Fourty-something. Year-round [url=https://yeg.bike/tags/yegBike]#yegBike[/url]-er. Software/#DevOps guy. Occasionally does some [url=https://yeg.bike/tags/Photography]#Photography[/url]. Loves [url=https://yeg.bike/tags/birds]#birds[/url]. Has [url=https://yeg.bike/tags/ADHD]#ADHD[/url]. [url=https://yeg.bike/tags/MastoAdmin]#MastoAdmin[/url] of the [url=https://yeg.bike]https://yeg.bike[/url] server. Posts about chinchillas and cats sometimes.
Profile photo: Me at the aft of a sailboat holding the steering wheel and looking happy. Some small mountains are visible in the distance.
Header photo: Looking down the footpath of the Tawantinâ bridge, while a couple of people on bikes are coming towards the camera.
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