The Holy Bible in all possible languages
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We are a worldwide christian ministry in which millions of children reap the benefits of one man's clear, God-given vision…
5 Reasons Muslims Convert to Christianity
The lifestyle of Christians. Former Muslims cited the love that Christians exhibited in their relationships with non-Christians and their treatment of women as equals…
Runinga ibadilishayo maisha yako. kanisa la waadventista wasabato Tanzania
We believe the Bible to be the inspired, the only infallible, authoritative Word of God revealing the love of God to the world
Thessalonians 2:13; 2 Timothy 3:15-17; John 3:16
We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
Matthew 28:19; John 10:30; Ephesians 4:4-6…
The World Association for Christian Communication (WACC) is a non-governmental organisation that builds on communication rights in order to promote social justice
We believe that everyone has the right to communicate and to be in communication, in the same way that they have the right to food, shelter, and security…
U Channel saluran TV Kristen mencoba mendidik dan menghibur orang melalui semua segmen untuk masa depan. Menyediakan program dengan nilai dan integritas. U-Channel bersifat global namun lokal, spiritual namun praktis. Di dunia saat ini, melihat adalah percaya. Kami ingin orang-orang percaya bahwa apa yang mereka lihat di U-Channel layak untuk dikejar
Christianity is the most persecuted religion in the world. The persecution of Christians in parts of the world is at near "genocide" levels, according to a report
As a Christian organization, Lifewater chooses not to hire staff to drill wells or to fix hand pumps for those in need. They make it their mission to help people sustainably by training and equipping locals with the skills to access, use, and maintain water supplies. Lifewater’s training includes weaving Biblically-based principles into hygiene lessons to demonstrate how much people’s health and flourishing matter
Hér í þessum kafla getur þú fengið margvíslegan fróðleik um þær athafnir sem fram fara í kirkjunni. Með því að velja úr valmyndinni hér til vinstri færðu upplýsingar um einstakar athafnir
We are a nonprofit Christian engineering ministry providing sustainable safe water solutions, through a Christian world view perspective, to people in developing countries and disasters. We approach all our work with a sense of urgency and a commitment to excellence. Our faith and our belief in the sanctity of life compel us to develop and implement the best technologies and community development programs so that, through our work, God will be honored and glorified…