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Upper Self Engaged Management
#ChurchOfSpace #Linguistic #Government #Science #Religion #Education #History #Latin #English #WordMagic #Consciousness #Energy #TheWord #Manifest #USEM #MK #TheChurchOfSpace #AsAThought
18.1.2019 19:15AS A THOUGHT: LATIN! DO YOU SPEAK IT!?video alternately available at:…
#ChurchOfSpace #Substrate #Metronomes #Music #Rhythm #Synchronicity #Love #Science #Physics #Consciousness #Magick #AsAThought #USEM #MakeShiftHappen #TheChurchOfSpace The substrate and the metronomes
14.1.2019 18:17Love on a subSTRATE & Metronome Train: As A ThoughtWait for it.........
In, 5, 4, 3
or just pass by, create something original and new; brats are always hungry for attention
#ChurchOfSpace #Melchizedek #LeBrat #HappyNewYear #ArtHarder #TheChurchOfSpace
4.1.2019 17:59Entere Le Brat#ChurchOfSpace #Marianne #Manifestation #TheChurchOfSpace #USEM Manifestation des Gilets jaunes à Paris : des Mariannes dénudées face à la police
15.12.2018 18:13MARIANNE#TheChurchOfSpace #Shower #Astronomy #ChurchOfSpace
15.12.2018 18:03LOOK UP TO THE SKY#ChurchOfSpace #EMP #AsAThought #SOLar #TheGame #TheChurchOfSpace #USEM
1.12.2018 19:37Visualize: Castles built out of digital sand.....Price Discovery: Price discovery process involves buyers and sellers arriving at a transaction price for a specific item at a given time.
Visualize: Buyers and sellers attempting transactions without any consistent agreement on monetary exchange value. Exchanges grind to a halt or spin out chaotically into inconsistency.
Visualize: "Stable Coin", "A.I." algorithm technology is introduced to manage stabilizing cross monetary exchange, re-enable effective price discovery, and life to market.
Consider: What, if any, is the affect of "Stable Coin" on greater social?
As A Thought: Stable Coin
1. Is Bitcoin UnTethered?
(Analysis on Bitcoin, Tether, and U.S. Dollar manipulation by John M Griffin & Amin Shams| University of Texas at Austin - Department of Finance June 2018)
*Supp1: Tether Report…
2. On-Chain Vote Buying and the Rise of Dark DAOs
(Analysis on general blockchain voting system security, vulnerability, and exploit by Phil Daian/Cornell University, Tyler Kell/IC3, Ian Miers/Cornell Tech, Ari Juels/Cornell Tech & IC3)
3. Reserve Accumulation and International Monetary Stability
(Discussionary Paper on International Monetary System, it's current problems, and possible modes of resolve by IMF Strategy, Policy and Review Department. P.26 "A sui generis Global Currency: From SDR to Bancor")
*Supp1: Bancor & BNT: Stability through liquidity
(Analysis on Bancor and Stability through liquidity by Jeremy Epstein)
*Supp2: Bancor is flawed | Bancor Response to "Bancor is flawed"
(Flaws of Bancor by Emin Gün Sirer/Cornell and Phil Daian /Cornell)
*Supp3: Bancor Hacked for 23.5Million USD 2018
*USEM (Upper Self Engaged Management)*
#ChurchOfSpace #Blockchain #ElevateTheBlockChain #TurtlesAllTheWayDOWn #TheChurchOfSpace #BlockchainSunday #AsAThought #USEM
25.11.2018 23:50ELEVATE THE BLOCKCHAIN SUNDAY#CoS 9 3: On entropy, causality and time
At a certain layer of macro physics, for example, we observe irreversible phenomenas, events where we cannot go back.
VISUALIZE glass breaking
VISUALIZE an egg crashing.
