Transfem Musician and Electronics Engineering Technology student. Follow requests are welcome! Please have a bio and maybe some posts, but as long as you're not being mean to others I'll probably accept. If you seem interesting enough, I might follow you back. Demi and grey ace. Please don't be lewd unless I know you. Flirting is accepted but please be obvious. I'm not very good at picking up hints... Sometimes, I'm Sophie. We're probably a [url=]median system[/url], and there may be others. We're still trying to figure it all out. Remember, you matter more than you think you do. If I know you, you can follow me over at [url=][/url] In Case of Emergency: [url=][/url] or [url=][/url]See also: [url=][/url] (Mastodon Alt, inactive) Not the same person as [url=][/url] - we're twins Reviews (4.8⭐): "like a shady spot under a very leafy tree, where some moss is growing near a puddle" • "really sweet and kind" - [url=][/url]"serene, smart, and friendly, like a soft cat who is your friend" - [url=][/url]"Like one of those cats you meet, and they like you immediately, they're also super smart and chill." -[url=][/url] More detailed pronouns on [url=][/url] or [url=][/url] Profile pic is Badeline from the game Celeste. Background is an image of the Veil Nebula.
Tags: background electronics engineering immediately interesting lankywhisper624 notthatdeep technology