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When we use Google Maps, we use proprietary software and not free? Yes, we do. Because so way we use non-free data. Non-free because Google denies download satellite, terrain, and road data (such a GeoPackage). Yes, you can just screenshot and get photo, but Google have no way to download its data. Thus, Google Maps is non-free shit. Only fact that Google is one of evil corporations makes all its products and other stuff aren't free.

So, I want to show much-much more feature-rich and free sites with geographical, geophysical, geodesic, etc. data.

The deeper we will, the scarier software we will see.

First of all, you need something for viewing Earth expanse. The most famous and well-known thing is Open Street Map. I suppose, every fifth people know about it. In "geo-niche" it takes hard position as reliable map giver. I really believe that this is the coolest map ever. And I believe that only free software concepts can make so lively and high-quality map. But there is one limitation. There are no satellite data.

Hey, weather is geography, too, right? Therefore, for farmers and others I have a feature-rich offer. Of course, weather forecasting isn't boundless prognosis. Feeling that "here we go again" will visit you, if you will use weather forecasting. But for approximately values you can use it. I think, you heard my warning. Now, want to present you OpenWeatherMap. Honestly, just today I meet it first. It's not a big thing, because most of all suchlike apps give approximately values and you can use whatever which bearing free software ideas.

But, what about people who want to see satellite photographs? Internet has what they want. It is Sentinel Hub. "The SENTINEL-2 mission will carry a Multi-Spectral Instrument (MSI), capable of acquiring data in 13 spectral bands. This is envisaged to ensure continuity for the SPOT and LANDSAT data." Actually, it's not just a map, it more database than map. There you select an area and explorer gives you list of photos. Some are cloudy, some are almost clean. World's your oyster. Choose any you want.

Picture that abruptly you wanted to hiking in mountain. You ought to create a way that you will follow. OpenTopoMap is a topographic map which have isolines, shading, roads, and necessary elements for all people. It's based on OSM. If you want to go to Alps, you can use Alps Topographic Maps... But, you, likely, know more about it than I.

If I told about topography, I should tell about terrain maps and other attend stuff. Much people use SRTM. ASTER also may take place here. In my humble opinion, they all have poorer quality than JAXA. By the way, JAXA is recent Japanese creature. DEM can be used in many cases.

At end, you may want a GIS software. Geographic Information System (GIS) is word for "an electronic system used to store, process and display geographic information, especially maps". You know, it's all-purpose thing, such a Swiss Army knife. For example, you can make just a map of your town, and much, much more. Only common sense can stop list of work which GIS does. I think, nice GIS is QGIS.

My geographic interest is just a hobby. I'm not a scientist with university behind my back, I'm just a hobbyist. My work is only propagate my hobby to people crowd, to popular culture by scientific-popular language. I'm also a follower of FOSS trail. In this word pair I mean "not use proprietary software as many as possible; use full free sources; and may pirate".


1.1.2023 18:58(All links in the bottom)

Being eaten alive.

Being eaten alive.


Megapolis is progressing, rising, and growing. Just couple of centuries there was placed little-known, hundred people village. Post-industrial society and population grow force people to obey "regim". They all just obey. There were no people who wanted to coup d'état or revolution. There were only "regim" marionettes who just follow implicit way and were economics boosters. That way was: school, work, grave. Who knows, maybe they didn't want to do what þei wilt.

Part I.

Ɐ lived as usual as other peoples in his country. Ɐ was standart middle-level person who lived in Megapolis and obeyed its rules. At the childhood he was mild kid. His parents were wanting to make well-behaved, perfect man who has bussines. I think that all parents want to that. But even universe isn't perfect. Even so wealth, grandious, and great creating is imperfect. Moreover, it is going bad.

At the school time Ɐ tried to smoke, drunk, and other kind of dirt acts. He just tried and he's not doing those now. Ɐ wasn't convicted. Even though wasn't observed by any people.

School where he studied was placed near plastic manufacturing factory. Near is 1 kilometer. Of course, this is awful for student health, but no one thought about super-smart building up plan of city. They just pinned buildings all over the place, at random, without patterns. And then someone lived with smoke, other near biohazard waste fron yet another factory. Peoples are like flies or cockroaches, they will be alive anyway, thought they.