These are irreversible processes and you will only observe them going one way. Entropy and the thermodynamical saying that “entropy always increases” maps to the fact that time only flows one way. There exists a link between entropy and time. Many, if not most equations of physics remain unchanged under time reversal. This fact, on prima facie, pushes some philosophers to declare that cause and effect, the notion of causality itself, only exists in the eye of the observer. Play the movie backwards and what was effect becomes cause and vice-versa. The existence of non-reversible phenomena, points to a single preferred causality chain, that which corresponds to increasing entropy. Increasing entropy and increasing time represent the same physics of chaos, that the information we have determined about a system, disappears in time. The movie does not make physical sense in reverse only in forward time. It should be noted that chaos usually creates the non-reversible phenomena, like a barrier one cannot cross.
#CoS 9 4: On reversible time and no-causality
The increase of entropy and the increase of time represent the same insight into non-reversible physics. The emergence of unidirectional time and entropy encode one and the same knowledge of the dynamics. Time flows one way. Aside from this factual physical interpretation, linked to the existence of chaotic dynamics, we have deeper philosophical issues with the hypothetical existence of non-causal realities. You can kill yourself in your past. This statement of course means nothing, a paradox born of language and mis-categories. If one can goes back in time, then one can kill itself and if one can kill itself in the past, we arrive at a philosophical paradox and dead end representing in this case nothing more than a abuse of language and mental categories when we talk about time as a quantity that can increase or decrease. Just because we have a number means it can increase or decrease. The present would then be a product of the past AND the future, in a endless revision loop. Nothing is set in stone in our universe, everything open to continuous revision. You can never be sure of a fact as causal consequence of another fact in its past. Causality becomes this nebulous loop concept over time which includes the future. The philosophical monsters of you can kill your own mother before she gave birth to you thereby voiding your own existence, remains a philosophical mis-category in this approach. One can choose to entertain it, and some magical schools of thought indeed do. They make for good sci-fi, esoteric magic, and movie plots, but they remain nonsensical rational philosophical categories. We choose causality, perhaps in fine axiomatically, to reason about the universe that surrounds us. Some eschew reality entirely, we use a measure of rationality.
#CoS 9 5: On time as light based counter
Technically speaking, how time is actually measured must obey special relativity. To the best of our understanding, which we derive from condensed matter theory, time is calculated in reference to a fundamental clock. This reference clock counts a number of fundamental transversal oscillations at each point of the material. In plain english this means that we measure time as the number of oscillations of a fundamental and generic light pendulum, linked to Electro-magnetism, as Feynman intuited. Every event is measured in how many oscillation of the reference did a certain phenomena take. The properties of this oscillation are such that is slows down as the reference moves through the media. The proper number is scaled by the geometrical Lorentz factor as shown in generalized Feynman-like treatments in condensed matter theory.
#CoS 9 6: On locality of Time measures
We know from Special relativity and General Relativity that the flow of time changes from point to point depending on velocity of observers and gravitic field. Time is not a global construct, there is no global time because the rate at which time flows depends on what point in space you occupy and your movement through the aether. The reason for this in the condensed matter ontology stems from the fact that we base our counting of oscillations on a local physical reference pendulum. The properties of these oscillations themselves depend on the local conditions of the fabric of space, specifically its density and also the local movements of matter doing the observation. So, deductively, what we measure as time, the counting of number of oscillations in a local co-moving pendulum, depends on the local properties of matter, including its movement through the aether and its state of density compression by gravity. Time, measured locally, in oscillations of a fundamental light pendulum clock, depends on the conditions at every point of the path. So how clocks measure time depends on the path. A clock in one part of the universe will flow differently from a clock in another part of the universe. Time is a local construct to your thread, you count your own time, not a global construct of the universe.
#CoS 9 7: On time as local construct: Time dilation, SR.
