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Transmission of #SARSCoV2 can (and must!) be reduced. We can do better at limiting the spread of the virus. This short video explains the importance of #ventilation . Made with my 9 years old son. #COVID19 #LEGO #SARS_WARS
COVID Risiko Deutschland nach Ländern und Kreisen
(inoffizielle Webseite)pavelmayer.de//covid/risks/
#coronaupdateBLN #coronavirusBLN #Covid19 #CoronaVirusDE
Diejenigen die heute als Neuinfizierte gelten, haben sich vor ca. einer Woche angesteckt.
Coronavirus COVID-19 Riskiest Activities
We collated & visualised the advice & professional opinions from over 500 epidemiologists & health experts as quoted in various media articles.
» See the visualisation
» See the datasources
Primary source: #NewYorkTimes – When 511 Epidemiologists Expect to Fly, Hug and Do 18 Other Everyday Activities AgainCross-referenced with articles from Reuters & NPR and others.
We had to merge & convert the advice & risks ratings shared by epidemiologists into a single scale. Plus there’s was some disagreement over certain activities and certain contexts. So there might be some blurriness around the risk levels we’ve apportioned. i.e. it’s not a hard scale. We’ve added text captions to qualify this where possible.As ever, see all the data, sources & extra detail.
#InformationIsBeautiful #Coronavirus #Covid19 #Risk #Infographic #NYTimes #Epidemiologists #DataVisualization
These are the occupations with the highest COVID-19 risk bit.ly/2XQ9JhZ #coronavirus #careers
‘The Case for Universal Cloth Mask Adoption & Policies to Increase the Supply of Medical Masks for Health Workers’
White paper jointly authored by seven professors at Yale, including economists, statisticians, and MDs:
We estimate that the benefits of each additional cloth mask worn by the public are conservatively in the ,000-,000 range due to their impact in slowing the spread of the virus. The benefits of each medical mask for healthcare personnel may be hundreds of times larger, and there is an ethical imperative to safeguard frontline healthcare workers. We must both encourage universal mask adoption and deal with the urgent policy priority that front-line healthcare workers face shortages of personal protective equipment, such as N95 respirators and surgical masks.
Twitter thread from lead author Jason Abaluck:We have very good evidence that universal adoption of cloth masks will combat the spread of the virus. Specifically, we know that 1) asymptomatic people spread the virus, 2) mask wearing by infected people prevents them from transmitting the virus (the report provides citations).How large are the benefits? Even if masks reduce transmission probabilities by only 10% (and as you’ll see, that is likely very conservative), the value of each cloth mask is between ,000 and ,000. Our best estimate is that their protective value is closer to 40-50%.
These estimates are of course sensitive to the assumptions made in the underlying epidemiological models. But even if those models overstate mortality risk by a factor of TEN, each cloth maskconservatively generates 0 in value!
Basically: even if cloth masks only reduce the rate of transmission a little (say 10%), every single one worn is incredibly valuable. And the current best estimates are that cloth masks in fact reduce transmission by 40-50%.Both the paper and Abaluck’s tweet thread are worth reading in full. But the takeaways are: [make cloth masks] and wear them if and when you must venture out; reserve all medical-grade masks for health workers.
And I’ll add this: it’s humiliating that the richest nation in the history of civilization has no supply of paper fucking surgical masks. We should be handing them out like candy but we can’t.
UK: How different control measures could reduce pressure on NHS
Source: bbc.com/news/health-51915302
#Coronavirus #CoronavirusUK #ImperialCollegeLondon #BBC #NHS #70sAndOver #SocialDistancing #PhysicalDistancing #Quarantine
22.3.2020 20:15UK: How different control measures could reduce pressure on NHSsocial-distancing-simulator.an…
#Coronavirus #SocialDistancing #PhysicalDistancing #modelization #simulator
20.3.2020 09:38Simple physical distancing simulatorNew analysis from @cmmid_lshtm (led by @seabbs) tracks temporal variation in transmission of #COVID19 in different locations cmmid.github.io/topics/covid19…