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9.2.2025 22:45Comment on Shrink, optimise and expand an existing QCOW2 image by Vixente… liked this!
1.2.2025 21:57Comment on How to install Debian 12 Bookworm with a GNOME desktop by Roland Häder… reposted this!
1.2.2025 21:53Comment on How to install Debian 12 Bookworm with a GNOME desktop by Roland Häder… liked this!
1.2.2025 17:45Comment on Shrink, optimise and expand an existing QCOW2 image by OrbitalMartian… liked this!
1.2.2025 17:43Comment on Shrink, optimise and expand an existing QCOW2 image by cameronbosch :endeavourOS:… reposted this!
1.2.2025 17:43Comment on Shrink, optimise and expand an existing QCOW2 image by cameronbosch :endeavourOS:… reposted this!
1.2.2025 16:00Comment on Shrink, optimise and expand an existing QCOW2 image by Tech CyborgA virtual disk image is a block device in a file. There are a number of different disk image formats to choose from when setting up a virtual machine. QEMU Copy On Write version 2 (QCOW2) is the default virtual disk image format for the Quick Emulator (QEMU). Features such as thin provisioning, snapshots and … Continue reading Shrink, optimise and expand an existing QCOW2 image
1.2.2025 15:53Shrink, optimise and expand an existing QCOW2 image… liked this!
21.12.2024 16:31Comment on Can passkeys replace passwords by edafe… liked this!
21.12.2024 09:41Comment on Can passkeys replace passwords by Flippin' 'eck, Tucker!“Passkeys and the WebAuthn specification were intended to make public key cryptography accessible to average users, rather than just the domain of the tech-savvy. If done right, they could seriously improve security on the Web.” @Drbruced summarises why passkeys are such a good idea in theory and explains where current implementations of the technology fall … Continue reading Can passkeys replace passwords
21.12.2024 09:19Can passkeys replace passwords<p><a href="https://edafe.de/@activitypub" rel="ugc">@activitypub</a> </p><p>Mit Dank an <a href="https://norden.social/@aus_der_UBahn" rel="nofollow ugc">@aus_der_UBahn</a></p>
11.12.2024 01:09Comment on Was Griechenland wusste: das tödliche Geschäft des Abu Sultan by edafe“Eine monatelange Untersuchung unter der Leitung des griechischen Investigativmediums Solomon und des Netzwerks Arab Reporters for Investigative Journalism in Zusammenarbeit mit El País und der taz ergab, dass die griechischen Behörden schon früh wussten, dass die ‘Pylos 9’ unschuldig waren, sie aber fast ein ganzes Jahr in Untersuchungshaft behielten.” Griechenland kriminalisiert systematisch die Opfer eines … Continue reading Was Griechenland wusste: das tödliche Geschäft des Abu Sultan
11.12.2024 00:51Was Griechenland wusste: das tödliche Geschäft des Abu Sultan“Die vor uns stehenden Umwälzungen der digitalen Transformation sind von historischer Dimension. Sie sind in ihrer Bedeutung vergleichbar mit den Veränderungen im Zeitalter der Aufklärung, die die Grundlage für die Menschenrechte und ein friedlich vereintes Europa legten.” Mario Birkholz sieht die Hochschulen in der Pflicht, ihre digitale Kommunikation mit den Anfoderungen des demokratischen Gemeinwesens in … Continue reading Viele gute Gründe für das Fediverse
16.11.2024 13:43Viele gute Gründe für das Fediverse"Currently available Espanso packages fail to install on Debian 12 because of unmet dependencies. Given that I depend on Espanso to expand text shortcuts and insert special characters, I was stuck on Debian 11. Until now!"
