A blog about the statistical analysis of (and passionate love for) the Brooklyn Nets
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Imagine you had a team with two centers on the roster and these were their stats, pro-rated for 100 possessions: They’re pretty evenly matched, it seems to me. But I think I’d probably lean towards Center B; he scores a bit more, rebounds a bit more, and seems to be a slightly more efficient shooter. […]
20.2.2025 22:36Who Should Start at Center?In the midst of this (mostly) miserable season, it’s important to highlight some of the rare positives. Have you noticed, for example, that we’ve been winning lately? The reason we’ve been winning is in large part due to our defense. In fact, this current iteration of the Brooklyn Nets might actually be one of the […]
11.2.2025 21:51The Nets Defense Has Been Improving… Dramatically!Has anyone else noticed the sudden, magical transformation in Ben Simmons since the Schroeder trade? He scored in double figures 2 times in 19 games before the trade, but he’s scored in double figures 3 times in 3 games since the trade. Even more dramatic is his free throw shooting. Look at his totals and […]
22.12.2024 22:04Simmons at the Line[…] that we cannot look at a player’s basketball stats in isolation. Draymond Green and Ben Simmons may have similar box score numbers, but they interact with their teammates differently. One thing that this plus minus difference […]
16.12.2024 13:12Comment on Ben Simmons’ Doppelganger by Draymond Green’s Career Plus-Minus Stats (aka, Basketball Statistics as a Hermeneutic Engagement with the Enig...[…] my last post, I mentioned in passing that one of the reasons that Draymond Green’s career raw plus minus stats […]
16.12.2024 13:12Comment on Ben Simmons’ Doppelganger: The Intangibles by Draymond Green’s Career Plus-Minus Stats (aka, Basketball Statistics as a Hermeneutic Engagem...In my last post, I mentioned in passing that one of the reasons that Draymond Green’s career raw plus minus stats are so high is (obviously) because he’s played most of career minutes alongside Steph Curry. So then I got curious. And then I went inside the numbers. The plus minus stats available from Basketball […]
16.12.2024 13:00Draymond Green’s Career Plus-Minus Stats (aka, Basketball Statistics as a Hermeneutic Engagement with the Enigma of Group Psychology)If you look at their stats per 100 possessions over the last 3 years, Ben Simmons and Draymond Green seem as if they’re almost identical players. Sure, Green is a better 3-pt shooter and free-throw shooter. But Simmons—despite his deserved reputation for being afraid to take a shot—actually takes a lot more 2s than Green. […]
15.12.2024 13:00Ben Simmons’ Doppelganger: The IntangiblesThe other day I noted that Ben Simmons is one of only six players so far this season to average both 10 Rebs and 10 Asts per 100 Possessions. So I became curious about that curious statistical combination. Who else has displayed that unusual mix of skills? So I ran a query on my small […]
14.12.2024 18:49Ben Simmons’ Doppelganger[…] green is an efficient shooting location; orange is an inefficient shooting location. This season, he’s taking more attempts at each of […]
2.12.2024 13:43Comment on Where to Shoot the Ball, Part Three by Cam Thomas is Getting Better, Part Two: Shooting Efficiency – City of NetsCam Thomas has also (finally!) become a much more efficient shooter this year. This chart shows his year-by-year TS% development. The orange rows represent years when he was below average; the green row represents the one season when he’s been above average. As you can see, as with his assists rate, he hasn’t had an […]
2.12.2024 13:00Cam Thomas is Getting Better, Part Two: Shooting Efficiency[…] whose opinions I respect, I’ve thought that the Nets should be putting him—not Cam Johnson (a very underrated player)—on the trading […]
1.12.2024 13:45Comment on Cam Johnson is The Nets’ Secret Success Story by Cam Thomas is Getting Better, Part One: Passing – City of Nets[…] my mind, he’s been a one-dimensional player, a ball hog, and (perhaps the gravest sin of all) an inefficient shooter. I’ve thought for a long time that he’s one of the most overrated players in the league. Thus, […]
1.12.2024 13:45Comment on What’s Wrong with This Team? Answer: Cam Thomas. Part 3 by Cam Thomas is Getting Better, Part One: Passing – City of Nets[…] not been on board with the Cam Thomas lovefest. To my mind, he’s been a one-dimensional player, a ball hog, and (perhaps the gravest sin of all) an inefficient shooter. I’ve thought for a long time that […]
1.12.2024 13:45Comment on What’s Wrong with This Team? Answer: Cam Thomas. Part 2 by Cam Thomas is Getting Better, Part One: Passing – City of Nets[…] past, I have emphatically not been on board with the Cam Thomas lovefest. To my mind, he’s been a one-dimensional player, a ball hog, and (perhaps the gravest sin of all) an inefficient shooter. I’ve thought for a long […]
1.12.2024 13:45Comment on What’s Wrong with This Team? Answer: Cam Thomas. Part 1 by Cam Thomas is Getting Better, Part One: Passing – City of NetsIt’s a shame that Cam Thomas just got injured because it’s only lately that he’s finally been coming into this own. In the past, I have emphatically not been on board with the Cam Thomas lovefest. To my mind, he’s been a one-dimensional player, a ball hog, and (perhaps the gravest sin of all) an […]
1.12.2024 13:00Cam Thomas is Getting Better, Part One: PassingIf you’re the type of pathetic nerd who’d methodically go through team data on NBA.com and paste it into an Excel spreadsheet, you might begin to think you’ve come upon some secret stash of stats gold. The chart below, for example, shows which play types—from the 2023-24 regular season—occur most frequently and how many points […]
27.11.2024 13:00I’ve Come to Suspect that the Synergy Sports Stats are Pretty Much Worthless, Part TwoLike a lot of nerds, I’ve spent some time over the years eyeing the advanced stats on NBA.com that they get from Synergy Sports. You glance at these numbers and it’s easy to think that you’ve uncovered some occulted truth. Their play type numbers are especially intriguing because they break down players’ and teams’ frequencies […]
26.11.2024 13:00I’ve Come to Suspect that the Synergy Sports Stats are Pretty Much Worthless, Part One[…] Jordi Fernandez has become the Cam-Whisperer for both Cams, how’s he been doing with everyone’s favorite struggling former phenom Ben […]
24.11.2024 13:02Comment on Cam Johnson is The Nets’ Secret Success Story by Ben Simmons Isn’t Getting Any Better – City of Nets[…] But hustle as we might, we’re simply not preventing other teams from taking the kind of shots they most want to take. It’s more difficult to find defensive stats than offensive stats. But here are some of the same stats for our opponents as in the last post: […]
18.11.2024 14:10Comment on Where to Shoot the Ball, Part Five: Have the Nets Become Smarter Shooters? by The Nets Defense: Where to Make the Opponents Shoot the Ball ...[…] The evidence suggests that the smartest shots are still within 3 feet of the basket, partly because players draw shooting fouls most frequently in the paint, and that corner 3s are more efficient than other 3s. […]
17.11.2024 15:17Comment on Where to Shoot the Ball, Part Four by Where to Shoot the Ball, Part Five: Have the Nets Become Smarter Shooters? – City of Nets