We know what affects the frequency of these oscillations: the velocity at which the clock is moving and/or the density field (gravitic field) in which it moves. We will focus for a second on the time part of SR (velocity). In condensed matter treatments we have a reference vacuum. Movement through this aether accounts, mathematically and precisely, for the Lorentz time dilation, as opposed to the Lorentz space contraction. So we recover the SR lorentz time dilation, in a Feynman like treatment. VISUALIZE: a pendulum oscillating between two mirrors. VISUALIZE: the mirrors moving together and the path of oscillation expanding by the correct geometrical zig-zag factor.
#CoS 9 8: On time as local construct: Space contraction, SR.
We know from condensed matter that the standing waves of matter will contract by the proper Lorentz factor in the direction of propagation of the emitter of said standing waves. This property of standing waves, says that a comoving standing wave will contract by the correct Lorentz contraction factor in the direction of movement. We have seen in the QM layers that such a contraction of the standing waves leads to a contraction of the clusters of matter by the same factor. In other words, matter physically contracts by the physical gamma Lorentz factor when moving through the aether.
#CoS 9 9: On emergence of SR, epistemological status of SR.
When we combine, both the slowing down of the oscillations with the contraction of the physical matter we arrive at the invariance of the speed of light. In fact we can view the Minkowskian metric as the very definition of the notion of time in this framework. In special relativity (SR) we start by axiomatically postulating the invariance of the speed of light and deriving the contraction of space and dilation of time with their respective gamma Lorentz factor. We observe this invariance of the speed of light and this dilation of time. The axiomatic-observed status of SR can upgrade to emergent-observed, ironically by re-instating an aether, something it rejected at first. Matters of taste matter.
#CoS 9 10: Time dilation in gravity. GR.
From the same condensed matter treatment we know that a local space dilation (gravity) will result is a slower oscillation of movement through the media. Local gravity, understood as the varying elastic density of the aether impacts how time flows. Gravity will slow, or accelerate, the rate at which the generic base pendulum oscillates depending on the density of the aether. The stronger the gradient of density of the vacuum of space (the stronger the gravity), the slower the clock.
#CoS 9 11: On no Global Time, no time holonomy
As a result, Holonomy, etymologically whole-name, or the capacity to give global names, is lost for the construct of time here. We do not have a notion of global time covering the universe as time only makes sense measured locally, as a property of matter by a matter observer whose reference clock and reference length will vary with local conditions, meaning from point to point. This rather technical notion of different sums over different path (path integrals) says that you can only talk about time elapsed for you along your path, taking into account your velocity (SR) through a aether and the density of said aether (GR) at every point you visit. Do not talk of a global time for that represents an abuse of language. It exists in language, but not in observed reality. Every observer will see their clock oscillate differently in different points of space. In other words, two observers starting at point A and following 2 different paths to point B, will meet at point B with different clock sums. The different particles may encounter different velocities and SR factors and aether densities with GR factors.
#CoS 9 12: Observation of no time holonomy, epistemology
These ideas about time belong to the category of observed philosophies. Epistemologically speaking we know, for we observe it, that time does not exist globally and the speed of light remains constant. Every second of every day, GPS clocks correct for their movement through the gravitic field of earth as encoded in GR. We observe this path dependence in atomic clocks aboard planes. Experimental observation suffices for physics and technology in general. Most knowledge technical knowledge of QM adopt the observations as axioms, as in the case particle physics with the symmetries of QCD or the invariance of the speed of light in SR. These symmetries are axiomatically inserted in the system for they correctly predict what we observe. Philosophically speaking the status of emergent-observed remains more satisfying for we then work with deeper axioms and usually have a visualization for the emergence.
#CoS 9 13: You can travel to the future, no twin paradox.
