping #flashlight #advertisement #lies #wmd

21.11.2024 21:25Chinese

While calculating for USA people I have stumbled upon this priceles...

While calculating for USA people I have stumbled upon this priceless service:

#metric and #imperial #banana

21.11.2024 17:43While calculating for USA people I have stumbled upon this priceles...

…so it was about someone (again) blocked from Facebook, her posts a...

…so it was about someone (again) blocked from Facebook, her posts are removed and I again mentioned that they really should post on an alternative, free platform and maybe link it from Facebook since their audience hangs there, and this way their posts cannot be really removed.

And so I have realised that again years have passed, so I started to look around and see what's available in 2024, when someone would like to move over from Facebook, would like to create longer posts, with images maybe, and alike.

And after about half an hour I have realised, yet again, that still Diaspora*, however clunky it is, however dated its interface is, still probably the best long-form post alternative of that.

So it's been said again.

18.11.2024 20:02…so it was about someone (again) blocked from Facebook, her posts a...

For all people hanging around this pod: an upgrade hanging in the a...

For all people hanging around this pod: an upgrade hanging in the air. I mean…


Brace yourself!

9.11.2024 23:23For all people hanging around this pod: an upgrade hanging in the a...

– If you could have sex with any famous people, dead or alive, whic...

– If you could have sex with any famous people, dead or alive, which one would you choose?
– Alive.

5.2.2024 09:12– If you could have sex with any famous people, dead or alive, whic...

seasonal greetings ;-)

seasonal greetings ;-)

17.1.2024 21:37seasonal greetings ;-)

How is the Gaza War seen beyond the US and the West?

How is the Gaza War seen beyond the US and the West?

Israel was isolated with a few allies in the UN General Assembly vote.#ShowTypes #Israel-Palestineconflict #Israel #MiddleEast #Palestine #UnitedStates #US&Canada
How is the Gaza War seen beyond the US and the West?

13.12.2023 19:50How is the Gaza War seen beyond the US and the West?

Iran’s Mohammadi slams ‘tyrannical’ regime in Nobel Prize speech fr...

Iran’s Mohammadi slams ‘tyrannical’ regime in Nobel Prize speech from jail

The Iranian human rights campaigner Narges Mohammadi has been honoured in her absence at a ceremony in Norway, after winning the Nobel Peace Prize. Mohammadi...#2023NobelPeacePrize #AlJazeera #AlJazeeraEnglish #Iran #IranianhumanrightscampaignerNargesMohammadi #IranianrightsactivistNargesMohammadi #NargesMohammadi #NargesMohammadischildrenacceptaward #NobelPeace #NobelPeacePrize #NobelPeacePrize2023 #Tehran #Womansrights #alJazeera #aljazeeraEnglish #aljazeeralive #aljazeeravideo #aljazeeraEnglish #aljazeeralatest #aljazeeralive #aljazeeralivenews #latestnews #newsheadlines
Iran’s Mohammadi slams ‘tyrannical’ regime in Nobel Prize speech from jail

10.12.2023 20:10Iran’s Mohammadi slams ‘tyrannical’ regime in Nobel Prize speech fr...

Excerpts from a recent article. Most of the freed hostages don't ta...

Excerpts from a recent article.

Most of the freed hostages don't talk, however, some of the Thai workers who were also released, alongside Israeli and dual nationals, spoke in detail about the desperate conditions, beatings and random executions.

Out of 6 thai hostages 2 was killed in the beginning, the friend of the person was randomly chosen and shot in the head just next to them because the truck was full of hostages and there was no more place for a person to transport.

At the target are they were tied and moved into empty houses. Short after that the soldiers started hitting and kicking everyone, without any point. When they tried to say that they are thai they got a bit less of that but they kept hitting and kicking israely people for an hour.