Students weren't complain at health, but one day they can get lung cancer. Some students got health problems at the school. Some after. Ɐ had myopia, by the way. Although, myopia -3 diopters and more is evolution mechanism for modern life style when human spend well-big of their time looking at objects placed near their eyes.

Once at the school one story happened with Ɐ and opposite sex. That story turned over whole his life and maybe that story forced to run Ɐ's life in other direction.

Ɐ walked through street moving toward bus station. Vehicles flashed faster and faster on the right. On the left flowers blocked gray 2-meter wall embraced building of goverment bank. Blossoming flowers were beautiful, because human who looked after the flower walked nearly. Every time when he saw that flower wilted he got it and threw into trash bin.

When Ɐ walked right at gate to bank, he saw that woman speedy walk from bank and go to gates. She was almost same age of Ɐ. Who knows, may be that will be nice spouses.

Woman walked forward gates. She wanted to go out because she was busy all time. She was almost a businesswoman. She wanted to earn money, too. Woman leave the bank which was one-stoyred red-bricked building. Just yet another bank in the metropolis. There were ton of suchlike buoldings. Some banks were destroyed by their debts, some growed up like a bamboo. And the other heap were sailed in economics ocean. Their ways included storms and fights with other companies (sometimes monopolist), and sometimes sea breezes.

There was woman who lived in expensive beautiful house. House of she was placed near of sand shore. Shore was unpopulated and ghost-ish. Random people could stray there but just for minute, came in and came out. That surroundings have dozens of houses where beautiful, too. There were like a premium city sector with own infrastructure. There were bars, clubs, markets. All in all, places for happy being. That microraion was such a cocoon for upper or even uppest class. Goverment wanted to fence off other city. Wanted to make sector which will contain only choosen one peoples. Peoples who worthy and who famous or celebreted. Regardless of person inner world, regardless of virtue he or not, kind or angry, thief or layman. Only if he has a fluffy stack of money, he can to come there.

Likely, virtue, kind or truth have no effect in that world. They, likely, only made situation worse than without. If person kind, then he might fall to bottom of bussines subworld where he won't be alive, because he will drown in quaking bog of bussines subworld bottom. If virtue, then his moral principles cannot help himself, and unvirtue of other peoples force he to fall to bottom. If kind, then bussines subworld have wealth of reasons to force he to fall. For example, just because he is kind and he doesn't answer beastly if he will be tricked. Although, they all are "likely" and we must to be virtue, kind, truth, etc. Who? If not we?

Woman still walked and Ɐ stood up with gate. Seems he was melted down by she. The Force magnify he to she. He heart wanted to go forwards she. But woman still cold-bloodedly walked forwards gates. At her face no one muscle jerked. No one emotion, no one kindness. She was studied by malevolent bussines subworld. Only brazen can be succesful.

At the moment, they two fell wholly different kind of feelings. She fell happy because yet another heap of money were given by she. He fell sad because he wasn't so succesful, rich and big person like she. But, fortunately, all of us feelings go back eventually. Whatever bad or good, sad or happy, painful or painless. Hedonic treadmill always equals everybody. Whoever billionare or pauper.

She is such a jinx, Ɐ thought. Maybe she has a special charm or she is a God envoy or she's not Terran, he continue thinking. Her hair is fair, her clothes is glaring as actively as went down angel glaring. Of course, she was neither envoy nor angel nor celestial inhabitant. She was victim of plastic surgery. Once when she was a girl she made a plasitc operation. From there she became plastic-hostage and fast-hostage, too. Hobestly, she wasn't think that she is an hostage. Moreover, she liked and loved that operations and she loved all new. Plastic surgeny hurt she all time whenever boyhood or youth. I even can say that was face disabled person or invalid.

Woman came through the gates and speedly moved head forward Ɐ. Her gaze bored Ɐ's chest including his head. Extreamly heat wad making when gaze bore coming deeply into Ɐ. His heart was melted down.

"Wacha wan'?" she said with true state of speedtalking.

"Mmmm... Emmm..." he mumbled. Ɐ was charmed, fascinated, and delighted. Thus, he didn't know what he wanted exactly.

"Oh, another poor! Ge' ou' o' me! Oh, I'm wastin' ma time!" woman shouted.

He was thinking when she swiftly got out of there forwards deep dark car. Its driver will drive she to downtown for urgent big deals.

