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Thursday: Friends

Friends are friends forever!There is an old Michael Smith song called “Friends,” and this song became like a farewell hymn for those who, after spending two years onboard the Logos 2, were leaving the ship and walking down the gangway, leaving behind a home and friends of a lifetime.I still meet with some of my […]

10.1.2025 11:26Thursday: Friends


The alarm on my phone went off at seven this morning, but I ignored it. I was . Then, in panic, I remembered I had a 10:45 ticket to Anne Frank’s House. So at 9:10, I was drinking coffee across the road from the hotel and got ready for a thirty-minute walk to the House. […]


Tuesday is Vincent Van Gogh

Today was something else; I visited the Vincent Van Gogh Museum, a dream come true. I have seen some of his work in Madrid and New York, and I feel a connection every time I stand in front of one of his paintings. He was the son of a Reformed Minister, a Christian who battled […]

7.1.2025 18:04Tuesday is Vincent Van Gogh

Monday morning

Knowing I needed to get up early for a flight to Amsterdam at 6:30 a.m. from Belfast City Airport, I could hardly sleep. Belfast was so quiet and calm, the night sky was full of stars, and a journey that would have taken me about forty minutes, I did it in thirty-nine minutes—a record! No, […]

6.1.2025 19:15Monday morning

The Power of Rejoicing and Prayer

LIVE Learn – Inspiration – Vision – Encounter Rejoice always, pray without ceasing. (1 Thess. 4:16-17 ESV) These two verses, though short, are not to be underestimated in their significance. Their simplicity is a comforting reminder of the straightforward path to spiritual growth.The message is clear and straightforward: Rejoice always and pray without ceasing! This […]

24.11.2024 08:07The Power of Rejoicing and Prayer

Renew Your Mind: Discovering God’s Purpose

LIVE Learn – Inspiration – Vision – Encounter Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, so that by testing, you may discern what the will of God is, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”(Romans 12:2 ESV) How many times in your walk with Jesus have […]

22.11.2024 09:57Renew Your Mind: Discovering God’s Purpose

The Cost of Worship: Honest Reflection and Sacrifice

LIVE Learn – Inspiration – Vision – Encounter “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.” (Romans 12:1 NIV11-GKE) If you could take an honest test and be willing to let the […]

21.11.2024 08:32The Cost of Worship: Honest Reflection and Sacrifice

Embracing Identity: Finding Strength in Christ’s Masterpiece

LIVE Learn – Inspiration – Vision – Encounter “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.”(Ephesians 2,10 NLT-SE) Last week I was invited to share on the Secondary College that my daughter attends. For years I have […]

18.11.2024 14:54Embracing Identity: Finding Strength in Christ’s Masterpiece

Lessons from Valencia: Compassion Amid Crisis

Learn – Inspiration – Vision – Encounter This weekend will be a week since the King and Queen of Spain visited the awful events in Valencia, Spain. Storm DANA has taken more than 200 lives, and there are still people unaccounted. Rain outpouring meant that entire communities were under water and mud. The powerful current […]

8.11.2024 08:30Lessons from Valencia: Compassion Amid Crisis

Unlocking Inner Strength Through Faith

LIVE Learn – Inspiration – Vision – Encounter “Now we have this treasure in clay jars, so that this extraordinary power may be from God and not from us.”(2 Corinthians 4,7 CSB17) What makes us strong? I want to call out to our inner strength—the strength that makes us decide and choose, enables us to […]

7.11.2024 17:13Unlocking Inner Strength Through Faith

Comment on Encouragement and Joy by bazzarich

Great to receive these meditations.Love to all the familySent from my Galaxy

14.10.2024 07:36Comment on Encouragement and Joy by bazzarich

Comment on Tim Keller – The diet coke and the business card by James R.

<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>beautifully written reaction to Tim Keller. I listen to his teaching everyday and I've listened to a lot of preachers. I must agree thoroughly with a writer that he is the theologian of our time and of all the great theologians I think he ranks right up there at the top. What a privilege we have with the internet to being on his study and learn and grow from it.</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->

18.5.2024 00:26Comment on Tim Keller – The diet coke and the business card by James R.

Comment on Communion con el Espíritu Santo by Edgar Omar Murillo talamantes

Su precencia en mi vida cada dia es mas real, mi mas grade deseo es poder escuchar le.

16.8.2022 04:49Comment on Communion con el Espíritu Santo by Edgar Omar Murillo talamantes

Comment on Silence Saturday by Linda Cassidy

Thank you for this Dario. I always wondered about the Saturday too. Amen. ✝🙏

16.4.2022 17:33Comment on Silence Saturday by Linda Cassidy

Comment on Re-Colonisation in Missions by Linda Cassidy

This is a fabulous read. Thank you. Just marvellous …

24.3.2022 14:04Comment on Re-Colonisation in Missions by Linda Cassidy

Comment on Two MRI and news you don’t want to hear! by Moira

When you are anxious about your health, it is so hard to pray. You need to exercise what Jill calls your “faith muscle”.The harder you try the easier it becomes. God is always faithful. Praise His name!

7.1.2022 19:32Comment on Two MRI and news you don’t want to hear! by Moira

Comment on Two MRI and news you don’t want to hear! by Dawn Hawthorne

Glad you were able to share this with us, praying continuously for you brother ❤

5.1.2022 17:00Comment on Two MRI and news you don’t want to hear! by Dawn Hawthorne

Comment on Two MRI and news you don’t want to hear! by philaroy1

"A paralell reality" - this is exactly how it feels, thank you for sharing Dario really helpful for me right now truly

5.1.2022 16:39Comment on Two MRI and news you don’t want to hear! by philaroy1

Comment on Two MRI and news you don’t want to hear! by Linda Cassidy

Amen. Praise God and thank you. 🙏

5.1.2022 15:41Comment on Two MRI and news you don’t want to hear! by Linda Cassidy

Comment on LED BY THE SPIRIT by theresaybsg

I was reading your post 📫 in Galatians OH how so TRUE!!! Thank you so MUCH

19.10.2021 03:58Comment on LED BY THE SPIRIT by theresaybsg


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