When writing it can be difficult to avoid using the same descriptive phrases repeatedly. Other times you know what you want to say, but...
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Tags: descriptive difficult repeatedly
In reply to <a href="https://descriptionary.wordpress.com/2025/01/22/how-to-describe-dancing-in-writing/comment-page-1/#comment-3066">ASH SARATH</a>. I've moved the place to write suggestions just a little further down the home page. I have about 100+ articles currently on my radar, so it doesn't quite need to be as front and centre for the time being, but it's still there!
24.2.2025 18:09Comment on How to Describe Dancing in Writing by ShonnaTheWhiteIn reply to <a href="https://descriptionary.wordpress.com/2025/01/29/describe-it-vengeful/comment-page-1/#comment-3065">ASH SARATH</a>. I get you! Part of the reason I started gathering a database of descriptions to reference was for this exact reason! It's hard to constantly think of new ways to phrase the same actions or feelings!
24.2.2025 18:07Comment on Describe It: Vengeful by ShonnaTheWhite<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Hi love ,nowhere to write to make a request I'm not sure were it has gone , but can I request, distance in writing height of things , dimensions </p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
14.2.2025 16:24Comment on How to Describe Dancing in Writing by ASH SARATH<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>These are all great , I read alot it influences me when I write , I have come to realise that it's getting more difficult to make up your own words without it being cliché or repeated. </p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Ty for the post ,I can't write what I would love you to work on next and put down on the list ,so I'll put it here </p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>How to write when a protagonist has a deep thought, or is thinking </p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
3.2.2025 14:12Comment on Describe It: Vengeful by ASH SARATHJump to Descriptions Definition Vengeful: having a strong desire to harm someone in return for a perceived injury, wrong, or insult – essentially, seeking revenge or retribution. This desire to harm may be physically, emotionally, socially, etc. Synonym Strength These are just some of the words that can be used to describe anger. For more, […]
29.1.2025 13:33Describe It: Vengeful[…] you think about it, fastening methods in fashion have also evolved over the years, from ancient drawstrings to modern zippers, much like how crochet […]
25.1.2025 20:36Comment on Types of Fastenings Used in Fashion: from Ancient to Modern by where origins of crochet started? : Exploring the RootsDancing scenes offer writers a goldmine of opportunities for character development and storytelling in a non-standard way. Think about it – when do people dance in real life? Often at pivotal moments, when emotions are running high, or when social expectations demand it. Each of these situations creates natural tension and reveals character in ways […]
22.1.2025 14:07How to Describe Dancing in Writing<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>you little star Ty </p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
14.1.2025 18:04Comment on What is Personification and How to Use it in Writing by ASH SARATHIt’s human nature to personify objects. That is, to give things that aren’t human attributes such as characteristics, emotions, or behaviours. This can be to animals, objects, natural phenomena, or even abstract concepts. This allows writers to create vivid imagery and emotional connections by making these feel familiar through human qualities. When used effectively, personification […]
13.1.2025 22:14What is Personification and How to Use it in Writing<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>wow food for thought Ty </p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
17.12.2024 14:24Comment on Describe It: Arms and (a Little About) Wrists by ASH SARATHIn books, arms are often referenced in ways that aid in the show, don’t tell aspect of writing or allude to femininity, masculinity, or even sexual attraction. The condition of the arms, when done tactfully, can give us insight into characters. For example: “Hold still,” Marcus muttered, reaching up to adjust the shop’s ancient sign. […]
16.12.2024 21:05Describe It: Arms and (a Little About) WristsIn reply to <a href="https://descriptionary.wordpress.com/2024/11/15/the-art-of-the-chase-scene-being-chased/comment-page-1/#comment-3041">ShonnaTheWhite</a>. <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Awesome ! </p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
18.11.2024 20:50Comment on The Art of the Chase Scene: Being Chased by ASH SARATHIn reply to <a href="https://descriptionary.wordpress.com/2024/11/15/the-art-of-the-chase-scene-being-chased/comment-page-1/#comment-3040">ASH SARATH</a>. I've updated the environment section with a subsection called: READER REQUEST: To Map or Not to Map Hope that helps!
18.11.2024 20:23Comment on The Art of the Chase Scene: Being Chased by ShonnaTheWhiteIn reply to <a href="https://descriptionary.wordpress.com/2024/11/15/the-art-of-the-chase-scene-being-chased/comment-page-1/#comment-3039">ShonnaTheWhite</a>. <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>thank you x</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
18.11.2024 13:33Comment on The Art of the Chase Scene: Being Chased by ASH SARATHAt their core, chase scenes are powerful tools for character development, plot advancement, and engagement. A well-crafted chase scene reveals who a character really is through the decisions they make under pressure. When your protagonist must choose between helping a fallen bystander or catching the villain, their split-second decision tells readers volumes about them. The […]
15.11.2024 20:10The Art of the Chase Scene: Being ChasedJump to Descriptions Definition Sympathy is feeling compassion, sorrow, or pity for the hardships that another person encounters. Empathy goes deeper – it’s the ability to understand and share the feelings of another person by putting yourself in their position. Sympathy is when you feel for someone Empathy is when you feel with someone Synonym […]
11.11.2024 04:50Describe It: Sympathy/EmpathyThis one … well, it took a while (even if you don’t include some life drama in there ), and I hope that shows in the details! Alright, self-pity aside, let’s launch into the article you’re here for: Throughout history, cloaks, capes, and similar garments have been staple parts of people’s wardrobes. It’s only in […]
1.11.2024 18:26What We Wear: Cloaks, Capes, Robes, and Similar GarmentsIn preparation for more clothing and accessory articles, we’re going to touch on what we’ve used to secure garments throughout history. But, why would you include tiny details like this? The soft pop of a snap fastener. The whisper of silk laces drawing tight. The decisive click of a brooch closing at the throat. These […]
25.10.2024 19:36Types of Fastenings Used in Fashion: from Ancient to ModernIf you’re writing a fantasy novel, you’re probably going to have people or creatures with abilities that are beyond human. Sure, you can simply write superpowers in there and hope for the best, but people may pick up on the fact that you didn’t put much thought into it. It may also potentially be a […]
2.8.2024 18:39Creating a Magic or Supernatural Power SystemThis D-Script for writers has HUNDREDS of examples of how to describe lips!
22.7.2024 00:29Describe It: Lips