Ɐ's pansées flow was interrupted by creaking sound of train brakes. He was sat at the bench when school bus No. 42 drove toward the station. It was bus to Ɐ's school. However, Ɐ was jinxed and blinded by woman. He lost the bus. Ɐ had to go afoot.

He walked through the park and thoght about "How to become so successful and rich such a that woman?". Maybe I should buy sone books about success, or written by a successful people, he thought. I know about success from TV and Internet, Ɐ continued. Near himself he saw bookstore. The biggest in the city. The bigger thing, the bigger wanting. So, Ɐ ought to visit it after school. Right before closing. Our school has a library, he thought, but I suppose there no literature what I need.

He came to school right before classes starting. There he was pretty fine. He didn't love to study. He studied forcibly. But that day Ɐ had a one-day-motivation. His motivation finite and its maximum is a week. He fell that the world is his oyster.

After school he went to bookstore. He has walked for 30 or 60 minutes. The best of the best, he thought. I have to find the best, he thought. Finally, Ɐ found them. Five bricks of paper. Or wood, if ye want. All of them about success. Yeah, full of success. I promise you that you will be the richest person on Earth, books said. Actually, they were pointless matter. No pain, no gain. No ways both straight and helpful.

After week, he finished reading. He didn't remember entire books vivid, but that was for better. Even read books avidly, he recieved general positions of books which were worthless, helpless, useless.

From there, Ɐ had two ways. Like a menstrel which choose between dyad ways. Exactly, become a star or become a slave. Foolishly, he chose first. And he might become a star, but he ought to choose when his mind was clean and sober, and not under courage.


Ɐ was driven by bus. He went to work. Fortune made himself just another part of world mechanism. Now, bus No. 42 turn into No. 4. It wasn't changed. Bus which Ɐ used changed. He sat at No.4. If look through that fifteen years, then we see that Ɐ chose wrong way. Straight away way was wrong and painful.

Alas, he was stubborn and thought his way after his dead. He mind that once he become the star which will fly at cosmos. Onceday, doer come to thinker and lift up the thinker. Somehow he underwent the problems and task, but carelessly.

He wanted to stand againt whole world, wanted to dictate that he is a star. Stood others apart he wanted to do this, but how? Anyhow, too? Alone? The heavier crowd, the stronger stroke of it. And vice versa.

Books which he read? He really follow their positions, but blindly. He still has't know what he want and will since that incident with woman. He definitly got lost. Lost his way, life, and time.

Bus drove nearly Ɐ's high school where he would study in boyhood. He saw it everyday and thought finely about it. Passenger looked around the space. The bus was overflowed. Seats were full, wealth of passengers stood. Ticket worth nigh nothing for citizens. There were only people risef in that country. Neither voyagers nor travellers. They travels on foot. City beautiful deserved to be seen snaily. City was beautiful from all faces. Travellers didn't let themselves to lose that perfect. But fair outside may be foul inside.

The sun rays lit toward Ɐ's eyes. He saw that prestige raion had a lot of rays, too. That blissful place even stole their light, and all civilization weals, too. "Materialize and one day you'll materialize whole," Ɐ remembered from successful book. Though, those books were successful because they were bestsellers, but success cannot give succes.

The bus stopped at station, its suspention gently swung back and forth. Passengers swung by inertion, too. Door opened and wind blew into. Passengers went out. Went through bottle neck they were tightly matter. No one know why so tight. But they can delay short time and walk easily. However, crowd made day by day.

Ɐ walked to high-rise. What did he do? Nothing unusual. Just another day walked around he, without he. Overworking interfered he to live.

Ɐ came back home. Routine actions didn't leave he. Routine meals, work, and pastime. Frige wasn't brimful because of his salary. Undereating made he such a bush stem. Long way home consumed hour time a day. Thus, after consumption he had 2 hours before go asleep. Wanter spent that time to feed scrolling. Successful people draw he and he cannot stop watching them. But pain came after pleasure, and he went sleep sad inside.

Next day was sunny. He routinely went to work, but he was not destined to went outdoor. Doom thought either. Ɐ was died woe within.

