Former teacher now temping, living in [url=]#Somerset[/url], UK. Proud mother of an [url=]#ActuallyAutistic[/url] daughter. Owned by a ridiculously orange cat. Bookworm. Fierce advocate for [url=]#HumanRights[/url] and [url=]#nature[/url]. Unashamedly "woke", though fond of a nap. She/her. [url=]#PRNow[/url] [url=]#RefugeesWelcome[/url] [url=]#Brexit[/url] is a disaster [url=]#CEV[/url] [url=]#СлаваУкраїні[/url] [url=]#EnoughIsEnough[/url] [url=]#NHS[/url] 💙 Tootfinder
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Tags: actuallyautistic brexit cev enoughisenough humanrights nature nhs prnow refugeeswelcome somerset