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We want the same thing as others, but we have a very different path to getting to them.

You can want something to happen, but it’s the means that matter, not the end. Contrast this to Ovid, the poet who wrote flattery paeans of praise to the Emperor Caesar Augustus to try to be returned from Exile on the eastern frontier of the Empire and/or Machiavelli’s interpretation of Ovid. Ovid wrote in his […]

8.3.2025 22:00We want the same thing as others, but we have a very different path to getting to them.

With God, it’s the little things, the common things that matter in the end

We don’t recognize, nor did the people of Jesus’ time, that the execution by crucifixion of a relatively unknown man by the governor of a Roman province on trumped up charges was when and how the Universe, the entire Cosmos, was healed. I like my epic battles to be big and sweeping – like in […]

1.3.2025 22:00With God, it’s the little things, the common things that matter in the end

Comment on So… does this Gospel teaching actually work? by Eliot Moss

I pray a kind of Buddhist prayer for those I have difficulty with, such as our current President: May you be free from suffering and its causes, may you have true and lasting well being. I try not to overinterpret this prayer, but I hope that is it praying for a change in those prayed for as well as a change in me. Even if it is not "effective" in changing someone else, it is effective on me, to prevent my demonizing people so that I can maybe see how God loves them too, much as we (perhaps God included, but that's up to God) hate many of their actions. This in no way dulls my impetus to resist, to act on the Gospel to the extent that God enables me to see the Truth clearly. The prayer does help reduce having hate eat away at me. That would be a way of letting the enemy win from within. Peace, brother!

23.2.2025 02:53Comment on So… does this Gospel teaching actually work? by Eliot Moss

Comment on So… does this Gospel teaching actually work? by Ms. Liz

It's a very difficult teaching, especially in perilous times. MLK lost his life, and his family a husband/father. John Lewis got terribly beat up. You mentioned maturity; it takes a lot of that to truly embrace "whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it". To be clear, I accept the teaching is true and right. I'm just concerned that it's a massive commitment in practice. Also, Jesus didn't tell soldiers they couldn't be soldiers any more.. he addressed their conduct. Which leaves me uncertain about the seemingly grey area *between*, say, personal suffering on the one hand, and when domestic internal conflict escalates to a formal state of civil war on the other. If it's in our power to use arms to protect a vulnerable, terrified group from certain harm, then surely ethically that's the right thing to do (assuming all other options have proved futile, including escape).

23.2.2025 01:21Comment on So… does this Gospel teaching actually work? by Ms. Liz

So… does this Gospel teaching actually work?

I am hearing more and more people tell me that Jesus’ call to love our enemies, to turn of the other cheek, to not complain when someone takes your possesions, to do good to those who do evil to you… well, it’s just nonsense. It’s another example of exageration found in the early Christian writings. […]

22.2.2025 22:00So… does this Gospel teaching actually work?

How do we bring about the vision of justice and equity that Jesus proclaims in the Gospel?

In the Gospel this week, Jesus proclaims a promise of economic reversal – those who have will lose what they have and those who do without will be given what they lack. And the way St. Luke presents this message, it’s not a spiritual reversal, it’s a practical tangible one. It’s a promise of revolution […]

15.2.2025 22:00How do we bring about the vision of justice and equity that Jesus proclaims in the Gospel?

The signs all point to something, but what?

I’ve been out of state all week. I was at Yale Divinity School (and Berkeley Div at YDS) having a chance to do some reading and interviews with scholars working in the emerging field of theology and artificial intelligence. I’m delighted to report that many scholars are taking this question seriously, and the conversations I […]

18.1.2025 22:00The signs all point to something, but what?

Comment on Hammering God-talk to suit the enthusiasms of the moment by Lisa Fry

Good comment, fine sir! I laughed so hard I had trouble swallowing my tea!

