More than 10 years of doing everything by bicycle, from family [url=]#cargobike[/url] commuting to travelling ( UK, France, Taiwan...). [url=]#Steel[/url] lover. [url=]#Bicycle[/url] [url=]#commuting[/url] activist in Paris, and SW Paris Area, [url=]#Saint[/url]-Cloud. IT / Tech / [url=]#Opensource[/url] / [url=]#Cloud[/url] Computing worker and enthousiast for a french cloud provider, with a major specialization in [url=]#Observability[/url] and [url=]#Monitoring[/url] softwares. Also a big [url=]#Genealogy[/url] / [url=]#GeneticGenealogy[/url] geek that has something to do with the fact that i am [url=]#donorconceived[/url].
Tags: bicycle cargobike cloud commuting donorconceived genealogy geneticgenealogy monitoring observability opensource saint steel