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davidscottmoyer | Lapsed Painter, Occasional Photographer, Compulsive Writer

Lapsed Painter, Occasional Photographer, Compulsive Writer

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Comment on Remember Jade Helm? Probably Not. by tlryder

<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>I do indeed remember Jade Helm, but only vaguely. The conspiracy folk keep getting worse and worse, so disconnected from reality that they post pictures of totally normal clouds and spin out crazy in the comments. It's terrifying!</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->

27.11.2024 16:27Comment on Remember Jade Helm? Probably Not. by tlryder

Comment on Remember Jade Helm? Probably Not. by timoth‽

… reposted this!

13.11.2024 04:06Comment on Remember Jade Helm? Probably Not. by timoth‽

Comment on Remember Jade Helm? Probably Not. by timoth‽

… liked this!

13.11.2024 04:01Comment on Remember Jade Helm? Probably Not. by timoth‽

Comment on Remember Jade Helm? Probably Not. by NotMaddie!

… liked this!

13.11.2024 03:46Comment on Remember Jade Helm? Probably Not. by NotMaddie!

Comment on Remember Jade Helm? Probably Not. by Oreo Speedwagon II 😱☠️🤬

… reposted this!

13.11.2024 03:24Comment on Remember Jade Helm? Probably Not. by Oreo Speedwagon II 😱☠️🤬

Comment on Remember Jade Helm? Probably Not. by David Scott Moyer

In reply to <a href="">Christina Anne Hawthorne</a>. <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>I like that last line a lot!</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->

13.11.2024 02:41Comment on Remember Jade Helm? Probably Not. by David Scott Moyer

Comment on Remember Jade Helm? Probably Not. by Christina Anne Hawthorne

<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>I completely agree. At this point, I'd vote for a potato before I'd vote for a Republican, but I also think the Democrats have lost their way. Who are they? I'm not really sure, though they come across, even to me, as being a party run by liberal elites.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>This election, it felt like the supporters the Democrats take for granted all turned their backs on them.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>I thought Harris did well through the convention and debate, and then it all just sort of faded. She was fresh and new and then refused to unchain herself from Biden. She worked hard to come across as just one of the people, and then all the celebrity endorsements came and I groaned. She started courting Republicans. The edge to her campaign dulled, devolving into stale talking points that sound like every Democratic presidential campaign.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Where was the freaking vision?</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Give us something bold. Give us something exciting. Joy wasn't enough. Joy started feeling like status quo, and the Democrats seem to love status quo. People want to see emotion, they want to see the fire in the belly. We haven't seen that since Obama. Instead, they're cautious. They just want to work well with Republicans. Wake up, Democrats, you're playing chess and the Republicans are kickboxing.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->

13.11.2024 02:39Comment on Remember Jade Helm? Probably Not. by Christina Anne Hawthorne

Comment on Remember Jade Helm? Probably Not. by SYLVIA GARLAND

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13.11.2024 00:35Comment on Remember Jade Helm? Probably Not. by SYLVIA GARLAND

Remember Jade Helm? Probably Not.

For most of the 1990’s, I lived in Phoenix, Arizona. Between 1991 and 1996, most of my work was as a temp. I signed up with Manpower and took whatever they gave me. Because I had a reliable vehicle, the most consistent job I had was driving around the valley to their biggest clients (predominately […]

13.11.2024 00:17Remember Jade Helm? Probably Not.

Comment on Comfort Vs Juice by cynnerth

In reply to <a href="">David Scott Moyer</a>. <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>:-D </p> <!-- /wp:paragraph --><!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>Deal!</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->

8.10.2024 15:01Comment on Comfort Vs Juice by cynnerth

Comment on Comfort Vs Juice by David Scott Moyer

In reply to <a href="">cynnerth</a>. <!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>you are welcome here until you get crabby. Then you have to go back to your hotel!</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->

8.10.2024 14:57Comment on Comfort Vs Juice by David Scott Moyer

Comfort Vs Juice

When I first met my ex wife, she was dating someone else. We were both regulars at a popular Tucson coffee shop, but we had never spoken, although I will admit to admiring her from afar. She struck up a conversation with me about the photos I was exhibiting on the walls of the cafe […]

8.10.2024 13:27Comfort Vs Juice

Ten Word Story

She threw caution to the wind, and the wind hesitated.

17.8.2024 00:38Ten Word Story

A Bridge Too Far?

Somewhere in Chihuahua, there is a bridge named Puente El Chapo. I’m not sure if it is named for the famous, now incarcerated, cartel boss. “Chapo” is a nickname meaning “shorty”. It may be that this bridge was named independently of its notorious namesake, purely because it was short. Regardless, after cruising by it the […]

15.6.2024 14:37A Bridge Too Far?

La Quemada

That’s what they call it. “The Burnt.” It’s an unusual name. As I didn’t have a hat, the name would have most certainly applied to me, if not for the generous cloud cover in advance of a hopeful but inadequate rain shower. It quickly became a challenge, a mini life goal, if you will, to […]

12.6.2024 12:11La Quemada

I Have No Solution

I can’t escape what is transpiring in Gaza. It has affected every part of my life. I have lost friends and even family members over it. My fiction writing has all but dried up. I am torn to pieces by the choice I know I must make in November. I obsessively read and comment on […]

27.5.2024 13:28I Have No Solution

Rain And Ruminations In The Ruins

The stone was warm against his lower back, comforting, like the supportive touch of a lover’s hand. He allowed himself to relax into it; let all the morning’s stress leave his body; muscles unknotting, heartbeat slowing; deep breaths filling his lungs to capacity with the moisture-laden mountaintop air. The sun had worked for the better […]

22.4.2024 15:16Rain And Ruminations In The Ruins

Muh-Muh-Muh-Muh My Corona

In late February, 2020, I was in Maine for my father’s 87th birthday. The shiny new Coronavirus was all over the news, anchors breathlessly ignorant and telling us to be afraid. I still remembered the H1N1 scare of 2009, when a variant of the Bird Flu from Mexico was supposed to kill us all. I […]

16.4.2024 10:40Muh-Muh-Muh-Muh My Corona

Just Kids

On Thursday, I was Spelling Master and judge at a Catholic school here in Oaxaca. My friend Paty, who is a facilitator of all things, volunteered me and then invited me, not necessarily in that order. Paty was the timekeeper. Our other friend Kimberly kept track of the precise spellings given by the kids, and […]

13.4.2024 17:09Just Kids

Neither Fruit Nor A Dream

A while back I posted a story that came to me fully formed in a dream. It is the first of what I hope to publish as a collection of short pieces. This post, accompanied by a photo I took of the lunar eclipse in 2021, is an extremely rough first draft of another piece […]

24.3.2024 15:32Neither Fruit Nor A Dream


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