Christ follower, husband, dad, developer wandering through the magical world of iOS and Swift at trivago. Currently living in Düsseldorf, Germany. Oh, and bow ties are cool!
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Egg on my face for not checking system requirements before updating. Got approval to update to Sonoma on my work laptop, but we are still stuck using Xcode 14.3, which isn’t supported. Now I get to downgrade. Every app that I use on a daily basis works on Sonoma, except for the one that I need to do my job. 🤦🏼♂️
16.10.2023 17:17Egg on my face for not checking system requirements before updating. Got approval to update to Sonoma on my work laptop, but we are still...If all they do is bring back the 30 pin connector for the iPhone 15, then I’ll call that a win. 😁
12.9.2023 17:02If all they do is bring back the 30 pin connector for the iPhone 15, then I’ll call that a win. 😁Getting ready for the opening ceremony of the Invictus Games. 🇺🇸🇩🇪
9.9.2023 16:07 Getting ready for the opening ceremony of the Invictus Games. 🇺🇸🇩🇪No matter how tired I am, I can never sleep the night before a trip.
3.9.2023 22:41No matter how tired I am, I can never sleep the night before a trip.It’s gonna be a long day. I forgot my wedding ring on the sink, and now I feel lost and disconnected. I will probably rub my finger raw trying to find it and panic multiple times, thinking that I’ve lost it.
17.8.2023 06:00It’s gonna be a long day. I forgot my wedding ring on the sink, and now I feel lost and disconnected. I will probably rub my finger raw...Today was a bit emotional. Actually this entire week. Our daughter started school this week and it is hitting harder than I thought that it would. She is super excited and is having fun. I’m a nervous wreck. This morning, after one day of school, she told us that we didn’t need to take her inside anymore. She was big enough to do it alone. I love her bravery and determination to be independent, and am so proud of her. But as a dad I’m not ready. 🥺
10.8.2023 13:26Today was a bit emotional. Actually this entire week. Our daughter started school this week and it is hitting harder than I thought that it...Rainy day this afternoon.
Triggering content warning. 😬
I know a lot of people don’t like wearing socks with sandals. Admittedly I’m one of those. It does feel weird. But I have an argument that it actually makes sense, so hear me out. If we don’t wear socks with sandals then how can other people enjoy all of the amazing sock designs out there. 😁
Loving our GraphQL team right now. Just found out that I can refactor part of our app state and remove some complexity, by merging two network requests into one. 😃
26.7.2023 14:49Loving our GraphQL team right now. Just found out that I can refactor part of our app state and remove some complexity, by merging two...It’s amazing what a week off will do. I was having some issues implementing withCheckedContinuation()
and handling cancellations. Read through a forum post one more time this morning and the problem was immediately obvious. I wasn’t calling resume on the continuation when it was canceled and this led to the continuation being leaked.
Today must be a good day. I remembered the password for my work computer on the first try after a week vacation.
24.7.2023 06:29Today must be a good day. I remembered the password for my work computer on the first try after a week vacation.Now that that refactor is out of the way, I can focus on the main changes for the Drafts action.
23.7.2023 15:38Now that that refactor is out of the way, I can focus on the main changes for the Drafts action.The positive side about having my changes overwritten is that it revealed a bug I had overlooked when I was adding everything back.
23.7.2023 15:23The positive side about having my changes overwritten is that it revealed a bug I had overlooked when I was adding everything back.Forgot that I was editing an action in Drafts on my iPad and made a lot of changes on the Mac. When I opened Drafts on the iPad it overwrote all of the changes that I had made on the Mac. Yay for getting to redo everything. 😔
23.7.2023 15:08Forgot that I was editing an action in Drafts on my iPad and made a lot of changes on the Mac. When I opened Drafts on the iPad it overwrote...My plans to tinker on an app idea last week didn’t go as planned. I ended up spending the week getting sucked into a JavaScript rabbit hole to try and clean up a Drafts Action that I created. While it wasn’t what I had started out the week wanting to do, I’m glad that it went this way. I’m happy with how the Action is looking now and will make it easier to maintain going forward.
23.7.2023 06:27My plans to tinker on an app idea last week didn’t go as planned. I ended up spending the week getting sucked into a JavaScript rabbit...Since we have the week off, I want to try and do some digital cleanup and adjust some workflows. Also want to try and continue with a little side project app that I started and never finished. I’m sure there will also be some house cleaning and organizing in there as well.
17.7.2023 06:51Since we have the week off, I want to try and do some digital cleanup and adjust some workflows. Also want to try and continue with a little...I know better than to check email when I wake up at 4 in the morning. Especially when it’s work related. Now can’t go back to sleep because I’m frustrated and can’t do anything to resolve the issue until everyone gets into the office.
13.7.2023 04:03I know better than to check email when I wake up at 4 in the morning. Especially when it’s work related. Now can’t go back to sleep...Missed the iPadOS, watchOS, and tvOS announcements in the WWDC keynote. Will have to recap those before the State of the Union.
5.6.2023 19:26Missed the iPadOS, watchOS, and tvOS announcements in the WWDC keynote. Will have to recap those before the State of the Union. #wwdc23Prepping all of my devices for loading the betas today. 😬
5.6.2023 17:36Prepping all of my devices for loading the betas today. 😬 #wwdc23Took me a little longer than I intended, but I finally pushed out some updates to my Drafts action for posting to
Nothing fancy to see here, just testing some cross posting fixes for my Drafts action. 🤞🏼
14.5.2023 20:03Nothing fancy to see here, just testing some cross posting fixes for my Drafts action. 🤞🏼Trying to figure out the best way to introduce changes so that it is backwards compatible, but without making the code a nightmare to maintain, is always a fun part about software development.
14.5.2023 19:42Trying to figure out the best way to introduce changes so that it is backwards compatible, but without making the code a nightmare to...I am so grateful and blessed that I have this amazing woman in my life. Through all of the ups and downs of loosing our first born and the emotional struggles of welcoming our second, she is the strongest woman, mother, and wife that I know. As much as I know that she would like to change her name after hearing mommy repeated for the 100th time, she never falters. She brings so much joy into our lives. Happy Mother’s Day my love, we love you so much and are thankful for you every day.
I’m waiting for my daughter to ask me to start her a YouTube channel. She’s starting to ask me to record her doing funny things that she sees on a fun channel that she currently watches. Not sure that I’m ready for that. 😳 😂
1.5.2023 15:57I’m waiting for my daughter to ask me to start her a YouTube channel. She’s starting to ask me to record her doing funny things...The Super Mario Bros. movie was super fun. I loved the soundtrack.
15.4.2023 11:50The Super Mario Bros. movie was super fun. I loved the soundtrack.