27.9.2024 08:44How to install Espanso on Debian 12 bookworm from sourceThese days, the Wera Zyklop Pocket ratchet is my go-to tool for any kind of bicycle-related maintenance. It is easily small enough to fit in my hip pack and I carry it everywhere I ride. Get a few additonal bits to fit the particular requirements of your bike and you’ve got a fantastic tool that, … Continue reading Use the Zyklop Pocket for bicycle maintenance
6.8.2024 18:05Use the Zyklop Pocket for bicycle maintenance"Why do people take the path less traveled and choose an operating system based on Linux over the proprietary based ones from from Microsoft Windows and also the Apple Mac OS? So welcome to the intriguing world of Linux, an operating system that's been quietly revolutionising the tech landscape."
19.2.2024 08:21Linux in 2024 – charting its own path to innovationStephen Curry is considered the greatest shooter in basketball history. Sabrina Ionescu set the WNBA record for most three-pointers in a single-season and holds the WNBA and NBA records for most points in a 3-point shooting contest. They go head-to-head in the first ever contest of its kind…
18.2.2024 11:04Stephen vs Sabrina full 3-point challengeGanz großes Dankeschön an Wiebke aus der Schweiz, ohne die ich selber bestimmt nie auf Bummelkasten gekommen wäre!
1.2.2024 10:23Hausmeister Klaus"If you watched the SEC Twitter account hack that moved markets yesterday and wondered how to prevent account takeover for your personal, business, or high profile social media account, here's an Account Takeover Prevention Guide for you and/or your organization." @racheltobac@infosec.exchange neatly summarises the steps you should take to prevent the hijacking of your online accounts.
11.1.2024 10:01A hacker’s perspective: social media account takeover prevention guide"The acronym SMART stands for Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology and is a monitoring system built into most modern storage devices. The package smartmontools includes the utilities smartctl and smartd, which process SMART data to 'provide advanced warning of disk degradation and failure'."
7.1.2024 11:44Monitoring storage devices with smartmontools on Debian or Ubuntu"Moreover, I am cognizant of the interrelatedness of all communities and states. I cannot sit idly by in Atlanta and not be concerned about what happens in Birmingham. Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly."
2.1.2024 10:34Letter from Birmingham jail“Nothing simply is itself, outside the matrix of relationships in which it appears. Instead, being is an act or event that must happen in the space between the self and the world.” Abeba Birhane does not simply regard human beings as either self-contained or self-sufficient. But can relational and autonomous accounts of the self be … Continue reading Descartes was wrong: ‘a person is a person through other persons’
1.1.2024 23:04Descartes was wrong: ‘a person is a person through other persons’"This third attempt to pass largely the same unlawful decision also raises questions as to the larger role of the European Commission being the guardian of the EU treaties. Instead of upholding the 'rule of law' the Commission simply passes an invalid decision over and over again, despite clear rulings by the CJEU."
27.12.2023 11:40European Comission gives EU-US data transfers third round at CJEU"Okay, so now you've got this alternating thing, which will remind you of some of the politics of the world today, where we have to do something to you because of what you did to us."
25.12.2023 10:09What the Prisoner’s Dilemma reveals about life, the universe, and everything"Aber der Satz und seine Verbreitung schaden viel mehr der Gesellschaft und anderen Menschen, als jenen, die ihn aussprechen. Deshalb sind mir die sozial orientierten Antworten darauf am liebsten: Weil man Menschen damit stigmatisiert, sie unsolidarisch behandelt, ihre Diskriminierungserfahrungen negiert, und weil es Demokratie und Widerstand untergräbt."
18.12.2023 15:31Nichts zu verbergen? Ein moderner Mythos und 12 Argumente dagegen"SSH is a protocol that enables secure connections over unsecured networks. It supports the use of asymmetric encryption for user authentication. Private keys are kept locally, while public keys are stored on the remote machine."
18.9.2023 12:12Install and configure SSH on Debian or Ubuntu"The OneDrive Client for Linux connects your Debian or Ubuntu system to Microsoft's OneDrive Personal, OneDrive for Business, OneDrive for Office365, Sharepoint and other such deployments."
