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12.3.2025 01:47Comment on #Coronavirus Disease Research #References (by Amedeo.com, April 27 ’24) by datum (n=1)… liked this!
12.3.2025 01:46Comment on #Coronavirus Disease Research #References (by AMEDEO, August 17 ’24) by datum (n=1)… liked this!
12.3.2025 01:46Comment on #Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses Research #References (by AMEDEO, Oct. 12 ’24) by datum (n=1)… reposted this!
31.12.2024 21:39Comment on Sustained #vaccine #exposure elicits more rapid, consistent, and broad #humoral immune responses to multivalent #influenza #vaccines by Cat...… reposted this!
31.12.2024 21:37Comment on #Age-Dependent #Pathogenesis of #Influenza A Virus #H7N9 Mediated Through #PB1-F2-Induced Mitochondrial DNA Release and Activation of cGAS-...… reposted this!
9.12.2024 11:33Comment on #Evidence of #Influenza A(#H5N1) #Spillover Infections in #Horses, #Mongolia by EquineJ9… reposted this!
9.12.2024 10:06Comment on #Africa #CDC Deploys #Experts to Strengthen {#DRC} #Outbreak #Response for [Emerging ‘Disease X’] {an undiagnosed illness} by Categorical I...Source: Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, https://africacdc.org/news-item/africa-cdc-deploys-experts-to-strengthen-outbreak-response-for-emerging-disease-x/ Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 9 December – From 5 to 7 December, the Director General of Africa CDC, H.E. Dr. Jean Kaseya, travelled to the DRC to engage with national authorities, assess the situation on the ground, and extend Africa CDC’s support in the investigation of an … Continue reading #Africa #CDC Deploys #Experts to Strengthen {#DRC} #Outbreak #Response for [Emerging ‘Disease X’] {an undiagnosed illness}
9.12.2024 09:20#Africa #CDC Deploys #Experts to Strengthen {#DRC} #Outbreak #Response for [Emerging ‘Disease X’] {an undiagnosed illness}… liked this!
8.12.2024 21:27Comment on Undiagnosed #disease – #DRC {#WHO, D.O.N.} by StephC… reposted this!
8.12.2024 21:21Comment on Undiagnosed #disease – #DRC {#WHO, D.O.N.} by FIAR Light… liked this!
8.12.2024 21:21Comment on Undiagnosed #disease – #DRC {#WHO, D.O.N.} by FIAR LightSource: World Health Organization, https://www.who.int/emergencies/disease-outbreak-news/item/2024-DON546 Situation at a glance Between 24 October and 5 December 2024, Panzi health zone in Kwango Province of Democratic Republic of the Congo recorded 406 cases of an undiagnosed disease with symptoms of fever, headache, cough, runny nose and body ache. All severe cases were reported to be severely malnourished. … Continue reading Undiagnosed #disease – #DRC {#WHO, D.O.N.}
8.12.2024 20:41Undiagnosed #disease – #DRC {#WHO, D.O.N.}Source: Radio Okapi,https://www.radiookapi.net/2024/12/08/actualite/sante/maladie-inconnue-panzi-au-moins-10-nouveaux-malades-et-un-deces Au moins dix nouveaux cas suspects et un décès de la maladie inconnue qui sévit dans la zone de santé de Panzi (Kwango) ont été enregistrés dans la journée de vendredi 06 décembre. Radio Okapi Ceci amène à un cumul de 416 cas avec 135 décès depuis l’apparition de la maladie il … Continue reading {#DRC} #Maladie inconnue à #Panzi : au moins 10 nouveaux #malades et un #décès enregistrés en un jour
8.12.2024 16:58{#DRC} #Maladie inconnue à #Panzi : au moins 10 nouveaux #malades et un #décès enregistrés en un jourSource: Archives of Virology, https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00705-024-06159-4 AbstractIn late 2017, Malaysia reported repeated outbreaks of low-pathogenic avian influenza virus (LPAI) H9N2 infections in commercial poultry flocks. Two H9N2 viruses, A/chicken/Malaysia/Negeri Sembilan/UPM994/2018 and A/chicken/Malaysia/Johore/UPM2033/2019, which were isolated from breeder and layer flocks in Peninsular Malaysia, were characterised in this study. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that both viruses were multiple-genotype … Continue reading #Molecular characterisation of novel #reassortants of the G57 #genotype of low-pathogenic avian #influenza #H9N2 virus isolated from #poultry #farms in #Malaysia
8.12.2024 09:56#Molecular characterisation of novel #reassortants of the G57 #genotype of low-pathogenic avian #influenza #H9N2 virus isolated from #poultry #farms i...Source: Radio Okapi, https://www.radiookapi.net/2024/12/07/actualite/sante/maladie-inconnue-panzi-la-societe-civile-invite-la-population-au-calme {Excerpt} L’ASBL Action Plus, une structure de la société civile locale œuvrant notamment dans le domaine de la santé, a appelé samedi 7 décembre la population au calme et à ne pas paniquer face à la maladie inconnue qui décime la population dans la zone de santé de Panzi située dans … Continue reading {#DRC} #Maladie inconnue à #Panzi : la société civile invite la #population au calme
7.12.2024 16:32{#DRC} #Maladie inconnue à #Panzi : la société civile invite la #population au calme7.12.2024 16:05#Coronavirus Disease Research #References (by AMEDEO, December 7 ’24)
7.12.2024 16:03#Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses Research #References (by AMEDEO, Dec. 7 ’24)
Source: Emerging Infectious Diseases Journal, https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/31/1/24-1266_article AbstractRecent outbreaks of influenza A(H5N1) have affected many mammal species. We report serologic evidence of H5N1 virus infection in horses in Mongolia. Because H3N8 equine influenza virus is endemic in many countries, horses should be monitored to prevent reassortment between equine and avian influenza viruses with unknown consequences. ____
7.12.2024 09:30#Evidence of #Influenza A(#H5N1) #Spillover Infections in #Horses, #MongoliaSource: OneHealth, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352771424002581?via%3Dihub AbstractAvian influenza viruses (AIVs) regularly circulate between wild and domestic bird populations. Following several high-profile outbreaks, highly pathogenic AIVs (HPAIV) with zoonotic potential have been the subject of increasing attention. While we know that HPAIV is transmitted between domestic birds, wildlife, and the environment, little is known about persistence and spillover/back at … Continue reading #Transmission #dynamics of highly pathogenic avian #influenza virus at the #wildlife – #poultry – #environmental #interface: A case study
6.12.2024 17:09#Transmission #dynamics of highly pathogenic avian #influenza virus at the #wildlife – #poultry – #environmental #interface: A case studySource: MedRxIV, https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2024.12.04.24318491v1 AbstractHighly Pathogenic Avian Influenza strain H5N1 has caused a multi-state outbreak among US dairy cattle, spreading across 15 states and infecting hundreds of herds since its onset. We rapidly developed and optimized PCR-based detection assays and sequencing protocols to support H5N1 molecular surveillance. Using 214 retail milk from 20 states for methods … Continue reading Establishing #methods to #monitor #H5N1 #influenza virus in dairy #cattle #milk
6.12.2024 16:57Establishing #methods to #monitor #H5N1 #influenza virus in dairy #cattle #milk