Elroy's Legacy: https://www.grayrockinn.com/category/stories/ A novel by Maura Lin . . . An Offering My name is Maura Lin. I write about life – real life. It’s definitely not fantasy, but it might be fiction. Nothing magical, nothing illusory, but always possible. No, it’s not escapist, but if you feel alone – it helps to connect to…
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Courts and Legislators are Out of Touch with Experts in the Prevention and Treatment of Sexual Crime Over the past few days, I’ve spent some time listening to podcasts while doing household tasks. They are informative, entertaining, and keep me company. They allow me to consider phenomena, ideas and subjects I might never have pursued […]
17.8.2024 15:42Not Sufficiently Punitive?<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>A week has passed since this piece was written; in the July 22 issue of "The New Yorker" is an editorial by Evan Osnos comparing the present moment with the final months of the prolonged administration of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. We are reminded that the President's direction his aides protected him from public awareness of his rapidly declining physical and cognitive health. Like Biden at present, Roosevelt felt that he was the rightful one to complete his mission and was determined to win reëlection. Two months after struggling to keep up at the Yalta Conference, Roosevelt suffered a stroke and passed away, a shell of his former self. What a shame it would be for Biden to succeed at the polls but fail in a prolonged presidency--much less to flub the election itself ?</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
21.7.2024 01:07Comment on Our Fickle Culture and Joe Biden by Stephen RitchingsAfter a long dry spell, writing-wise, I’ve felt compelled to dig for my pen again. Disgruntlement at our fickle culture needled me. Our national culture is prone to knee-jerk assumptions, based on superficial evidence – that viewed through mass media. Media-derived evidence such as sound bites or visual footage can often lead to emotionally laden […]
12.7.2024 20:30Our Fickle Culture and Joe Biden“Anything Helps, God Bless.” Slowing my vehicle as I drive to a busy intersection, I engage the brake as the traffic light flashes red. I see a person at the corner holding up a sign asking for help. I sigh. I am not proud of this sigh. This scenario is not unusual here in Asheville, […]
9.3.2024 18:37Bleeding Heart DoubtsA touching tribute to the times and people gone with the wind. In an era of photographic overload, those days when a picture was an event and a stake in our timeline, are misunderstood and too easily cast aside. Smile and be thankful for treasured moments.
19.1.2024 17:33Comment on Stuff of Memories by JFI’m still working on clearing out the cobwebs. For the initial two weeks of 2024, I sifted through stuff: it started with our daughter’s belongings – those she elected not to keep after she had completed an inventory during a week-long holiday visit. For the prior ten years, we’d been storing her stuff in heavy […]
16.1.2024 23:46Stuff of MemoriesExistential Angst: See it, Say it, Sort it? My husband and I took our first trip to London and nearby sites in August, 2019, and our second trip there earlier this month (August, 2023). We spent a week in the city, and took trains to Cardiff and Brighton. We enjoyed most everything. But I sensed […]
27.8.2023 18:52London, August 2023How do we judge the worth of a person? What happens when we falter, when we commit acts that offend our own values? What effects do shame and silence have on our lives and relationships? https://readersfavorite.com/book-review/an-offering An Offering examines these questions as it depicts the struggle of Alice and her daughter, Lucy, to confront troubling […]
29.4.2023 14:26A novel by Maura Lin . . .In honor of Second Chance Month, I invite you to read ANY JOE a story of two young people coming of age in the early 2000s, and dealing with the repercussions of sexual trauma as experienced by a victim and an alleged perpetrator. In keeping with the spirit of Second Chance Month, ANY JOE may […]
18.4.2023 15:18April 2023 is Second Chance MonthIf that human being has shown that he or she can live safely among others, should that person be offered the opportunity to reenter the community?
12.12.2022 22:00A Subject We’d Rather Avoid: Sex OffendersHopey High--love it! I've never been there, but your tour of the aisles has ignited an imaginary journey for my brain, one I can revisit anytime!
3.10.2022 16:50Comment on Just a Hopey High by npelanderjohnsonLast spring a favorite poem came to mind as I perused the Hopey grocery store at its new location in South Asheville. Where else can you go, by poet Jim Daniels (from Blessing the House, 1997, Pittsburgh Press) encapsulates the pervasive buzz that coursed through me as I lit through Hopey’s numerous aisles and scoured […]
29.9.2022 20:44Just a Hopey Highfrom Viga Boland, Readers’ Favorite . . . . . readers cannot come away from this delicious combination of familiar yet unique characters, settings, and situations, without being impressed by how much Joe and Cherie’s story of growing up resembles our own in some way or another. It’s so relatable it’s almost uncanny.Magnificent!” From K.C. […]
7.8.2022 22:01Reviews for ANY JOE