14.9.2023 21:28Install OneDrive Client for Linux on Debian or Ubuntu"If you want to receive status updates from your Debian or Ubuntu system, you need to employ the help of a mail tansfer agent (MTA). nullmailer is a relay-only forwarding MTA that can be used as an alternative to more complex MTAs such as Exim, Sendmail or Postfix."
22.8.2023 12:36Install and configure nullmailer using Fastmail as a smarthost"Syncthing is an open source tool that synchronises data across multiple devices. It transfers your files peer-to-peer, without the requirement to upload your information to the cloud."
12.8.2023 16:48Install Syncthing for continuous file synchronisation on Debian or Ubuntu"Cockpit is a web-based management tool for Linux systems. It aims to simplify management tasks while maintaining compatibility with other administration tools."
12.8.2023 16:27Install Cockpit on Debian 12 bookworm“Security is a process, not a product. Products provide some protection, but the only way to effectively do business in an insecure world is to put processes in place that recognize the inherent insecurity in the products.”
3.8.2023 21:52The process of security"This guide is intended to assist those who are installing Debian for the first time. It describes a straightforward path to a GNOME desktop. The number of applications is less in comparison to the default. Choose from more than 60000 official packages to tailor the system to your own requirements."
24.7.2023 02:03How to install Debian 12 Bookworm with a GNOME desktop“LastPass likely could have prevented this if they were more concerned about keeping their users secure than about saving their face. Their statement is also full of omissions, half-truths and outright lies. As I know that not everyone can see through all of it, I thought that I would pick out a bunch of sentences from this statement and give some context that LastPass didn’t want to mention.”
28.12.2022 09:59What’s in a PR statement: LastPass breach explained"Recently, the government gave us the Public Order bill that, that [sic] even one Tory peer described as an afront to a civilised society. Crackdowns on peaceful protest is the purview of China and Iran, not British democracy. And yet these reactionary fuckwits tell us it's Scottish primary school teachers who are holding us hostage. The bastards who wrecked the economy, squandered our reputation on the international stage, sold off any and all of the country's assets for a quick buck are getting their mates in the media to tell you that it's bus drivers, bin men, teachers, nurses, postmen, passport control workers and rail workers who are throwing the country to the dogs. Don't believe them; they are lying to you!"
16.12.2022 02:17Strikes!"The Boomerang is hitting Britain hard, especially right now. Empire wasn't just something that happened to the Colonies, it's something that happened to Britain. It created some of Britain's most well-loved institutions, from the NHS to its greatest talents. But it also created the unequal Britain we see today."
30.11.2022 22:55Boomerang"Will this segment even air on Sky TV in Britain? I honestly don't know! Maybe, maybe not. But if they do cut it out for being disrespectful, they won't want to seriously think about why. Why they and everyone else are working so hard not to offend a family whose name was branded into people's skin and who sit atop a pile of stolen wealth, wearing crowns adorned with other countries treasures."
15.11.2022 08:56The Monarchy: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver"Soziale Medien werden von Plattformbetreibern dominiert, die das eigene Interesse in den Vordergrund rücken und jede Entscheidung daran messen, wie sich eine Profitmaximierung erzielen lässt. Hat man das einmal verinnerlicht, wirft sich einem unweigerlich die Frage auf, was an sozialen Medien eigentlich sozial ist. Sozial bedeutet anderen zu helfen, was auch bedeuten kann, die eigenen Interessen zurückzustellen. Also im Grunde genau das Gegenteil dessen, wie kommerziell ausgerichtete Plattformen wie Twitter, Facebook und Co. agieren."
29.10.2022 19:46Das Fediverse: Social Media losgelöst von den Fesseln kommerzieller InteressenBilly Valentine and the Universal Truth
13.9.2022 11:08We the people who are darker than blue“Our parents and grandparents were recruited to Britain for its benefit, the terms and conditions of which my generation are still trying to make sense. We know how it feels to lack cultural continuity. Others in Britain enjoyed it at our expense. If continuity is an abstract subject, the other trappings of royal symbolism are more concrete. There were pompous reflections last week with the idea expressed in the Economist’s obituary that the Queen 'came from good Hanoverian blood'. If that sounds like a white supremacist idea, that’s because it is.”
