I am a composer.
﹒I have been composing electronic music for twelve years.
﹒I have most recently begun composing [url=https://cr8r.gg/tags/dreampunk]#dreampunk[/url] and other [url=https://cr8r.gg/tags/ambient]#ambient[/url] varieties, but have been making [url=https://cr8r.gg/tags/synthwave]#synthwave[/url] for years now.
I am a librarian.
﹒I care very much about intellectual freedom, issues of access, & intellectual history.
I am obsessed with ideas.
Lastly I have found myself honing a love for [url=https://cr8r.gg/tags/graphicdesign]#graphicdesign[/url].
﹒I continue to make things that make me happy. Perhaps they will do the same for you too.
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