As a result, and as we know since SR and GR, you can slow down your clock. Either move close to the speed of light or through the gravity by standing in a strong gravitational field made manifest by an expansion of the background in condensed matter. Each one of these phenomena will slow your local clock down and thus slow your passage of time. You, the subjective observer, however, will not notice anything as your local reference is your local reference. Only when you come in contact with another clock and you compare the readings on the clocks you will notice that the count of the number of oscillations differs when you meet again, assuming you started at the same place at time zero. In other words, if you have a twin, you can slow your clock down and age more slowly than your twin. You, yourself can spend the next 10 years of your life travelling at close to the speed of light and come back to earth when 10,000 years have unfolded on earth, You will not see the difference locally and still will age at the same rate in your local frame. You will still age 10 years. But those you left behind with faster clocks will be 10,000 years gone when you get back. Yes, in that sense, you can travel to the future, or more precisely, you can travel to someone else’s future. You cannot travel to your own future, for that doesn’t mean anything either, you will not encounter yourself there. You only exist in the present and just have to walk the path. You can travel to someone else’s future.
#CoS 9 14: On the impossibility of time travel to the past
It is possible to speed up and slow down one’s clock in reference to another clock that would remain the same. We, however, cannot change the direction of the flow. Time always increases, just as entropy always increases. In fact the two notions say the same thing. We can change the rate at which time flows but not its direction. Time always flows positively, like entropy, even if at different rates. Travelling to your past remains impossible. What has happened has happened, you can’t undo it. You can observe the past, in fact you always do since any signal takes time to reach you but you can't change the past itself. You can change the signature of the past, but the past remains done and gone. More than technical, since the mathematics do not say anything, you cannot go back in time and kill yourself, it just doesn’t mean anything. Philosophical monsters and good movie plots aside, we cannot address reality with reason and physics without causality. You can travel to someone else’s future and come back to earth in 1M years to see the progress but you cannot go back and change your own past or anyone else’s for that matter. It would violate causality as ‘this follows that, as cause and effect, in time’. What has happened has happened.
#CoS 9 15: On the sinful nature of future time travel
From the point of view of the #CoS, time travel into the future, while technically possible, constitutes a sin. A waste of time, literally. The first moral imperative for mankind is to find enough technology to escape the explosion of our sun into a red-giant, when it runs out of Hydrogen as QM dictates. Ideally we would find the technology to propel the earth itself as opposed to UFO technology or even better, we would need technology to move the SUN itself and replenish it. Interstellar gas stations await us. To find this technology we need to maximize our computational time. As an individual one could skip duty and come back in a million years when mankind has figured out all these issues, hopefully. But what a selfish thing to do. We will have not contributed to said development.
#CoS 9 16: On the virtue of speeding one’s clock.
Speeding up one’s clock will mean increasing contributions to the development of our technology. We need to make the most of the resources, that includes time. For the time awarded to us remains a finite resource. We can slow the external time by going overclock in our time, but we can’t reverse time. The right thing to do with your time is to accelerate it, spend years nested in someone else’s second, give them the results of your computations. We have to find the technology to travel to the stars with our planet in tow. We cannot waste our physical resources and that includes time. We have a finite amount of time before the Sun turns into a red-giant. Let’s make the most of our time.
#ChurchOfSpace #TIME #Cause #Effect #Entropy #Permanence #Eternity #Perspective #TimeTravel #Sin #Physics #WaveTheory #SynthWave #ArtHarder #Denver #Quantum #SR #SpecialRelativty #GR #QM #ElectroMagnetism #CondensedMatterTheory #Saturn #Magic #AsAThought #Chaos #DynamicSingularity #TheeHausOvWhere #TheChurchOfSpace TIME live at Thee Haus Ov Where? Gallery Denver Colorado
15.11.2018 02:38As A Thought: TIMEYou will spend 100% of your life not being dead.
Evidence continually mounts that for all you know, you are now on highways of eternity. The roads fork.
What do you do?
#ChurchOfSpace #TheChurchOfSpace #Eternity #Choice #Perspective #Perception #AsAThought #Heaven #Hell #CoS #USEM You are in eternity - The Church of Space
14.11.2018 16:45As A Thought: Eternity#ChurchOfSpace #TheChurchOfSpace #Reality #Consciousness #Direction #USEM
14.11.2018 16:04Visualize: Direction