Solutions architect by day, sometime trail maintenance volunteer, Duolingo Irish/Welsh learner, avid book hoarder, sci-fi fan. Resident of the Pacific Northwest (Olympia, WA). Also [url=]@peter[/url] as a Pacific Northwest native. This account is likely more active. [url=]#OlympiaWA[/url] [url=]#SolutionsArchitecture[/url] [url=]#Azure[/url] [url=]#Irish[/url] [url=]#Welsh[/url] [url=]#DysguCymraeg[/url] [url=]#SciFi[/url] [url=]#PacNW[/url] [url=]#CSharp[/url] [url=]#WashingtonTrailsAssociation[/url] [url=]#TrailMaintenance[/url]
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Tags: azure csharp dysgucymraeg irish olympiawa pacnw scifi solutionsarchitecture trailmaintenance washingtontrailsassociation welsh