Technology hobbyist and [url=]#selfhosted[/url] [url=]#homelab[/url] enthusiast with a patient wife and (slightly less tolerant) teenaged daughter. Proof that you can live, love, and be loved while living with [url=]#cancer[/url]. I enjoy unplugging from time to time to [url=]#travel[/url]. Stuff I’ve been playing with: [url=]#proxmox[/url] [url=]#debian[/url] [url=]#opnsense[/url] [url=]#emby[/url] [url=]#docker[/url] [url=]#snapraid[/url] [url=]#mergerfs[/url] [url=]#zfs[/url] [url=]#mastodon[/url] [url=]#watercooling[/url] [url=]#pcmr[/url] [url=]#wled[/url] [url=]#selfhosting[/url] [url=]#homelab[/url] [url=]#homeassistant[/url] [url=]#solar[/url]
Tags: cancer debian docker emby homeassistant homelab mastodon mergerfs opnsense pcmr proxmox selfhosted selfhosting snapraid solar travel watercooling wled zfs