They were moved again, and an both ends they were hit and kicked for a long time again. Arriving in the tunnel system (and after another long beating) they were moved in a windowless room, where they have been beaten for more 2-3 days, repeatedly. The israelis got a week more continuous beating, including being hit for hours by charged electrical wires. They got 2 pita as a day's ration and 2 bottles of water for all of the people. The thai people were moved in a different place after 3-4 days where the beatings were stopped and they got a little bit more food.

After about a month a leader-looking person told them that "thai go home", they were moved through a tunnel system, and finally given over to the Red Cross, after 50 days.

Some hostages are not even held by Hamas but various other smaller terrorist organisations.

(The people mentioned called Pornsawan Pinakalo, Anucha Angkaew, and some of them were not specifically named.)

#hamas #israel #war

9.12.2023 12:53Excerpts from a recent article. Most of the freed hostages don't ta...



8.12.2023 15:55priorities

One photo by grin ✅

8.12.2023 15:55One photo by grin ✅

we won!

we won!

8.12.2023 15:54we won!

One photo by grin ✅

8.12.2023 15:52One photo by grin ✅

Let's ask this question, @diaspora* HQ, shall we? If a small pod fo...

Let's ask this question, @[diaspora* HQ](, shall we?

If a small pod follows a tag (say, #diaspora) then will the pod pull in (show) all messages on all pods tagged by this specific, followed tag?
Or following it will only show local tagged messages on the specific small pod, either created locally or followed by a local user?

So, if a small pod follows a popular tag, despite that large pods (like has hundred posts a day the small pod user will see probably none of them?

7.12.2023 11:55Let's ask this question, @diaspora* HQ, shall we? If a small pod fo...

I think everybody will die in Hungary now. The whole country is foz...

I think everybody will die in Hungary now. The whole country is fozen by the deadly cold weather, only a few days in the last decade was colder than now!

It is -3 °C!! Close to absolute zero!! We're dead!!!

Oh and we were completely under extreme snow a few days ago. It was more than 2 centimeters deep! And was present for almost a day! The traffic was nonexistant, trains stopped, civil unrest was only prevented by the extreme cold.

What global warming?! We're frozen! I even seen a princess singing the next road asking us to let the snow snowing or like!!

3.12.2023 15:22I think everybody will die in Hungary now. The whole country is foz...

I am again not #newhere but have been neglecting #disapora for quit...

I am again not #newhere but have been neglecting #disapora for quite a while now.

As I see there is not much happening here, lot of pods are gone, people are silent.
Indeed, it seems that never caught a traction.

Well, still, I keep the pod alive, though my users seem to have been gone for a while, only a few spambots come from time to time.

2.12.2023 14:04I am again not #newhere but have been neglecting #disapora for quit...

@Robbie if I understand correctly you are about 15 years old, and y...

@[Robbie]( if I understand correctly you are about 15 years old, and you are out here to learn and looking at your possible future. If that's so it's great.

I don't give you advices, but I can answer (some) questions and I can share about what I've seen so far.

(This is a public post, anyone feel free to comment, by the way.)

So, I posted #newhere (again :-)) but skipped the (re)introduction. A short intro about me (or you can check the world of knowledge).

Kind of intro

I'm Hungarian and working with computers. But let me tell you how it went, since it's more relevant for you right now.
When I was a kid I met with my first computer, and I loved that it's a machine that does whan I tell it, and tried to write programs, which I still do. Apart from that I went through various computers until I met my true friend, the C=64. I have played a lot of games, and in parallel I did programming, so I was curious how the games worked, so learnt (by myself) assembly, and started to take programs apart, like cutting out and repacking music. :-)

Also, I learned English because of the text adventure games, so I had a notepad with the words I don't know, and a dictionary, and I wrote the meaning, and after a while I kind of remembered them. I remember most of them even now so people believe I speak English but in reality I only play a text-based adventure where they are the NPCs. :-)

Then I met a real programming language (apart from assembly and BASIC) and it looked weird, and I was curious so learned C. For fun.

