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Comment on Why don’t more ecologists use strong inference? by Here are some of the best lines from my forthcoming book, The Ecology of Ecologists, in ...


[…] most common excuses for why Plattian strong inference is rarely possible in ecology—ecological systems are messy and complicated, alternative […]

17.3.2025 12:01Comment on Why don’t more ecologists use strong inference? by Here are some of the best lines from my forthcoming book, The Ecology of Ecologists, in ...

Comment on You can now pre-order The Ecology of Ecologists! by Here are some of the best lines from my forthcoming book, The Ecology of Ecologists, in...


[…] can, and totally should, pre-order my forthcoming book, The Ecology of Ecologists: Harnessing Diverse Approaches for a Stronger Science. You should do so […]

17.3.2025 12:01Comment on You can now pre-order The Ecology of Ecologists! by Here are some of the best lines from my forthcoming book, The Ecology of Ecologists, in...

Here are some of the best lines from my forthcoming book, The Ecology of Ecologists, in my totally biased opinion :-)


You can, and totally should, pre-order my forthcoming book, The Ecology of Ecologists: Harnessing Diverse Approaches for a Stronger Science. You should do so for many reasons, one of which is that it is chock full of good lines. Here … Continue reading

17.3.2025 12:00Here are some of the best lines from my forthcoming book, The Ecology of Ecologists, in my totally biased opinion :-)

Comment on Friday linkfests are cultural and social technologies by Jeremy Fox


<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Rather than share my own thoughts on the Reinhart piece, I'll outsource the commentary to this paper, with which I largely agree: <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc"></a></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->

14.3.2025 17:57Comment on Friday linkfests are cultural and social technologies by Jeremy Fox

Comment on Friday linkfests are cultural and social technologies by Jeremy Fox


<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>It's a total coincidence that I posted that link about how microplastics research needs to improve on the same day as PNAS published a meta-analysis claiming that microplastics interfere with photosynthesis to such a large and growing extent as to place hundreds of millions of people at risk of starvation in the not-to-distant future. </p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->

14.3.2025 13:42Comment on Friday linkfests are cultural and social technologies by Jeremy Fox

Comment on Friday linkfests are cultural and social technologies by Jeremy Fox


In reply to <a href="">Falko Buschke</a>. Thanks, hadn't seen that.

14.3.2025 13:08Comment on Friday linkfests are cultural and social technologies by Jeremy Fox

Comment on Friday linkfests are cultural and social technologies by Falko Buschke


<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Related to your first link, the Society for Conservation Biology funded a survey about publishing preferences a few years ago: <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc"></a></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:quote --> <blockquote class="wp-block-quote"><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p><em>We identified 3 demographic groups across 1038 respondents (older authors from predominantly middle-income countries, younger authors from predominantly middle-income countries, and younger authors from high-income countries) who had published in conservation journals. Each group exhibited different publishing preferences. Only 2 attributes showed a consistent response across groups: cost to publish negatively affected journal choice, including authors in high-income countries, and authors had a consistent preference for double-blind review. </em></p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --></blockquote> <!-- /wp:quote -->

14.3.2025 12:59Comment on Friday linkfests are cultural and social technologies by Falko Buschke

Friday linkfests are cultural and social technologies


This week: survey on EEB researchers’ attitudes about scientific publishing, feminism vs. animal behavior, microplastics research needs to raise its game, a new era for bioRxiv, and more. The ESA, ASN, and I believe other scientific societies in EEB, are … Continue reading

14.3.2025 12:00Friday linkfests are cultural and social technologies

Comment on Newly hired N. American tenure track asst. professors of ecology are 59% women. That’s good news–but most ecologists still don’t know it or...


[…] Was this truly the work and motivation of only men? Were the thousands of women reported lines above not keeping track of the species they’d seen? I also appreciate her highlighting of the ongoing struggle of women in academia (Schroeder et al. 2013). Luckily, the tides in ecology professorship appear to be changing as of late. […]

13.3.2025 13:35Comment on Newly hired N. American tenure track asst. professors of ecology are 59% women. That’s good news–but most ecologists still don’t know it or...

