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The role of Propaganda in social media I’ve been thinking about this a lot recently. Remembering quotes like these: “It is no longer possible to hold the simple faith of the Enlightenment that assured advance of science will produce free … Continue reading
12.11.2022 04:24Mastodon the great leveler? Could Mastodon end up bringing democracy to the masses by finally giving us a social media platform for the people?As those of you that have somehow found my twitter feed know I talk a lot about propaganda. We all do it but we should all have the tools to counter the dopamine rush of good emotionalpropaganda. In other words … Continue reading
15.6.2022 13:43Atheist PropagandaWhen I first set up this blog I set it up jokingly with an almost mocking “Yet another atheist blog; Just what the world needs”. This was a few years ago when everyone seemed to have an “ATHEIST BLOG”. Personally … Continue reading
15.6.2022 13:00I aten’t dead yet! (Apologies to Terry Pratchett)I see atheist blogs now and then where all they do is repost videos and catch phrases from popular atheists. Much rather see some original thought put into it. Nice work. Atheism is not a group. Sometimes that hurts us, other times it’s better that way. Certainly when I was a believer I still disdained the westborough baptist as well now as a parroting atheist.
23.11.2019 01:43Comment on New Atheism? What about us OLD Atheist’s ? by jim-Why “New Atheism” failed or rather, “why are all these people suddenly alt-right or Nazis?” has been in the news lately. I have resisted writing about it myself since so many others have done a far better job but I … Continue reading
22.11.2019 20:23New Atheism? What about us OLD Atheist’s ?Months ago I accepted a position at http://canadianatheist.com but as the policy at the time was more restrictive, I couldn’t move any of my current posts. I am happy to say that the policy has now been relaxed which makes … Continue reading
21.5.2017 16:11A quick noteIt started innocently enough. A comment on Facebook from a patient about how homeopathy was helping them recover and the typical knee jerk reaction from the naive sceptic “Homeopathy doesn’t work”. The quick retort of “My doctor recommends it!” was … Continue reading
20.5.2017 00:25Doctors, you are not helpingReblogged this on <a href="https://unbucklingblog.wordpress.com/2015/12/11/on-heroes/" rel="nofollow">Unbuckling the Bible Belt</a> and commented: An excellent post regarding how one should avoid hero worship and how analysis of ideas objectivity should be the goal, regardless of feelings about who the source might be. I have fallen into this trap before, as I am sure many of you have!
11.12.2015 18:00Comment on On Heroes by seethinheathenIt's been some time since your last post. Hope you're doing fine. Please, keep on blogging in a free world - The False Prophet
12.5.2015 21:37Comment on Chapel Hill by The False ProphetI guess by saying this, you have 'made up your mind'. Making up your mind does not necessarily mean you have to choose sides. Keep on blogging in a free world - The False Prophet
14.3.2015 17:00Comment on In Living Colour by The False ProphetVery useful information. The False Prophet could use a guide like that. Looks like as if it came straight from a Dilbert book. Keep on blogging in a free world. Have a prophet-able day - The False Prophet
6.3.2015 09:18Comment on How to argue on the Internet – A guide for the Internet Newbie by The False ProphetWhy bother arguing? Here's the real truth about the internet: https://medium.com/the-nib/the-truth-about-the-internet-fb8864c92185
17.2.2015 16:58Comment on How to argue on the Internet – A guide for the Internet Newbie by theobromineMany posts have been made already on the Chapel Hill shootings, some defending atheists against the charge of being a hateful ideology and some attacking– The one thing I have noticed lacking is the observation that both sides are actually … Continue reading
15.2.2015 16:10Chapel HillI’ve been on the Internet quite a while now, from USENET and IRC to twitter and google+. The one thing that I find striking is there is no guide for the Internet newbie on how to effectively argue. First you start out with … Continue reading
11.2.2015 17:17How to argue on the Internet – A guide for the Internet NewbieI am a very religious woman with a firm testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ, and I also agree with you that religion has no place in government and education. I reserve the right to believe according to the dictates of my own conscience, and I accord everyone else in the world the same right, to believe - or not to believe - in whomever or whatever they will, according to the dictates of their own conscience, as well. Also, what is considered a sin in religious circles should not equate to a crime in civic circles (such as, it might be a sin to get drunk, but it isn't, and shouldn't be, a crime to get drunk - unless you drive drunk), and religious groups should not be able to 'deal with' a crime on their own, keeping it hushed up from civil authorities. These kinds of happenings really piss me off, people giving religion a bad name!
30.1.2015 02:09Comment on I am not a foot soldier in your war by Tammy J RizzoThis is very much how I feel, too. Each 'side' usually has some merit; the trick is to find the compromise. Most 'sides' won't budge toward a compromise, because the 'other side' is all evil, or all lunatics, or all whatever. Of course, that is, itself, ridiculous. This point of view, though, seems to attract more fanatic people from both 'sides', telling me (like they tell you) to make a choice. My choice is my own, though, and I will not be forced into a 'side'.
30.1.2015 01:58Comment on In Living Colour by Tammy J RizzoOur first television set was a RCA black and white with a tiny screen– modern colour TV was still years away from the 1950’s. We watched much early Disney and Ed Sullivan and Saturday morning there were the westerns my … Continue reading
7.1.2015 01:28In Living ColourThe BBC documentary series, The Century of Self, is worth watching for the information on Bernays and Freud, though I have not done much reading in this area lately. It is worth learning about the mechanics of propaganda, so that you can identify it (if nothing else). I have noticed that some people are resistant to familiarizing themselves with this material, whilst concurrently claiming that propaganda and more insidious manipulation is widespread. Speculation leads me to wonder if this contradiction is born some individuals' desire to portray every fact that does not fit with their worldview as 'propaganda'.
22.10.2014 03:17Comment on Propaganda by Sam DWhen twitter first put their litle toy together, to me it seemed their idea was to build a simple electronic equivalent of an old fashioned office memo board. Why else would you limit it to 140 chars– taking advantage of … Continue reading
25.8.2014 20:03Twitter AbuseSome initial stuff useful in critical thinking has to be taught dogmatically. It can then have the dogma removed, by techniques I've never quite understood. One logic book I have uses a series of asides or the like to comment where the limitations are. For example, a lot of people do not get the truth table for the material conditional (it is pretty weird) and so this book comments that you'll learn more why later. There's also an appendix giving the first drop of information about the "why". My only concern is that one either flags almost *everything* as potentially weird or debatable (because, e.g., there are more logical systems than any one person would know about) or much more research has to be done as to how people actually reason, have trouble with, etc. Up until recently, the normative standard has been so-called classical logic, but there's a recent book (_Human Reasoning and Cognitive Science_) about the dangers of doing so. I've started to absorb this challenging subject myself and find myself in sort of meta-questioning ... :) Alas, the person who I would respect most to give useful comments on such a volume is dead ... (Horacio Arlo-Costa, formerly at CMU)
21.8.2014 21:35Comment on The Mind counter-Virus by Keith Douglas