13.9.2022 07:50This is a Britain that has lost its Queen – and the luxury of denial about its past“Too often we foolishly measure success in terms of a single actor’s fortunes. This is both short-sighted and irrational. It misunderstands the true nature of reality, and is ultimately self-defeating.”
5.9.2022 15:26The big idea: why relationships are the key to existence"It happens subtly. It happens when we see the Governments making decisions based on self-preservation, based on cronyism, based on anything that will keep them in power, we see the concentration of power whilst avoiding any of the scrutiny or responsibility that comes with that power. It arrives under the guise of respectability and pride, that will then be refused to anyone who is deemed different. It arrives through the othering of people, the normalisation of human cruelty. Now I don't know how far down that road we are. Time will tell, but the things we do in the name of economic growth—the warning signs are there for everyone else to see, whether they admit it or not."
20.5.2022 21:52The warning signs are there for everyone else to see"Auch dieses Foto ist ein aktuelles Bild aus einem Krieg, den Putin gerade führt. Aber es wurde nicht in der Ukraine aufgenommen, sondern in Idlib in Syrien. Ein Krieg, den wir gerade zu vergessen scheinen, obwohl auch von dort zehntausende nach Deutschland geflohen sind aus Angst vor den Bomben Putins. Und, so groß die Hilfsbereitschaft für ukrainische Kriegsgeflohene gerade ist, so schwer macht es Deutschland den Geflüchteten aus Syrien, in diesem Land anzukommen. Die Menschenwürde ist unteilbar, sagt das Grundgesetz, und doch machen wir Unterschiede."
14.4.2022 06:30Geflüchtete aus der Ukraine und Syrien: Unterschiedlich willkommen in Deutschland?“None of this is to defend Putin’s brutality. When 55 Ukrainian children are made refugees every minute and pregnant women in hospital are shelled mid-labour, there is nothing to defend. But to frame our condemnations as a binary clash of rival value systems is to absolve ourselves of our own alleged war crimes, committed as … Continue reading Western values? They enthroned the monster who is shelling Ukrainians today
17.3.2022 11:11Western values? They enthroned the monster who is shelling Ukrainians today“There will be those who imagine that open arms for Ukrainians and fortress Europe for black and brown refugees can and should co-exist. They are wrong, and not only on an obvious moral level. Too many commentators in Europe have already fallen into the trap of separating deserving and undeserving refugees. Their rightful praise for … Continue reading Europe has rediscovered compassion for refugees – but only if they’re white
10.3.2022 11:36Europe has rediscovered compassion for refugees – but only if they’re white“What all these petty, superficial differences – from owning cars and clothes to having Netflix and Instagram accounts – add up to is not real human solidarity for an oppressed people. In fact, it’s the opposite. It’s tribalism. These comments point to a pernicious racism that permeates today’s war coverage and seeps into its fabric … Continue reading They are ‘civilised’ and ‘look like us’: the racist coverage of Ukraine
3.3.2022 08:52They are ‘civilised’ and ‘look like us’: the racist coverage of Ukraine“This is one of the main contradictions of our time. The confrontation between democracies and autocracies is overplayed, forgetting that Western countries share with Russia and China an unbridled hyper-capitalist ideology and a legal, fiscal and political system that is increasingly favourable to large fortunes. In Europe and the United States, everything is done to … Continue reading Sanction the oligarchs, not the people
15.2.2022 11:23Sanction the oligarchs, not the people“Thinking that endemicity is both mild and inevitable is more than wrong, it is dangerous: it sets humanity up for many more years of disease, including unpredictable waves of outbreaks.” Aris Katzourakis keeps the focus on how bad things could get if we were to give in to misplaced optimism. www.nature.com