Then come the IBM PC age, and in my school there was a computer, which was even faster, so started playing games there (Larry, I'm looking at you!), which was pretty useful for learning more English. But then these machines had even more interesting programming languages (like Pascal, but fun was to check Forth, Prolog and Smalltalk), so half of my time was spent programming, creating various little fun stuff ranging from simple drawing program to simple games.

There was no internet, but I met the first modem and I was also hooked by the possibility to connect remote machines and transfer data (games!) so I spent some more money on modems, which lead to creating my first open online free community resource: a BBS. There it went on: I virtually met a lot of nice people, met a lot of intersting programs (shareware, freeware), I knew a bit English, I knew a bit programming... I wasn't bored.

And it have determined me to learn the stuff I loved to do, which was about computers, interconnects, programming... so I went to college learning about just that. (It was not an easy ride, but that's another story, and Hungarian education used to be free back then, so I didn't have to generate debts.) And college wasn't an university so I got a lot of useful knowledge apart from theory.

Then I got some whatever job, mainly to cover my hobbies. So I ran my BBS, and then Internet came, so it was just logical to create an ISP using those modems. And meeting new people (and hanging on iRC a lot, and talking with everybody). And it leads to new friends, some of them asking me to join their companies, do new jobs, larger scale, more money, more interesting tasks, larger stuff, faster stuff, .... and it just goes on and forward.

In the meantime (apart from the work where I do what I like) I meet people introducing me to new hobbies. And I find new projects on the internet. Like, I found google before it was Google and was amazed by the idea of the ranking, or created part of DMoz just because I wanted to share. And then I happened to find the English #Wikipedia and thought it would be nice to have a Hungarian one so I have created it. And it grew pretty big today (both English and Hungarian). And I met again a huge lot of people through all these hobbies. And some of them became jobs.

Or, I like to bike, and I found a nice map project, also free and open, so I started to edit OSM. And it grew as well, and I meet a lof of people through that hobby project, where I give away my work for free. Some of them asking for my knowledge and willing to pay for that.

You see, all the jobs I get paid for are based on stuff I gave away for free. And the people I met through it. And that people have seen what I can so and asked me to do that for them for money. It worked out pretty well. Giving away stuff for free I mean. :-)

Moral of the story? Learn. Be open. Talk to smart and worthy people (and do not waste too much time on the stupid and no-good ones). They may find what you can do worthy.

1.12.2023 14:06@Robbie if I understand correctly you are about 15 years old, and y...

Tac (reverse cat) for @Adam Hunt ;-)enter image description here ht...

Tac (reverse cat) for @[Adam Hunt]( ;-)enter image description here

1.12.2023 12:46Tac (reverse cat) for @Adam Hunt ;-)enter image description here ht...

That is what nameservers see when #facebook bites the dust. I would...

That is what nameservers see when #facebook bites the dust.
I wouldn't be surprised to hear that some NS actually went down due to the tenfold pressure and traffic.

4.10.2021 21:50That is what nameservers see when #facebook bites the dust. I would...

In #Budapest there are more than 30000 hand-picked small pebbles la...

In #Budapest there are more than 30000 hand-picked small pebbles laying at the Margit-island. All those pebbles contain a number and an age, some a first name or nickname, some just "mom". Every pebble is for one person who died in #COVID in #Hungary. People started to put pebbles there last year, and soon thousands and thousands of new pebbles appeared, one by one, bordering the running strip around the little island.

In august 2021 the pebbles were so many that they were in danger from the large masses of people of the popular island, so the government of Budapest city and the people originally organised the memorial and their countless helpers have moved all the stones, a handful a time, into an inner park of the island, into a multiple spiralling line.

If you happen to be around, nice to know what these pebbles are. Lots and lots of stones.

7.9.2021 06:49In #Budapest there are more than 30000 hand-picked small pebbles la...


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