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If I boy screams in the forest and there’s no one there to hear it, does it make a difference? What if the boy screams and one person is close but they pretend they didn’t notice? What if a hundred thousand boys, girls, children, people howl in anguish but the rest of us ignore their…
1.3.2025 15:06QuestionsIt is natural for us as humans to seek security. We are motivated to find every opportunity for ourselves and our families to be safe. When we encounter difference, we are primed to see that difference as a threat to our security, and we react accordingly. Immigrants are, by definition, different. They have come to…
16.1.2025 03:42Solidarity and cowardiceI stilled my nerves to sleep on and off through the night, but the third time I woke up, I thought I saw sunlight creeping in under the window shade. “Maybe it’s morning,” I thought, checking my bedside clock and seeing 5:40am. “I can’t wait any longer,” I decided, climbing out of bed and stumbling…
8.11.2024 03:29Courage, care, and connectionNovember 5 approaches. Everyone knows this date – the marker for our nation to decide between Harris and Trump. In reality, we may not know the results of the vote for days or weeks after that, but the importance of the day is seared into our minds. Still, I am concerned that our focus on…
23.10.2024 21:25What’s in an election?The dictionary defines hope as “desire accompanied by expectation of or belief in fulfillment”. This common definition evokes the idea of gratification, happiness, our dreams coming true. It describes wanting something and thinking that what we want will magically appear. It is high on waiting for others to act and low on taking action oneself.…
4.10.2024 01:58HopeThis summer, my family and I visited friends who live in northwestern Illinois for a weekend of swimming, roasting marshmallows, and looking up at the stars. One afternoon, our hosts invited us to attend the local County Fair – rides, games, and tasty treats were on offer, so we said yes. We drove over country…
10.9.2024 00:25All’s fair in race and politicsIt was 1pm and we were scheduled for a 1:20 tour of Independence Hall. We had just gotten off the bus and were meandering a couple blocks down a Philadelphia street before getting in line. The temperature and humidity were conducive to meandering – I could feel the sweat gathering on my back while a…
7.8.2024 02:20Self-evident truthsThe usual is usual because it usually happens. We think we know exactly what is going to occur, because what we suppose is what most often comes to pass. But in a moment, everything can change. We learn this lesson again and again in life. A new job we didn’t think we would earn. Dramatic…
23.7.2024 02:28Likely enough?The US presidential election process is deeply flawed. It is based more on cults of personality than substantial policies. It is infected by financing from whomever has the deepest pockets. It is about sound bites and publicity rather than policy. Presidential debates exemplify these flaws in the best of times. In the days of Biden…
27.6.2024 16:52Debates and distractionsEarly this morning, the University of Chicago invaded and tore down the student encampment set up to protest the university’s investment in corporations and institutions that support Israel’s attacks on Gaza. University police removed the protesters, destroyed the camp, and cleared the ground. All that is left of are the outlines of the tents where…
7.5.2024 21:00Facing the abyssIn reply to <a href="https://entwining.org/2023/06/09/happy-birthday/comment-page-1/#comment-387">Sarah Duncan</a>. Thank you so much, Sarah.
12.6.2023 11:08Comment on Happy Birthday by Jim SchwartzThis is beautiful, Jim. I love the way you describe Mika’s birth.
12.6.2023 02:05Comment on Happy Birthday by Sarah DuncanIn reply to <a href="https://entwining.org/2022/11/03/shaping-clay/comment-page-1/#comment-353">Mary Darnall</a>. Thank you for reading and responding. I agree -- we must keep fighting the long fight.
3.11.2022 16:19Comment on Shaping clay by Jim SchwartzThank you for this to reminder of what is at stake and what isn't. We must not give up.
3.11.2022 12:10Comment on Shaping clay by Mary Darnall[…] is also deeply untrue. We are alive, and so the systems that we compose are living systems. Our families, our communities, and even our nation are all living entities, not set in stone. […]
24.6.2022 20:06Comment on Entwining: What is this blog? by Change in living systems – Entwining[…] can also check out my piece “White fear” from June 1, […]
8.6.2022 02:23Comment on White fear by Fear vs. danger – EntwiningIn reply to <a href="https://entwining.org/2022/05/15/circles/comment-page-1/#comment-327">Mary Darnall</a>. Thank you, Mary.
16.5.2022 18:46Comment on Circles by Jim SchwartzWell done, Jim. I agree totally. Thank you.
16.5.2022 14:39Comment on Circles by Mary DarnallHi, Jim, On a previous query I asked for your name. Found it! Peace, Mary Darnall
14.4.2022 13:38Comment on Entwining: What is this blog? by Mary Darnall100% with you, Jim. Mom
25.1.2022 19:59Comment on What is breaking us? by Mary Theder Schwartz