5.2.2022 22:35COVID-19: endemic doesn’t mean harmless“Before we get started, let me say this upfront: GNOME shell is not a traditional desktop and if you try to use it as one, you will not be very efficient.” AJ Reissig
24.1.2022 12:45GNOME shell tutorial: desktop workflow explainedCannondale Hooligan 1 2008, Shimano HB-RM65 front hub, Shimano BR-M486 brakes, Schwalbe Big Apple tyres, Truvativ Stylo cranks, Crankbrothers Egg Beater 3 pedals, Race Face Deus XC Low Riser bar, Procraft 110 mm 40° stem, Fabric Scoop Race flat saddle, Shimano SG-S501 Alfine 8 gear hub, Archer Components D1x Trail electronic shifter with Micro-Adjust Remote, … Continue reading Cannondale Hooligan
20.12.2021 19:49Cannondale Hooligan“Das Virus ist gekommen, um zu bleiben.” Mai Thi Nguyen-Kim
14.11.2021 17:59Impfpflicht ist OKCriticalMass Essen am 13. August auf der Rüttenscheider Straße — gestartet wird jeden 2. Freitag im Monat um 19:00 Uhr vom Willy-Brandt-Platz aus. criticalmass.in
13.8.2021 21:13Critical Mass Essen“Beware the Four Horsemen of the Information Apocalypse: terrorists, drug dealers, kidnappers, and child pornographers. Seems like you can scare any public into allowing the government to do anything with those four.” Bruce Schneier re-emphasises the need for strong encryption as a matter of personal and national security. www.schneier.com
13.8.2021 15:13Scaring people into supporting backdoors“The side-effects are mild … Listen to doctors who work in intensive care, because we are heartbroken every day and don’t want you to end up here.” Dr Samantha Batt-Rawden wants people to come off the fence and get the jab. www.theguardian.com Fitness enthusiast John Eyres, 42, who refused to get vaccinated, has died of … Continue reading I advise everyone to get it: UK Covid patients tell of regrets over refusing jab
27.7.2021 08:06I advise everyone to get it: UK Covid patients tell of regrets over refusing jabDavid Swanson joined the Marines of Echo Company in April 2004 as an embedded photographer for The Philadelphia Inquirer. He was widely recognised for the image of Private Eric Ayon. Echoes of war is Swanson’s account of his time spent with Echo Company in Ramadi, one of the most dangerous places in Iraq at the … Continue reading Echoes of war
25.7.2021 14:31Echoes of war2.6.2021 15:48Want you in my soul (acoustic version)
“Ich schlage vor, lasst uns einfach Mal tauschen: Jan-Josef Liefers wird Corona-Spezialist und Christian Drosten und Melanie Brinkmann bilden das neue Ermittler-Duo im Tatort. Ich kann mir gut vorstellen, was dann passiert: die Infektionszahlen explodieren und der Tatot wird besser.”
9.5.2021 16:00#allesdichtmachen: Gelaber statt DebatteI pre-ordered the Hammerhead Karoo 2 during the last quarter of 2020, fully aware that I might be getting a device that would still require a significant amount of “continuous enhancements”. In other words, I bought into the promise of Hammerhead delivering “the world’s finest cycling computer” through software updates. Eventually. In many ways, the … Continue reading Hammerhead Karoo 2 has landed
18.2.2021 20:02Hammerhead Karoo 2 has landed“Wir führen diese Debatte über Rassismus auf einer total primitiven Ebene. Es handelt sich um ein Menschenrecht. Schutz vor Diskriminierung ist ein Menschenrecht.” Natasha A. Kelly “Ich würde mir wünschen, dass wir wegkommen davon diese Ereignisse, wie sie jetzt auch im WDR passiert sind, immer als Einzelfälle zu diskutieren. Und es ist ja heute immer … Continue reading Die beste Instanz
11.2.2021 00:41Die beste Instanz“The location-tracking industry exists because those in power allow it to exist. Plenty of Americans remain oblivious to this collection through no fault of their own. But many others understand what’s happening and allow it anyway. They feel powerless to stop it or were simply seduced by the conveniences afforded in the trade-off. The dark … Continue reading They stormed the Capitol. Their apps tracked them.
