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Craig Constantine – Caution: Blogging. Randomly.

Caution: Blogging. Randomly.

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What makes you unique?

But if you only paid attention to television and social media, you would think that all we’re supposed to do is make as much money as possible, and buy as many retail goods as possible. I’ve found that making a life with one’s hands and spending your time with loved ones pays less dollars but […]

13.3.2025 05:00What makes you unique?

Empowering with Nina Ballantyne

What makes parkour jam spaces unique, and how do they shape the experience of movement, community, and accessibility? A church, a jam space, and a parkour gym—what do they have in common, and why does it matter? The empowerment, and the kind of liberation to not care what other people think, does have a limit […]

12.3.2025 21:14Empowering with Nina Ballantyne

What is one counterintuitive truth about podcasting that most people don’t realize?

Many podcasters start out assuming success looks like big audience numbers, sponsorships, or industry recognition. But in your experience, what’s something that actually matters way more than people think—or something people chase that turns out to be irrelevant? ~ Asked by the LLM(1) All advice is useless until you first figure out why you are […]

12.3.2025 05:00What is one counterintuitive truth about podcasting that most people don’t realize?

New ideas

A mind once stretched by a new idea never regains its original dimensions. ~ Oliver Wendell Berry

11.3.2025 05:00New ideas


You just have to use what you have, and have great cohorts. I have people that I’ve played with a very long time. We are connected by our common understanding of what we’re doing, all the experiences we’ve had over the years… And most of all, there’s a friendship between us which allows us to […]

10.3.2025 05:00Cohorts

Considered conversation

When it comes, this will be the fourth message received from Alsafi in my lifetime. Few have timed their career so fortuitously. The first came when I was a child. The second came just weeks after I joined the Intercivilizational Observatory’s San Francisco office, and I wormed my way onto the analysis team. The third […]

9.3.2025 06:00Considered conversation

Printing 20 copies

Writing issues of 7 for Sunday has become familiar (not to be confused with “easy”). I have a checklist which I use when I’m writing each issue. It’s as much for scratch-paper thinking, as it is for ticking off completed steps. Originally, the checklist had a lot of notes about formatting, what goes where, how […]

8.3.2025 06:00Printing 20 copies

Consider: If you were starting a brand-new podcast today, what would you do differently?

With everything you’ve learned from running multiple shows, what are the biggest mistakes or inefficiencies you’d avoid if you were launching a new podcast from scratch? Would you approach production, audience growth, or personal mindset differently? ~ Asked by the LLM(1) Picture me smiling and chuckling nervously because, for more than a year, I have […]

7.3.2025 14:19Consider: If you were starting a brand-new podcast today, what would you do differently?

Not passion

[Don’t you need a certain kind of passion during those dry spells, to keep going?] Not at all. What keeps you going is stubbornness, economic necessity, or simply endurance. Passion will, at most, lead to frustration, but not to perseverance. For that, you don’t need passion, you need persistence. ~ Christoph Waltz, from Christoph Waltz […]

7.3.2025 06:00Not passion

Inclination matters

Postrel’s argument about dynamism, evolutionary processes, and dispersed knowledge has direct relevance to technological change. She suggests that technological progress, much like biological evolution, is unpredictable and emerges through decentralized innovation rather than central planning, mirroring Hayek’s insight that no single entity can have enough knowledge to foresee or control all the variables involved in […]

6.3.2025 06:00Inclination matters

Be a reader

I’m not saying that you have to be a reader to save your soul in the modern world. I’m saying it helps. ~ Walter Mosley

5.3.2025 06:00Be a reader

Consider: What role does friction play in the creative process for podcasters?

Podcasting is full of friction—technical issues, editing headaches, guests rescheduling, creative blocks. Some podcasters try to eliminate every obstacle, but sometimes, friction is where the best ideas come from. Where do you think friction helps creativity versus just getting in the way? ~ Asked by the LLM(1) This question leads me to the idea of […]

4.3.2025 14:12Consider: What role does friction play in the creative process for podcasters?

Insert reflection

For greater happiness, a better way to live employs what behavioral scientists call metacognition. This simply refers to an impartial awareness of your emotions, a capacity to see them as important information but not as a mandate for any particular behavior. Good ways to practice metacognition include Vipassana meditation, journaling, and prayers, which shift the […]

4.3.2025 06:00Insert reflection

The real fear

These are serious fears. But they’re not the real fear. Not the Master Fear, the Mother of all Fears that’s so close to us that even when we verbalize it we don’t believe it. Fear That We Will Succeed. That we can access the powers we secretly know we possess. That we can become the […]

3.3.2025 06:00The real fear

What I’m trying to say

I believe we are meaning-seeking creatures, and these feelings of meaning, relational and connective, are almost always located within kindness. Kindness is the force that draws us together, and this, Beau, is what I think I am trying to say – that despite our collective state of loss, and our potential for evil, there exists […]

2.3.2025 06:00What I’m trying to say


The premeditation of death is the premeditation of liberty; He who has learnt to die has forgot to serve. ~ Montaigne

1.3.2025 06:00Premeditation

Consider: How has your ‘Why’ evolved since you began podcasting?

In your post Having a Clear Why, you highlight the importance of having a reason for podcasting that goes beyond just releasing episodes. Looking back, has your core motivation for podcasting changed over time? Were there moments when your ‘why’ felt unclear, and how did you navigate that? ~ Asked by the LLM(1) It turns […]

28.2.2025 20:32Consider: How has your ‘Why’ evolved since you began podcasting?

Anxiety and worry

Much of insomnia and trouble sleeping is ultimately caused by worrying. When you worry, you get anxious, and when you’re anxious, your body gets ready for action, which directly inhibits relaxation and sleepiness. And to make matters worse, routinely worrying in bed – either as you’re trying to fall asleep initially or when you’re awake […]

28.2.2025 06:00Anxiety and worry

Insight with Cristina Latici

What makes a great movement coach, and how do they balance structure, intuition, and individual learning styles to help students progress? Teaching movement is as much about reading people as it is about teaching physical skills. You have to wait— you just have to wait and see. It’s not always the right time to give […]

27.2.2025 13:11Insight with Cristina Latici


Somebody’s boring me—I think it’s me. ~ Dylan Thomas

27.2.2025 06:00Boring


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