17.1.2025 16:05Comment on Hammering God-talk to suit the enthusiasms of the moment by Lisa Fry

Hammering God-talk to suit the enthusiasms of the moment

An excellent point… Instead of trying to change the paradigms of society and culture, whole generations of preachers, scholars, and theologians have been asking how they can communicate the Gospel and make it understandable and relevant to the modern world, and in answer they have been trying to fit the Christian message to the paradigms […]

17.1.2025 15:33Hammering God-talk to suit the enthusiasms of the moment

Comment on With AI and LLM’s the rich get richer… but not in the simple way you might imagine by galedoubtfulguest

I'm guessing you saw this - Interesting use and read.

15.1.2025 12:21Comment on With AI and LLM’s the rich get richer… but not in the simple way you might imagine by galedoubtfulguest

With AI and LLM’s the rich get richer… but not in the simple way you might imagine

I’m spending my sabbatical time doing a deep dive into how Machine Learning and Large Language Models (LLM) work and what the implications might be for all of us in the next few years. I came across this insight just now: AI’s Uneven Arrival – Stratechery by Ben Thompson: because they lack the ability to […]

14.1.2025 20:37With AI and LLM’s the rich get richer… but not in the simple way you might imagine

The Glory of Lord is all around us and within us, always.

I begin the sermon this week with a plea that you would join me in prayer for those in the Los Angeles area who are seeing their community be destroyed by raging wind and fire. I’m sure that you, like me, know many people who live there, who are in danger now or who have […]

11.1.2025 22:00The Glory of Lord is all around us and within us, always.

Epiphany, the premier feast of the Society of Ordained Scientists

Understanding Epiphany: Signs of God in Science and Faith | Lucas’s Weblog: [T]he story of the Magi praises curiosity and diligence, two virtues essential to good science. Epiphany captures the unified joy of Ordained Scientists, who witness to a God that speaks to us in multiple ways. The truth cannot be confined to secular or […]

3.1.2025 22:05Epiphany, the premier feast of the Society of Ordained Scientists

Comment on Christmas 2024 by Nicholas Knisely

In reply to <a href="">Tom Rightmyer</a>. Tom - it's so good to hear from you! I'm glad that you're both safe and well. I was worried given the storm and its impact this summer. God bless you both!

30.12.2024 14:14Comment on Christmas 2024 by Nicholas Knisely

The Cosmic Light of Christmas!

This week’s “sermon” is more of a meditation on a passage that I dearly love but hardly ever get to preach upon. The opening of the Gospel of St. John is traditionally read on Christmas morning, and when I’ve been serving a congregation that had a Christmas morning service, I looked forward to it all […]

28.12.2024 22:00The Cosmic Light of Christmas!

Comment on Christmas 2024 by Tom Rightmyer

And may you and yours enjoy a blessed Christmas and New Year. Lucy and I have moved to Deerfield Retirement Community Assisted Living where Lucy gets some help with her joint and back pain and I get to be with her. I got a chance to preach Advent 4 and talked about Elizabeth's experience of the baby moving as a sign of God's continuing care for her and the baby - and the world he made and loves.

25.12.2024 01:34Comment on Christmas 2024 by Tom Rightmyer

Comment on Christmas 2024 by Celeste

Peace…and health… be with you and yours. Your “presence” is a gift! Celeste

24.12.2024 22:11Comment on Christmas 2024 by Celeste

Comment on The voices of the prophets are most clearly heard in the silence of the deepest night. by galedoubtfulguest

I love the care you take with your videos that go with your message - so lovely!

21.12.2024 23:55Comment on The voices of the prophets are most clearly heard in the silence of the deepest night. by galedoubtfulguest

Comment on The voices of the prophets are most clearly heard in the silence of the deepest night. by Miriam Guidero


21.12.2024 22:24Comment on The voices of the prophets are most clearly heard in the silence of the deepest night. by Miriam Guidero

Comment on Science: Feeling down? Turn things around quick. Do something kind for someone else. by Nicholas Knisely

It was! Managed not to spoil a single dish. And the kitchen renovation is almost done. Hope yours was lovely too.

29.11.2024 15:35Comment on Science: Feeling down? Turn things around quick. Do something kind for someone else. by Nicholas Knisely


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