9.2.2021 14:56They stormed the Capitol. Their apps tracked them.“…they are lucky that what black people are looking for is equality, and not revenge.” After 450 rounds of playing, Kimberly Jones finds the game of monopoly rigged and not in her favour.
8.6.2020 21:08How can we win“This airplane is designed by clowns, who are in turn supervised by monkeys,” one Boeing employee wrote, before the 737 Max accidents JT610 and ET302 killed 346 people. “I still haven’t been forgiven by God for the covering up I did last year,” regrets another. Natalie Kitroeff reports on what Boeing employees were really thinking … Continue reading Boeing employees mocked FAA and clowns who designed 737 Max
10.1.2020 19:31Boeing employees mocked FAA and clowns who designed 737 MaxShand Stooshie Rohloff 2019 custom size, Lauf Grit SL fork, Hope Pro 4 front hub, Shimano XTR BR-M9120 brakes, WTB KOM Tough i25 27.5″ rims, WTB Horizon Road Plus TCS tubeless tyres, Middleburn RS8 X-Type cranks, Gates CDX Carbon Drive, Crankbrothers Candy 7 pedals with long spindle, Easton EC90 SL ISA seat post, Fabric Scoop … Continue reading Shand Stooshie Rohloff
18.10.2019 17:30Shand Stooshie Rohloff“…but beyond that you just go for a ride and, you know, usually, especially when you are riding with friends, you’re talking. Not about bikes, about anything. And so you sort of forget the whole bike thing and the bike intrudes when it does things that you don’t expect. Or you never notice the bike, … Continue reading Pathlesspedaled interviews: Jan Heine
20.8.2019 09:10Pathlesspedaled interviews: Jan HeineStart vor dem Landtag zur Abschlussrunde der Sternfahrt durch Düsseldorf.
2.6.2019 19:59Fahrradsternfahrt NRW“Nevertheless, the fact remains that the age of 40 has long since disappeared in my helmet mirror (no, I don’t use a helmet mirror, it’s just a metaphor), and while colonoscopies and mole removals may take up more of my time than I’d like, overall I’m rather enjoying pedaling down this particular stretch of road. … Continue reading Ti flies when you’re having fun
19.5.2019 12:00Ti flies when you’re having fun“How is he the victim in this scenario? This is a pregnant woman who had to arrange new levels of protection because of the amount of racist abuse she was receiving, which escalated when she announced that she was pregnant. She’s always had racist abuse, but when she announced her pregnancy it multiplied because there … Continue reading How is he the victim?
18.5.2019 20:00How is he the victim?“The game is no longer about sending you a mail order catalogue or even about targeting online advertising. The game is selling access to the real-time flow of your daily life—your reality—in order to directly influence and modify your behavior for profit.” According to Shoshana Zuboff, we need to revoke the collective agreement with practices … Continue reading The secrets of surveillance capitalism
22.2.2019 20:42The secrets of surveillance capitalism“Too much of our political debate just insults people’s intelligence and just suggests that every facet of Brexit you don’t like is purely a feature of only the Prime Minister’s version of it, rather than intrinsic to leaving.” Sir Ivan Rogers advocates the need for serious substance to replace plausible bullshit. news.liverpool.ac.uk
16.12.2018 22:34Nine lessons“And those who promise that leaving the EU will deliver ‘control’ are really promising something quite specific: a social and cultural reboot. As well as being morally contemptible, of course, this is also a complete impossibility.” Matthew d’Ancona does away with the pretence surrounding Brexit and wants those responsible to take ownership of what is … Continue reading Let’s be honest about what’s really driving Brexit: bigotry
3.12.2018 15:47Let’s be honest about what’s really driving Brexit: bigotry