In the dust he was found by neighbor. His neighborhood was peaceful. Nobody waited to find man in youth who died so late. Like a wealth of people, workaholism won in struggling between it and he. Workaholism was murdered Ɐ. For a long time with suffering, it hurt he. Buddhist wisdoms say that all action is finite. Any suffer will stop eventually. Either for respite or for ever. Second way suits to Ɐ's life.

1.12.2022 12:47Being eaten alive.

Once in the past, when people weren't totally humans they communicated with animal sound. Honestly, ...

Once in the past, when people weren't totally humans they communicated with animal sound. Honestly, they were like animals also. One human had got a leaf which hides his genitalia want to save thoughts and ideas to a reliable storage because he often forgot it and that's turned he into sad, aggressive, and despair.

So far, people lived in tribes and didn't talked such modern humans. The main character be in the beginning of huge changes. He'll feel them soon.

Actually, he (his name "Alng" /ælŋ/) almost speaks language. Actually, someone must create it. Alng had 2 advantages for language creation.

First, he'll be able to remember himself "mind flow" all the time. Alng want to save them all regardless of thought type (even habitual action). Sometimes he had to.

Second, Alng might become a tribe hero because he'll make conversations more understandable. People will exchange faster, lighter, and more clear.

Alng was an introvert. He prefer distance from the tribe and liv in a hut. He viewed and educated nature (rivers, trees, animals, etc.), going to explore Earth per se. It's let to create first language.

Once sunny day when rivers with brooks flowed clear and lazy his mind flow flowed very rapidly with swiftly streams. Why Alng hard think? He's drawing a language on a coast sand. Of course, ancient world even had neither paper nor another paper-like object. Also there were no letters and no alphabet. There were drawings suchlike in Ancient Egyptian. By the way, Sumers which is the earliest known civilization lived near Egypt. Maybe they created first language. Even though Alng might was one of there.

Antique people had not abstract terms or phylosophical thoughts because their general goal is to continue breathing. Thus, Alng constructed most of all daily constructions (for that time, of course).

Just imagine how his mojibakes were. For example, ox is ox drawing, tree is tree drawing, etc. On other hand, drawings mustn't too complicated. They must write as fast as possible. And so, Alng simplify his "lines". You know, suchlike Chineses. Unfortunately, they made so complex language that it had to be simplified. Fortunately, he thought about simplifying at first.

Make writing system is a piece of full work. So, speak system was made, too. If be defenetly honestly, that part should be first but Alng made in other way. I even cannot pic how thats sounds pronunced. Dental, alveolar or maybe post-alveolar?

Picture that had five consonants and three vowels. Neither too many nor so few. Mouthes of archaic world were quite able to pronunce five consonants and three vowels.

Just try to pic that had /ɑ/, /ʌ/, /æ/, /ʔ/, /t/, /ɣ/, /ŋ/, /r/. (If you want to know how this pronunce, you would go to Wikipedia). Language was strictly straightforward and had no exceptions. Most languages have exception but they were first. What you want to else? There was isolating language one. Although, scientists opine agglutinative languages turn into isolated.

Eight days ran speedly for Alng. He thought, constructed, and built language. For let our story be smaller, will name that language "Atz" (just abbreviation of "A to Z"). Atz had wealth of bad versions because making language is a rocket science and it couldn't be created in one attempt.

Alng had no pastime but Atz creating. Food who run around man worth dinner. Interesting that he wasn't eatten by anyone of amimals. Likely, that's God sake.

Finally, Atz was built. Many days us non-upper class hero spent to Atz. Sometimes he was wrath, fury, and ire because it is rocket science. Fortunately, Alng chose had instead had not. Although, way was wealthful of wax which was obstacle to wholly ending of action. But Alng had to made Atz else homo sapiens don't live now. They just don't be...

Anyway, man must present Atz for everyone. Or for one at least. So he went to tribe. Unfortunately, furious thunder with plentiful rain began. Alng decided he stayed at hut while nature disaster didn't end. That was God sake, too. Man even didn't thought how exactly he will present Atz and for whom. If "for whom" wasn't difficult question (likely, for bailiff), then "how" should complex answered.

Rain hammered its nails to hut roof and then water oozed through gaps and after that dropped to dirt floor where shady spots made. Meanwhile, the main character being in reflections and performing many other ways how circumstances may go on.

Some time later. When rain was fineshed. Alng set his gaze forward to tribe. He had no fear, no introvertness, no misstakes.