Comment on Which cities originate the most Dynamic Ecology traffic? (UPDATED) by Shan Kothari


In reply to <a href="">Jeremy Fox</a>. <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>I'll do my best, but for the moment that burden's mostly on JC's shoulders—I don't have much of a lab group yet!</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->

12.3.2025 05:18Comment on Which cities originate the most Dynamic Ecology traffic? (UPDATED) by Shan Kothari

Comment on Does anyone care about graphical abstracts? by ric charnov


In reply to <a href="">Jeremy Fox</a>. <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>can I join the 'old grouches club' too? With this one, I do want too.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->

11.3.2025 14:25Comment on Does anyone care about graphical abstracts? by ric charnov

Comment on On which ecological topics is the consensus opinion most likely to be dubious, overstated, or just plain wrong? by Jeremy Fox


In reply to <a href="">Federico Riva</a>. Thanks Federico, was hoping you'd comment! I would be interested in joining that convo about a synthesis group, if you'd like me to. The CIEE would be one possible source of funding, if we get to that point.

11.3.2025 12:09Comment on On which ecological topics is the consensus opinion most likely to be dubious, overstated, or just plain wrong? by Jeremy Fox

Which cities originate the most Dynamic Ecology traffic? (UPDATED)


WordPress recently started showing blog owners data on the cities from which their pageviews originate. I had some fun looking at the numbers. Before I show them to you, take a guess: which city has been the #1 source of … Continue reading

10.3.2025 12:00Which cities originate the most Dynamic Ecology traffic? (UPDATED)

Boring Friday linkfests are flying with big tech in the AI boom


This week: Carl Zimmer interview, communication vs. debate, baking vs. AI, cybernetics vs. Marvel movies, the latest on the “hot hand,” Mesopotamian jokes, humans vs. Microsoft Word (but not how you’re probably thinking), nerd sniping Stephen Heard, and MOAR. This … Continue reading

7.3.2025 13:00Boring Friday linkfests are flying with big tech in the AI boom

Does anyone care about graphical abstracts?


As you probably guessed from the post title, I don’t care about graphical abstracts of scientific papers. Like, at all. To me, they’re just pointless clutter; they have negative value. The next time I’m asked to provide a graphical abstract … Continue reading

6.3.2025 13:00Does anyone care about graphical abstracts?

You can now pre-order The Ecology of Ecologists!


Exciting news: you can now pre-order my forthcoming book, The Ecology of Ecologists: Harnessing Diverse Approaches for a Stronger Science, from the publisher. You’ll get it in December 2025, just in time for all your Spring 2026 graduate seminar and … Continue reading

4.3.2025 13:00You can now pre-order The Ecology of Ecologists!

On which ecological topics is the consensus opinion most likely to be dubious, overstated, or just plain wrong?


Recently, I interviewed Tanya Rogers and Stephen Munch about their work questioning the longstanding consensus that chaotic population dynamics are rare. Also recently, I’ve been thinking about work from Lenore Fahrig and her group, showing that habitat fragmentation per se … Continue reading

3.3.2025 13:00On which ecological topics is the consensus opinion most likely to be dubious, overstated, or just plain wrong?

But how is this Friday linkfest – which so far must seem to you more like a curious sort of “literary” journal – used in intellectual production?


This week: CW Mills vs. blogging, game theory vs. Conclave, undergraduates as beavers, code/software availability is overrated, contrarian movie review, and more. CW Mills (and Kieran Healy) on intellectual craftsmanship. This is old, but it’s so, so good. (update: link … Continue reading

28.2.2025 13:00But how is this Friday linkfest – which so far must seem to you more like a curious sort of “literary” journal – used in intellectual production?

Hoisted from the comments: the ESA meeting vs. the AGU meeting


Following up on yesterday’s post, here’s another substantial, thoughtful comment we got on our recent poll about ESA meeting attendance. It’s from a US-based professor who last attended the ESA meeting in 2023. It suggests that some subfields of ecology … Continue reading

27.2.2025 13:00Hoisted from the comments: the ESA meeting vs. the AGU meeting

Hoisted from the comments: what the ESA annual meeting could learn from ASM meetings


Recently I polled y’all on whether you’re going to the 2025 ESA meeting in Baltimore, and if not, why not. A couple of poll respondents provided exceptionally lengthy and thoughtful comments. They’re basically blog posts, so I thought, why not … Continue reading

26.2.2025 13:00Hoisted from the comments: what the ESA annual meeting could learn from ASM meetings


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