Artist. Imagination meets ecology. Working responsively with other species and places.[url=]#ecoart[/url] [url=]#video[/url] [url=]#sound[/url] [url=]#dialogue[/url] In love with the creaturely world and in horror at its ongoing destruction.
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Here’s a very recent addition to our work with #ants, though work on it started before the collage (academic publishing is a strange business).
We have a chapter in this book Ethical Materialities in Art and Moving Images edited by Silke Panse who was our brilliant PhD supervisor and just published by Bloomsbury. It goes into some detail about the processes ethics insights that shaped our work together 🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜
We made this piece The Great Mother as part of a series of #collages exploring the teachings humans have received from #ants across evolutionary time.
#Matriarchy certainly looks appealing from where we are right now.
Ants have stayed with it for a few hundreds of millions of years and have managed to to develop major cities and vast networks, invent farming and solar energy without wrecking the planet.
That’s not to say they’re sweet, they’ve also developed chemical warfare and are the only other animal group I’ve heard of to enslave others.
Anyway, hi!
Feral Practice is never just human, and over the years has often been ant-ic.
This piece was part of The Ant-ic Museum exhibition at Scarborough Art Gallery 2021-2