Hi, I’m Nicole! But you can call me the Fediverse Chick 😎 I’m a proud Polish girl from Toronto 🇨🇦 I’m currently taking the pre-health sciences program at George Brown College hoping to get into the medical field someday!
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#0 index.php(72): RssBridge->main()
#1 lib/RssBridge.php(103): DisplayAction->execute()
#2 actions/DisplayAction.php(68): DisplayAction->createResponse()
#3 actions/DisplayAction.php(117): FeedMergeBridge->collectData()
#4 bridges/FeedMergeBridge.php(82): FeedExpander->collectExpandableDatas()
#5 lib/FeedExpander.php(21): getContents()
#6 lib/contents.php(110): HttpException::fromResponse()
#7 lib/http.php(26)
15.3.2025 14:47Bridge returned error 401! (20162)