they/them he/him American/Norwegian singer, writer, scholar, [url=]#transmedia[/url] content creator behind the [url=]#ARG[/url] [url=]#interactivefiction[/url] [url=]#elit[/url] [url=]#immersive[/url] [url=]#unfiction[/url] project Under the Surface at [url=][/url] [url=]#ActuallyAustitic[/url] PhD Cand. studying [url=]#MentalHealth[/url] and tech policy. Former singer [url=]#PostPunk[/url] [url=]#goth[/url] bands Scarlets Remains and Christ vs. Warhol. Based in Oslo, Norway. Avatar: Person with dark hair, wearing a studded, black leather jacket against a brightly colored background.
Tags: actuallyaustitic arg elit goth immersive interactivefiction mentalhealth postpunk transmedia unfiction