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Tags: federated
Ook dit jaar is er weer een anarchistisch-jongerenweekend! Het AJW zal plaatsvinden van vrijdag 2 t/m zondag 4 mei 2025 op het Anarchistisch Kampeerterrein Appelscha! Wij zijn druk bezig met een programma en de logistiek, en houden jullie op de hoogte als er leuke updates zijn. Wat ons betreft zijn jongeren iedereen tussen en rond de 15 en 25 jaar.
Mocht je zelf een idee hebben voor het programma, of heb je iets specifieks nodig om te kunnen komen zijn wij beschikbaar via onze mail: anarchojongerenweekend@protonmail.com.
Zie je daar!
There will be another anarchist youth weekend this year! The AYW will take place from May 2nd until May 4th 2025 at the Anarchist Campsite Appelscha! We are busy with a program and logistics, and will keep you informed if there are any nice updates. As far as we are concerned, young people are anyone between and around the ages of 15 and 25.
If you have an idea for the program, or if you need something specific to come, we are available via our email: anarchojongerenweekend@protonmail.com.
See you there!
13.3.2025 12:54[2025-05-02] Anarchistisch Jongerenweekend 2025 @ Anarchistisch kampeerterrein Appelscha
Joke Kaviaar, Dutch poet and writer of “Vele stemmen en stil”
After previous successful Poetry Evenings, we are organizing another evening of poetry to strengthen our minds and resistance against oppressive ideas!
During this evening, our special guest and inspiring person will be Joke Kaviaar, who recently published a book titled: ‘Vele Stemmen Wild en Stil.” We will enjoy Joke's beautiful words of inspiration and strength!
Afterwards, everyone is invited to share their own, or someone else's, poetry. All are also welcome to just join in and listen!
Comrades, gather your favorite poems and join us for inspiration, camaraderie, and a recharged mind. At the end, we will have time to reflect and discuss.
Start: 19.30 / Entry: 19.15
Location: Pieter Nieuwlandstraat 93-95
Taal: Combinatie Nederlands en Engels
Language: Combination Dutch and English
7.3.2025 15:18[2025-03-21] Revolution and Resistance: Poetry Evening @ Nieuwland, Amsterdam
Meerdere organisatoren (bron)
Om aandacht te vestigen op de dreigende asfaltering van Amelisweerd en op te roepen tot actie in woord en daad verzamelen zich deze avond dichters en muzikanten om te zeggen en te zingen: #RedAmelisweerdNu !
Husky – schrijft en zingt over liefde en sociale rechtvaardigheid – huskytherebel.com
Yarr – liedjesschrijver, bomenwachter, dichter, en boos – www.instagram.com/arjen.laan.7
Joke Kaviaar – poëzie uit nieuwe bundel Vele Stemmen Wild En Stil – jokekaviaar.nl
Your Local Pirates – een stel zingende opruiers – yourlocalpirates.noblogs.org
Utrecht Aan Zeemanskoor – klimaatprotest met een oer-Hollands geluid – www.instagram.com/utr.a.zeemanskoor/
Zorg voor elkaar
Om besmetting met vervelende virussen te voorkomen die nog rondwaren: Kom niet als je symptomen hebt. Test bij twijfel. De ACU zaal heeft ventilatie. Niettemin zullen er ook mondneusmaskers (FPP2) bij de ingang beschikbaar zijn. Niet iedereen kan er een dragen, dus het dragen ervan is geen verplichting.
Tot slot
Samen zingen en brullen! Piraten en zeelieden gooien gezamenlijk de zeebenen en stemmen in de strijd. Doe mee!
Open: 20 uur
Aanvang: 20:30
Tot: 23 uur
ACU, Voorstraat 71, Utrecht
5.3.2025 12:26[2025-03-16] De boom in! Poëzie en muziek tegen boskap @ ACU, Utrecht
📅 14th March 10pm-3am
📍 De Sering, Rhoneweg 6, 1043 AH Amsterdam
The Dutch border police forcibly deports thousands of people every year, often using violence and body restraints. At MiGreat, we fight back against deportations. With direct action, protests and campaigns. Every success fills us with joy; every loss breaks our hearts. But we’re not giving up.
That’s why we’re hosting our first ever DANCE AGAINST DEPORTATIONS — a fundraising party to fuel our fight, spread awareness, and channel our love and rage into one powerful night of dancing. 💃🏾🪩✨
Join us. Donate. Dance. Together, we can resist injustice and build a world rooted in care and solidarity. Let’s turn resistance into rhythm 🖤
#stopdeportations #freedomofmovement #danceagainstdeportations #fundraiser
Design by schadenfr_ude mu.sta.ph.a
Hosted by De Sering 🙌
9.2.2025 14:29[2025-03-14] Dance Against Deportations - Fundraising Party @ De Sering, Amsterdam
We're excited about the upcoming edition of Reclaim the Seeds Amsterdam this March! At its heart, we are a seed fair where seeds are exchanged freely, breaking the chains of corporate control over our food. Beyond that, we hope to strengthen our movement, share knowledge, and reclaim our collective power through workshops, talks, and shared discussions. Seed sovereignty is the foundation for preserving resilient vegetable varieties by enabling more growers to save their own seeds and reducing our dependence on large multinationals.
Yet, as organizers of Reclaim the Seeds Amsterdam, we had a strange feeling when we picked up the thread last fall; genocide and various wars are taking place. Shouldn't we use our time and energy to try to do something about it?
That's why we chose to show color as Reclaim the Seeds Amsterdam. We want nothing to do with fascist regimes and genocide. We stand with Palestine, Lebanon, Sudan, Congo, and Ukrainians resisting Putin, and we oppose the xenophobic far- right government in the Netherlands. We believe that seed sovereignty and ecological justice cannot be separated from colonialism and capitalism. The oppression of land and people are two sides of the same coin.
What does this mean in practice for the ‘Reclaim the Seeds' festival? The more insecure society becomes, the more important it is to have robust food production close to home. And the more crucial it becomes to come together as a community, collectively practice alternatives to industrial agriculture and build our movement. This is essential because it allows communities to meet their basic needs autonomously, without relying on distant, vulnerable supply chains.
We invite all participants and visitors to come together and brainstorm how we can build a movement that disrupts oppressive systems and creates sustainable, social, and solidarity-based alternatives, starting with seeds. We are certainly ambitious, but the fight against European legislation and agro-multinationals always has been.
Our email inbox is open.
We hope to see you at Reclaim the Seeds Amsterdam!
2.2.2025 21:14[2025-03-15] Reclaim the Seeds 2025 @ Fruittuin van West, Amsterdam