eD! Thomas: a nerd & weirdo who has a bunch of opinions about things. Sometimes those opinions make sense, but sometimes they don't. Either way, here they are!
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19.7.2024 14:40Polkamania!"I am a part of the cosmos; infinity flows, flows through me!"
5.2.2024 18:01Pure, Unstoppable PowerJust some high-quality pups celebrating things, as one does.
10.1.2024 23:04Dogs In Party HatsThis has been running in my head for some reason today, and now I’m making that your problem.
9.1.2024 03:28Music EverywhereI’d like to tell you that I haven’t watched this like 20 times in the past day, but I also try not to lie on the internet, so.
21.12.2023 16:59“The World Can Have Ken’s Voice, But Only Barbie Can Have His Eyes”Send this to the Tech Bro in your life and watch them start getting all grumpy.
3.4.2023 17:46I’m Still Going to Be Polite To Siri Just In Case, But Still…This is one physics-defying car chase away from already being the greatest movie of the year imo.
31.8.2022 21:19Weird: The Al Yankovic StoryFrom Alexandra Petri at the Washington Post: Sherri Tenpenny, an osteopath, testified in Ohio that, “I’m sure you’ve seen the pictures all over the Internet of people who have had these shots and now they’re magnetized. They can put a key on their forehead. It sticks. They can put spoons and forks all over them […]
11.6.2021 20:25‘These new vaccine mutants are extremely disappointing,’ by MagnetoCome for the ridiculous magnet stunts, stay for Helen Mirren in a car chase.
14.4.2021 18:22New “Fast & Furious 9” Trailer: Just Take My Money AlreadyThe fine folks at the Animal Rescue League of Iowa recently did a Poorly Drawn Pet fundraiser — if you donated to them, and sent them a picture of your pet, one of their volunteers would draw your pet for you, which is a brilliant idea tbh. I donated about 30 seconds after I heard […]
24.3.2021 14:04More Like “Excellently Drawn Pet” TBH[…] I’m not much of a wine drinker, but I love the crap out of this article. […]
17.4.2016 22:13Comment on Wherein I’m An Idiot and Don’t Know What I’m Drinking by Impressions of Two-Buck Chuck – eD! Thomas[…] Remember that time I said that this whole situation didn’t make me believe that Target was cap… Well, this doesn’t help in the slightest. And while Target will be offering a year of credit monitoring and identity theft protection for its customers after this mess, the fact that it has been a month after the original announcement and these services still haven’t gone live brings my confidence level in Target to an all-time low. So that’s fun. […]
17.4.2016 22:03Comment on Guess Who Was The Target of a Security Breach? by A Warm-n-Fuzzy Update on Target’s Data Breach – eD! Thomas[…] I’ve mentioned previously, I’m not particularly keen on anything happening in the DC Cinematic Universe, thanks to […]
20.1.2016 15:01Comment on Batman v. Superman Trailer by Suicide Squad Trailer | eD! Thomas[…] unemployment also helped usher in a period of creative atrophy for me, as well — with a few rare exceptions, I’ve become adept at writing bland, toothless crap that is completely […]
1.12.2014 18:43Comment on Tornado by Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes! | eD! The Musical[…] I’m not particularly a wine person, but I love the crap out of this article. […]
7.1.2014 16:53Comment on Wherein I’m An Idiot and Don’t Know What I’m Drinking by Impressions of Two-Buck Chuck | eD! The MusicalThis is fantastic. I mean, I'm sure it was awful at the time, but it's one of those things that makes a great story later. (CASE IN POINT.) Also, I'll have you know, I read this post yesterday and then happened to stumble across a few bottles at my grocery store last night, so of course I HAD to buy it. (The juice, not the wine, though let's be real, if they'd have had the wine available, I probably would have bought that.) I'm super curious now.
14.3.2013 18:46Comment on Wherein I’m An Idiot and Don’t Know What I’m Drinking by Kelly L.They are in the mail, as is the secret decoder ring and commemorative coin! :) Glad you liked it!
14.3.2013 14:39Comment on Wherein I’m An Idiot and Don’t Know What I’m Drinking by eD! ThomasAnd he certainly deserves every high five he would get!
14.3.2013 14:37Comment on Wherein I’m An Idiot and Don’t Know What I’m Drinking by eD! ThomasIf I didn't already know that you were from Long Island, my next clue would have been the mind erasers. I won't hold it against you. Since that is too my favorite grape juice I cannot fault you at all especially since I was wondering at first why you posted two pics of the same thing. Needless to say, like I child I looked at the pictures before the words. The Rabbi is awesome and your honest mistake will be a story that I am sure he will remember for many years to come. I know I will especially with such a vivid delivery :)
13.3.2013 20:50Comment on Wherein I’m An Idiot and Don’t Know What I’m Drinking by realsweetpThis is brilliant. <i>So</i> brilliant. I can just imagine you tossing cup after cup of the stuff down your throat and that sick feeling when you realise you are WASTED but unsure of how you managed to get to that point. And you were so sorry. And so adorable. Did I mention that this is brilliant?
13.3.2013 20:22Comment on Wherein I’m An Idiot and Don’t Know What I’m Drinking by Stereo