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Caritas Christi Urget Nos – “For the love of Christ impels us…” (2 Cor. 5:14) |

“For the love of Christ impels us…” (2 Cor. 5:14) |

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Friday of the First Week in Lent

Today’s readings It would be so much easier if we could define our own righteousness. If we could choose who to reach out to and who to ignore, life would be good, wouldn’t it? If we could hold grudges against some people and only have to forgive some people, we would easily consider ourselves justified. […]

14.3.2025 12:00Friday of the First Week in Lent

Thursday of the First Week in Lent

Today’s readings During this first week of Lent, our Liturgies of the Word are teaching us about the Lenten disciplines: fasting, almsgiving and prayer. On Tuesday, we heard the Lord’s prayer, and today we hear the prayer of Esther and Jesus’ injunction to persistence in prayer. I love the story of Esther, and as I […]

13.3.2025 14:30Thursday of the First Week in Lent

The First Sunday in Lent

Today’s readings The devil wants us to forget who we are. That we are created good by a God who loves us more than anything; that we can never fall far from grace if we stay close to Jesus; that we are sons and daughters of God who have the freedom to love and grow […]

10.3.2025 02:07The First Sunday in Lent

Saturday after Ash Wednesday

Today’s readings “Those who are healthy do not need a physician, but the sick do.” A few months ago, I had a reaction to my cholesterol meds: hives, itching, severe joint pain. At first it was just the hives and I dismissed it, thinking it was a bug bite. But they quickly spread. I was […]

8.3.2025 15:30Saturday after Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday

Where do you see yourself in forty days? I’m sure many of us have had to answer some version of that annoying question when applying for a job. You know: “Where do you see yourself in five years? Ten years?” But I ask that question today because I think we have to decide what getting […]

5.3.2025 13:00Ash Wednesday

Tuesday of the Eighth Week in Ordinary Time

Today’s readings In this section of the Gospel, Jesus is taking the time to set things right about what it means to be rich and famous. Yesterday, we had the Gospel reading about the rich young man. As you might remember, Jesus looked at the young man and loved him, and then challenged him to […]

4.3.2025 15:30Tuesday of the Eighth Week in Ordinary Time

Friday of the Seventh Week in Ordinary Time

Today’s readings Jesus is speaking to the Pharisees in the Gospel reading, and it’s important to understand that he was not giving them marriage counseling, because that’s not what they asked for. They seemed to be asking a question about divorce and whether or not it should be allowed, but what they were really trying […]

28.2.2025 13:00Friday of the Seventh Week in Ordinary Time

Tuesday of the Seventh Week in Ordinary Time

Today’s readings Arguing does nothing for our faith. Whether we are arguing about domestic or even trivial things with the people we should be loving, or arguing about something with a person on the internet we’ve never met, arguing is useless. Arguing closes us off to the truth and to the call to charity, so […]

25.2.2025 15:30Tuesday of the Seventh Week in Ordinary Time

The Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

Today’s readings The hard part about reading from our Lectionary is that, while it is very good, sometimes the little bits we get of the story aren’t really enough for us to understand, or at least to fully appreciate, what is going on. That’s the case, I think, with today’s first reading. So bear with […]

23.2.2025 16:00The Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

Friday of the Sixth Week in Ordinary Time

Today’s readings In today’s first reading, the people decide that they want to be able to get to heaven, so they decide to build a great big tower, I guess so they could go up the stairs in the tower and get to heaven. But see, that’s not how heaven works. We can’t get there […]

21.2.2025 17:23Friday of the Sixth Week in Ordinary Time

Comment on Twelfth Sunday of Ordinary Time by Kurt Lange

I could really identify with the whole journey aspect. I thought you did a great job tying in the gospel to personal happenings everyone could relate to. Thanks for being such a great example over your 3 years here.

23.6.2009 17:30Comment on Twelfth Sunday of Ordinary Time by Kurt Lange

Comment on Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion by julie harris

please tell me what the palms mean and how we can follow jesus better

10.4.2009 20:32Comment on Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion by julie harris

Comment on Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time by petrohd

OK now I KNOW we think on the same plane at times....we sang the Summons on Sunday too but sort of a different light as we had the installation of Altar Servers that morning...

17.2.2009 18:09Comment on Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time by petrohd

Comment on Mary, the Mother of God by Jess

A wonderful homily! One that all Protestants should hear and reflect in their hearts :)

5.1.2009 00:03Comment on Mary, the Mother of God by Jess

Comment on St. Augustine, Bishop and Doctor of the Church by eq2 plat

the website is good and gave me lots of help with my homework , but please could you include something about the choices St.Augustine had to make?<br><br>thankx

27.11.2008 23:27Comment on St. Augustine, Bishop and Doctor of the Church by eq2 plat

Comment on Thirtieth Sunday of Ordinary Time by Linda D

Thanks for the idea for adding prayer to my to do list. Usually I am praying in the car on by way back & forth to work, but it is still a priority to watch the road! This way I can remind myself to pray even on my day off! This is a simple way to keep me on track, and devote that five or ten minutes entirely to the Lord...starting TODAY!

26.10.2008 20:15Comment on Thirtieth Sunday of Ordinary Time by Linda D

Comment on Monday of the Twenty-ninth Week of Ordinary Time by petrohd

no tr

20.10.2008 15:25Comment on Monday of the Twenty-ninth Week of Ordinary Time by petrohd

Comment on Twenty-third Sunday of Ordinary Time by comets

Good message. It can seem impossible sometimes to find a candidate to vote for who is in line with church teachings and has a chance to win.<br>We find ourselves deciding whether to "vote for the lesser of two evils" or some third party candidate who we like more. Are you one who believes that voting for a third party candidate is a waste of a vote and should not be done? If so, the choice is often either vote for the pro life candidate or vote for someone who might better aid the poor.

14.9.2008 12:01Comment on Twenty-third Sunday of Ordinary Time by comets

Comment on Martyrdom of St. John the Baptist by comets

I liked the first reading where Paul says that Christ is foolishness to the Greeks. That is still the case today. There are people who think that they are too smart to believe in Jesus. I am not smart enough to know all the answers. In fact, I think that anyone who claims to know all the answers is fooling themselves. I am not afraid to tell people that I don't know. There are a number of times in the church when our explanation of something is "It's a mystery".

30.8.2008 17:30Comment on Martyrdom of St. John the Baptist by comets

Comment on St. Augustine, Bishop and Doctor of the Church by comets

St. Paul spent a lot of time giving thanks, even though he was imprisoned and suffered a lot for following Christ. I am reading a book now, called "The Last Lecture", by Randy Pausch. While not a Christian per se, he does write about how good life is and gives lessons for daily living. All this while dying of cancer. It always impresses me when I see people who don't give up and feel sorry for themselves. We can all learn a thing or two from St. Paul, and from Randy. I recommend the book.<br>One of the saints that we had at St. Raphael was Cathy Daren. She was the most upbeat person I ever knew with cancer. She died almost 5 years ago. The fact that these people are able to give thanks even when it seems like they don't have things to give thanks for. It makes me realize I need to look closer. We all have things to give thanks for.

29.8.2008 20:39Comment on St. Augustine, Bishop and Doctor of the Church by comets


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