Postdoctoral Researcher in Climate impacts and Disaster Risk Reduction at University of Edinburgh, UK. Part of the Tomorrow's Cities hub, previously on the Children's Climate Risk Index team with DCC and UNICEF. Views are my own, and not those of anyone affiliated with me. [url=]#Heatwaves[/url] [url=]#ClimateChange[/url] [url=]#FutureClimate[/url] [url=]#Academia[/url] [url=]#Postdoc[/url] [url=]#Research[/url] [url=]#Aerosols[/url] [url=]#ClimateImpacts[/url] [url=]#Flooding[/url] [url=]#NaturalHazards[/url] [url=]#TomorrowsCities[/url] [url=]#Risk[/url] Will also include [url=]#mentalhealth[/url] [url=]#puns[/url] [url=]#rugby[/url] [url=]#scotland[/url] and a certain [url=]#greyhound[/url]
Tags: academia aerosols climatechange climateimpacts flooding futureclimate greyhound heatwaves mentalhealth naturalhazards postdoc puns research risk rugby scotland tomorrowscities