He lived onto two-picked rust hill. Maybe Alng was going to be nearer to sky than tribe inhabitants. Curved road to tribe had no sense for Alng. He walked trough brooks and laid obstacles. Fortunately, way was became straighter soon and Alng prefered walk road along.

Sometimes he wanted to walk back. Don't forget he was an introvert. Someone extraverts don't know how it be an introvert. And vice versa.

Well, future hero walked to tribe. And no one bad circumstances came true. Only one came. It was the best.

Tribe was a common organism. It always in motion. It's breathing, beating, winking. All people performs themselves work. Fortunately or not, only Alng wasn't involved. On one hand, if he was involved maybe he won't built language. He will might become slave of daily routine and will be buried by himself.

He didn't saw tribe long time ago. So Alng couldn't move by long time because he became involved. By eternity Alng saw that common organism. As was said earlier, hero love to watch separate type of things. By that way, he was robust enough to made Atz due that feature. So gaze was set to it.

Thoughtful gaze was interrupted and then Alng went. He always know for who walk. It's the bailiff. Alng didn't wanted to tell with anyone else. But show instead tell. What he would tell if language wasn't. He would only show what the Atz and how to tell on it, how to use it, and how to pronunce it.

Alng feel that people in tribe might not understand what his drawings are. "What the lines you?" bailiff would think (of course, he can't). Alng had great plan.

First of all, he had to explain that fields: object, drawing, and pronunciation. The other has no matter. But where he gave all of 42 words in language. By the way, Atz has 42 words. At the end I placed chart of them. pronunciation, too. Alng had whole objects. He gave them all from hill surroundings. Also he looked to tribe and translate some objects into Atz.

Second, he should teach complete population. First step must be completed then next might take place. But Alng didn't wanted to teach inhabitants because he was feared. bailiff would teach good but if he hadn't time for it? Although, if he want to make tribe better, he must help Alng.

Third, when 2 previous was completed Alng going to make Atz wider, stronger, and better. Third step is the hugest and the must hopeful. He wanted to proliferate Atz on full world.

Suddenly, black kite flew above our man. Its howl took out our man from trance. Alng jerked a bit, his eyes saw up, his heart scared. Then he walked into tribe territory. Shady inhabitants gazes followed fella. "Why he here?", probably they thought.

Finish walking to bailiff Alng began presentation.

Bailiff was quite kind and good fellow. Usually he sat onto square-shaped stone. He thought, too. Fortunately, Alng left he behind in language creating race. Eventually, one of these will make Atz or another kind of language. Who knows, maybe they both had identic origin. Honestly, we all have identical origin quite.

At start Alng greeted bailiff. By the way, his future name is "Phet". Word for greeting in Atz is /ɑ:ʔʌ/. Phet didn't understood he but tried to reproduce that.

After flash Phet understood that Alng is going to present language for him. Although, Phet was pretty kind but book doesn't says he wasn't envy. He wanted to build language by oneself and thus all of fame will belong to him. Alas! but archaic world had no dead or other types of sins. Probably, he might create language too if envy didn't be.

After that, Phet caught javelin and threw it forward Alng. Other inhabitants looked to dispute. By the way, bailiff had despotic power on whole tribe inhabitants.

Javelin flew right near Alng left shoulder. Alng understood all and stood like scarecrow. Alng was 20 at that time. 20 is very old for antique time. He could die right now or week later. Thats equals.

Of course, he could revisit his later. But week, couple of weeks, month are short time for forget and forgive. If Alng revisit his after half a year Phet might forget. But Phet might already make language.

One javelin came into Alng, then another, then couple, then hundred. Darkness in eyes or blind comming. Or javelins enclosed sunlight, or brain unpluged organs so that it could functionate. Shades from javelins was such the sun. Alng was like a mace. Afternoon was. Sun was right above cold substance. Perhaps, his soul flew forward the sun. Probably, Alng was an envoy of God. Long time after that no one created language. Earth folk didn't be ready for so global things and didn't they only. Sky too.

After Alng Phet didn't made language. Was also other guys and girls who wanted to make it. But they wasn't special envoys. They was Terrans.

1.11.2022 12:58Once in the past, when people weren't totally humans they communicated with animal sound. Honestly, ...


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